Friday, August 22, 2014

Gowen Blocks Downtown Parking Tonight for Cyclobia!


  1. STFU, Barton! I'm with Rose, pale face

  2. That's Ok Mr. Barton. Nobody parks downtown anymore since they increased the parking meter fees.
    I've driven downtown and seen A LOT of empty space during the week and on weekends; I 've also taken the city bus and overheard people saying that its easier and cheaper to take the bus than to pay for parking.

  3. Screw parking, this could be Boca Chica!!!

    1. Not much you can do about it.'s a done deal now.

  4. Just another show off to let people know, they can do whatever they want, the stupid cyclobia only generated en epic traffic chaos, leaving the 1 or 2 still open bars in the failed entertainment district without customers, and wasting City resources, just in BPD man hours

  5. I wonder what number of participants they will come up with this time.

  6. Rose Gowen is willing to block all the businesses downtown for a bunch of bicycles that the tax payers paid for to ride the streets. Rose is a bitch....and closing off the downtown for this pithy event is silly. Rose is not a real citizen of this city..

  7. How can the closing of the downtown area be progressive, when the Rose Gowen efforts give preference to bikes over busness. Rose is a egotistical bitch and is willing to sacrifice business downtown for her "biking" groups. Rose is not a friend of downtown Brownsville.

  8. Replies
    1. So what? Bicycles are the raging issue in town? Must be the collection of doorknobs now wishing to lead the charge. Shut the fucking door, losers.

    2. Shut the hell up Pat! You were just as bad.

  9. I would like to know the TRUE number of bicyclists who took part in this farce.
    Mr Ahumada, I did NOT vote for Ms Gowen.

  10. Neither did I, but the majority did, therefore, we put her in office knowing her agenda was a personal agenda. Do not feel bad, Brownsville lacks competent people that are willing to sacrifice and serve in public office, but in a way-you cannot blame them. This town can be very ungrateful....Just look at Anonymous 6:37 who has been spewing nothing but hate for personal reasons. He says I am just as bad, but has nothing to back it up with. These are the type of people who contribute nothing and are in it for themselves...

    1. Pat A, "These are the type of people who contribute nothing and are in it for themselves..."
      Or just a bunch of SOB'S like the LOW INFORMATION VOTERS RUSH LIMBAUGH refers to. In my book PENDEJO democRATAS!!!!!!!!!!

    2. There is no Monopoly on P_____, you have republicans, democrats, independents, and non-political citizens who are all part of the problem. The bipartisan politics in Washington is clear that it is not about public service, but about party politics. The same goes for the local politics, but it is the indifference that keeps politicians from being held accountable and the low standard that produces the local none engaged, uninformed elected officials. That is my opinion....Look at the commission I had, out of all, you cannot make one..It was all personal agendas, fighting, and trying to undermine..You need people with brains who want to serve and get things done for the public good, not for self serving reasons as we are blatantly seeing now.

    3. "This town can be very ungrateful....Just look at Anonymous 6:37 who has been spewing nothing but hate for personal reasons."

      Shut up Pat! Besides being a drunk and a complete embarrassment, you too had your own agenda.

  11. I believe u mean partisan politics, not bipartisan. Can't even get that right.

  12. Anonymous 1:46 pm, you are Mr. Perfect and must like to feel superior by putting others down. The difference between you and I, is that your superiority complex does not hide the cowardice in you and the fact you contribute nothing. You are just a maggot under a rock. I pray the good Lord gives you what you deserve.. and I am sure he will.

    1. The difference between you and ME is that I know what an object of a preposition is.

  13. No, the difference between you and me is that you are a bad person who is more into himself and thinks he is superior, when in reality you are a shell of a person who is a coward. I prefer to be the person I am, with a limited education that has made it on his own, than being a person like you. My high school education has been matched in many instances with people like you and they did not impress me with their education or money. I managed to get elected twice and challenged the system to make it better. What have you done, besides proclaim how great you are to those like you who have no scruples or morals. You are like the former chief Carlos Garcia who sat on a pedestal promoting as the keeper of our well being who only proved to be a corrupt police chief pursuing personal agendas through the abuse of his power. You are no different or perhaps even worse.
