Tuesday, July 8, 2014

After "Gowengate," Rose Moves to Control Directorship of Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation

Rose Gowen, Brownsville's "Bully"
City Commissioner
Many in Brownsville were not surprised at all with "Gowengate," the release of numerous emails showing Rose Gowen's "bitchy" and controlling attitude with constituents and peers. Perhaps, they've already been victims of her sharp tongue and boorish behavior as City Commissioner.

Motivating Gowen is her compulsion to establish a legacy.  She is driven to create an illusion of a healthy community, with a fake organic farmer's market, a network of bike trails not actually used by the community at large and plaudits from those who sell community awards and plaques.

The average lifespan of a Brownsville resident is not affected by any of this, as it's all superficial, a facade.  

Gowen's sugar daddy for creating her legacy as Brownsville's health guru is the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, the caretakers of 1/4 cent for every dollar spent in Brownsville, to be used for "quality of life" projects.  The one year take is $4,200,000.  

Problematic for Gowen is that the BCIC bylaws call for a Director.  She can't just dip into the funds for her pet, namesake projects.  This obstacle has forced Gowen to run off two directors, Delina Barrera and Rachel Flores, because neither jumped when Gowen snapped her middle-aged fingers.  Gowen's heavy hand on the BCIC was addressed by one city insider:  "If you thought Charlie Atkinson was a pain in the ass, Gowen is worse."

Ramiro Gonzalez, Gowen's New
Hey Boy
At today's (7/8/2014)BCIC Board Meeting, Gowen will get another chance to orchestrate the naming of a director more compliant, subservient and suck up. Gowen has her hey boy already lined up, Ramiro Gonzalez from planning. 

At last month's BCIC meeting, Gowen suggested the naming of a 3 person hiring committee to find a new director, then proceeded to offer her services on the committee as "one who knew the history of the BCIC."  

City Commissioner Estela Chavez-Vasquez asked to be added to the committee.  Eventually, Mary Elizabeth Hollmann was added as the third member.

The agenda for the 4:30 PM meeting on the 4th floor of the City Commission building calls for "Discussion and possible action to hire employee for vacant director position."  The selection committee is poised to pick a director from 5 potential candidates.(An agreement with Manpower evidently expired.)

Who will be selected?  Considering this board is dominated by Gowen, Ed McMahon of the legendary Tonight Show with Johnny Carson could make this call:  

"Here'sssssssss Ramirooooooooo!"


  1. That would be the culmination of a dull lusterless career of a man with no own ideas, always pretending to look so cosmopolitan that it makes him look ridiculous, his participation in Brownsville's history will be remembered as the Round figure of Sancho Panza pleasing his owner Don Quijote.

  2. Like I give a fuck!

    1. Hi Ramiro! Welcome to the party.

  3. "At almost double the $2 billion that many had expected, The Washington Post reports that The White House will request $3.8 billion from Congress in emergency funding to deal with an influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America."

    This is where the real growth is for Brownsville. Screw to stupid bike trails and piss ant satellite light campus, fill downtown with illegal alien children and convert into a Disneyland Resort to entertain them while they await amnesty.

    1. Please, don't give Ramiro those ideas, for the good of Brownsville

  4. Ugh! Ugh! and double Ugh!

  5. How stupid are brownsville LOW INFORMATION DUMBOKRATS
    to place an obvious failure like Rosa LA COCONUT gowen who went BROKE in her OWN private practice cause she was so obnoxious with her patients. Rumor has it she was being investigate by the FBI for destroying MEDICAL RECORDS of her MOJADA women patients (una mojada le puso el dedo y la reportaron) that's the reason for closing her private practice.

  6. Rose Gowen is indignant, bitchy and distant because she is, after all, a Zavaleta....all of whom are perfect individuals, their shit doesn't stink, they are far smarter than all others and they don't like to be challenged on anything......that is the reason Rose Gowen is "bitchy and controlling". She has no regard for the constituents or the public. So, she will support "planners" who support her. She desires to be Queen of the City.....like Julieta Garcia.....and Rose will take autocratic or dictatorial actions to promote herself and her causes.....which only seems to be more bike trails.



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