Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Our Letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Concerning House Bill 283

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
We've sent Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton a letter, asking for his assistance in enforcing HB 283 with respect to the internet video of City Commission meetings. The video posted on the City of Brownsville website illegally omits the Public Comment portion of the January 5, 2016 meeting, that is Agenda Item #11.
An email copy of the letter was also sent to City Manager Charlie Cabler and forwarded to Mayor Tony Martinez and the City Commission.

Attorney General Ken Paxton
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548

Dear General Paxton,

We are respectfully requesting enforcement of HB 283 with respect to City Of Brownsville City Commission meetings. As we explained to an attorney in your Open Government Division, the City of Brownsville omits one critical portion of City Commission meeting in their online video, that is Public Comment. The attorney agreed that all of the meeting available to the general public should be included in the video as required by Texas law.

The agenda of the January 5, 2016 City Commission meeting shows Public Comment as Agenda Item #11, but the video released several days later on the City of Brownsville website omits this item.

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Respectfully yours,

Jim Barton


  1. Very interested in his response. All aspects of council meetings should be public via video.

  2. All aspects of Council meeting need to be available to the public. Transparency is a must!

  3. Paxton has bigger problems than to worry about Brownsville, dude! geez

    Noe Sauceda

  4. I wish you luck and success. Transparency is the key to any form of government. The mayor needs to learn that NOBODY is "Above the Law.

    However, unless the process/protocol has been amended, my feeling and prior experience tells me that the Texas OAG will direct you to the local DA's office to address the violation.

    “Don't ever let anyone put out your light because they are blinded by it.”
    ― Shannon L. Alder

  5. Sometimes I look at my reflection in the mirror and wonder, am I complacent? When did this happen? Did years of lies, broken promises and bullshit, heaped upon heap until I found myself buried, immobile, under the weight of its hopelessness? Accepting lies without resistance, with a faint sad smile. Then I read this. Thank you for reminding me we are alive, we are the prime movers of our lives and the hands and minds that bring change, keep fighting the good fight
