Saturday, November 5, 2016

Hispanic Voters Control the Outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election

If it was the overwhelming majority of African-American voters who pushed Barack Obama over the top in 2008 and 2012, it may very well be Hispanic voters who decide the 2016 presidential election.  Ironically, Donald Trump may have lost the general election early in the primaries, on June 16, 2015, when he used these words to refer to Mexican immigrants:  

"They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Also, Trump's brain fart about building a wall between Mexico and the U.S. and "making" Mexico pay for it was not well received in the Hispanic community certainly.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox commented: 

"I mean, it's a crazy, wild, stupid idea. We've been building such a strong partnership between Mexico and the United States. We exchange so much in trade, close to a trillion U.S. dollars....1 million people go back and forth at that border. Many, many Americans come into Mexico. Many, many Mexicans come in to invest, to trade with the United States."

Fox added later:

"I'm not going to pay for the fucking wall . . . .  And please don't take out the fucking full word."

Florida, likely the critical state is the 2016 election, is reportedly experiencing a surge of Hispanic voters, tipping the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton.  

To be fair, Floridian Hispanics are comprised of, not only of those of Mexican descent, but largely Cubans, who have faced a different set of immigration rules than Mexican Nationals.  The Cuban Adjustment Act, passed in 1966 and the "wet-foot, dry-foot" policy initiated in the 80's have actually favored residency and a path to citizenship.  If Cubans are found at sea, they are sent back to Cuba, but if they make it to U.S. soil, they are allowed to stay.

While Hispanics may be influential in deciding Florida and Nevada, support for Clinton or opposition to Trump is not unanimous, even locally.

In Brownsville, Cameron County, a hardcore majority of Hispanic Republicans favor Trump adamantly. Daily, they repost on Facebook excerpts from Breitbart and Fox News, the Drudge Report or promoting Trump or blasting Hillary.  They represent a minority view in the county, but are in sync with the state.

But, in 2016, with the country polarized into blue and red states, Hispanics control the election in several so-called "swing" states.  Yes, the outcome of the election in those states determines the winner nationally and Hispanics will tip the balance in those states.  Trump killed his chances 17 months ago.


  1. As a Mexican American women I voted for trump and guess what I'm a democrat, Hilary is a crook and I would never vote to continue the corruption that she has practiced, I am for a woman becoming president but it is important that it be a woman with integrity, she is not the one

  2. There is a few hard core real Republicans in our area, they understand the ideology and have good reasons to think republican, but the most passionate, the ones that believe every thing bad they read about Hillary, and are angry because they are in the poverty bracket believing immigrants are taking their jobs, they are ones giving local Republicans a bad name with too much hate and racism. The ones reposting articles from FOX News without understanding its contents, Those are the Republicans that should not exist.

  3. I'm also a Democrat and voted for Trump. Alot of us have some just won't admit it. Maybe it's because we are Hispanic and supposed to be voting for Killary but not I.

  4. The ideology of the Republican Party is selling quite cheap these days, if you are willing to vote for Trump. All you real republicans need to quit quoting the talking points, crook, emails, world domination, Killary, etc. You wanted the Tea Party vote and this is what it got you, a basketful of deplorables, like Tad "Didn't fall far from the Tree" Hasse.

  5. I call bullshit!!!!!!



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