Tuesday, July 1, 2014

El Nuevo Palm Lounge at 8th and Elizabeth St., Edwin Hernandez' Dream

Since the picture at the left, taken through the wrought iron of the front door two weeks ago, renovation on El Nuevo Palm Lounge at 8th and Elizabeth St. has proceeded considerably.

"This is my dream, my life," stated Edwin Hernandez, the new proprietor and lessee.

"We're going to serve the same hamburgers, the same beers as always."  stated Hernandez.

"You'll be able to see through into the kitchen where everything is made just like before."

Hernandez found room for a second
floor to accommodate a band.  The
wrought iron railing is part of the
original decor.
One quick observation is that Hernandez seems to have found a lot of room in the old building, a large second floor stage for bands, and two very large restrooms.

"The owners used a lot of the space for storage.  We emptied nine tons of junk from the building.  I know because I was charged by the ton," laughed Hernandez.

"So far, everything has gone smoothly.  We have our beer and wine license and passed the inspections.  We just await the final inspection and Certificate of Occupancy."

One thing Hernandez is held off on is the outside sign.  He's been searching for a picture of the original sign and wants to use the same design.  He's been asking local historians and consulting old phone books and newspapers for the original look.

Edwin Hernandez


  1. They're turning it into a whore house.

  2. Can't wait to get my hands on a mighty tasty Nuevo palm lounge burger, Mr. Ed, coin the phrase, "can I please have a whore?" (whore=burger with jalapenos, grilled onions, bacon, avocado monterrey jack cheese) on the menu, put it right under the Chueca.

  3. It is pleasing to see how Nuevo Palm Lounge is bringing a different look and appealing sense of style to downtown Brownsville. It is obvious that the owners have taken into consideration every detail. The new look will attract a different crowd to the downtown area. I recall the burgers were delicious and I can't wait to see this place open. Hope to see a sign up soon that displays a projected date of opening.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Excellent, cant wait to deleight my pallet with good food. I remember visiting the Palm Lounge, as a kid. Till the owner said, "don't come back, you can't shoeshine here. ..no more! " Now, I can go back without any pressing grievances- now, my cousin owns the historic erected Palm Lounge.

  6. Mark Kilroy or Santa Elena ranch ring any bells?

    1. Now, i understand your anonymously. Coward.



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...