Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Texas Valley Educator's Association President Alberto Alegria Lists Supp...


  1. Never mentioned quality education.....just good paying jobs and labor benefits. What a bunch of assholes. They live off the public tit and are proud of it.....don't care about the poor quality of education. As he says "always good to have a friend on the Board".

  2. Public employees will never get wealth off of the "public tit". School teachers are amongst the lowest paid employees working hard to educate other parents children. It is an honorable profession that is very demanding. Most people that choose that career path have a sincere passion for being educators. For the record, I am not an educator and have only the highest respect for anyone willing to do what most parents will not ...times hundreds of children within an honest career.

    1. The average pay for BISD is over triple the per capita in the poorest city in the free world. BISD and government jobs, are the only viable outlet for the "middleclass" in BRO. So how are they the lowest paid? Maybe in LA or NYC but shitsville. That is the problem and why the system is so corrupt, because the stakes are so high!!!

  3. I just fell of my chair from laughing!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  4. Greediness for Money and Power, is what it is all about with those guys

  5. ASSOCIATION OF BROWNSVILLE EDUCATORS (AOBE) appears to have made an appearance on your blog Jim with all the negative comments. Sounds like a bunch of butt hurt losers.

  6. ASSOCIATION OF BROWNSVILLE EDUCATORS (AOBE) appears to have made an appearance on your blog Jim with all the negative comments. Sounds like a bunch of butt hurt losers.
