Thursday, January 2, 2014

Scattered Thoughts~The 124 States of the United States That Could Have Been and Unpublished Comments from E.F. Mohammed Martinez

From the editor:  In 2011,  Andrew Shears created this interesting map that shows 124 states that could have existed in America if various failed partition proposals throughout history had succeeded. Visit Shears’ website to read more about how he created the map, and to see a larger version of the full map of the United States that could have been.

Below the map will be several as-yet-unpublished comments to this blog from E.F. Mohammed Martinez, a person representing himself as a former Cameron County resident now residing in California.  The comments, while somewhat off the topic of the articles to which they were submitted, represent considerable effort on the part of the commenter.(It's not unusual for former residents to want to participate in the local discussion.)

Mr. Martinez's comments are reminiscent of the writings a Tony Alamo, a religious leader who had a following in the 70's near Fort Smith, Arkansas and published materials warning about the dangers of the Catholic Church.  His followers made hand-made, decorative denim jackets that sold for large sums back in that era.  

Martinez, described by some as related to a former Brownsville mayor, writes with some passion, even anger, in communicating his issues.  While publishing these comments may not relate to any particular blog article, they represent considerable effort by the commenter and may be of some interest to readers.  

TsKKK! TsKKK! TsKKK! The problem with most of these COWARDLY "Anonymous" types here is that they can NEVER attain my literary and academic achievements, even if their own carcASS depended on it! They are are just envious as inept and incompetent buffoons! 

My question to these backwoods "Anonymous" types of ILLITERATE KKKlowns is..., can YA'LL do better than I? Can any of YA'LL forum Maggots take me on an INTELLECTUAL level, one on one instead of demonstrating your laughable temper tantrums hea, eh boys, hmmmmmm....?! 

All I see here on most of these links are just uneducated low class moronic chicKKKen scratch nonsense with absolutely incoherent childish ramblings with no substance! Nice try boys, but no cigar..., unless you're smoking it from where tha light don't shine hea YA'LL! Helloooo....?! I can take YA'LL KKKlowns down on an INTELLECTUAL level, but I can also parry at YA'LL'S Green Acres country bumpkin low life level mindset as well! YOU just throw me the "best" what YA'LL got boys! 

(Deep Southern Texas Drawl) 

Yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa! YA'LL come back now! ...Ya hea?!

Bring me the next Texas village idiots hea!

(For those who don't know about what YOU TUBE poetry was previously mentioned here by one of my adversaries, the following is one of my many revolutionary poems that has been published and viewed throughout Aztlan (California to Texas) and beyond:)

By E. F. Mohammed Martinez

I am the one you love to hate the most after you invaded and stole my land!
I am the one you love to hate the most because of my skin color and AZTEC WARRIOR indigenous roots! 
I am the one you love to hate the most because I speak more than two languages …, you only speak one!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I am educated and I know how to fight APARTHEID XENOPHOBE RACISTS like you!
I am the one you love to hate the most because the Brown Sleeping Giant Tsunami tidal wave is fiercely approaching you on the horizon!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I do your menial jobs you are too lazy to do yourselves!
I am the one you love to hate the most because my RAZA sells oranges on America's off ramp freeways while your white shiftless vagrant people are too proud to work as they shamelessly beg for chump change and handouts!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I go fight your stupid imperialist wars and die on foreign lands in the name of American CAPITALISM, IMPERIALISM and GENOCIDE!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I VOTE for those who look like me and other oppressed people of color! 
I am the one you love to hate the most because I have the overwhelming numbers…, you do not anymore!
I am the one you love to hate the most because you can no longer reproduce not even among yourselves!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I am a successful business owner circulating my green dollars within OUR own communities of color!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I no longer believe in your evil scheme to DIVIDE and CONQUER oppressed Blacks and Raza!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I am no longer "assimilating" into your MANIFEST DESTINY "Ugly American Nightmare"!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I am aware of AMERICA'S XENOPHOBIC RACIST HIS-story of GLOBAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I defend immigrants' rights against white America's hatemongering racist attacks! 
I am the one you love to hate the most because I say; America! YA BASTA! (America! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!)
I am the one you love to hate the most because you live in fear as LA RAZA is ready to fight for a FREE AZTLAN on the streets of America…, if need be! 
I am the one you love to hate the most because I am the new Brown "Occupied Palestinian" in America!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I am a proud Mexican, Chicano, Caribbean, Central and South American…, and I even look just like YOU too!
I am the one you love to hate the most because I am just as American as your immigrant white forefathers!
Yes white racist America, be afraid …, very afraid!
Because I am the one you love to hate the most!

Jim Barton, I that my adversaries here have probably brought it to your immediate attention about me, huh? However, as it may be, you are so right, but with these rightwing Neanderthals here, these no name COWARDS do tend to like dishing out their insults and put downs which don't bother me in the least bit, but it does not surprises me that when I throw their same own excrement in return, "they" wind up crying on someone's shoulder to do "something about that boy!" (Me!) 

Jim, I just treat "them" as they treat me, tit for tat..., as simple as that. Some of these "people", but not all of course, are used to roam with impunity to bully others here, but I am not one to be bullied! Now, if they were to rein in their bigotry, put downs and insults towards me and keep it to themselves, then "they" would NOT have to contend with me on an equal par either. Don't you think this is a fair assessment? ...And thank you for bringing your concern to my attention. 
Thank you once again.

E.F. Mohammed Martinez - A Voice of Reason 

I have no problem 

It ALWAYS feels good to be here in the Belly of the Beast enemy camp to do cyber combat! I hope that after I kick YA'LL yokel's nalgas, all the while my adversaries will result in scurrying like whipped dogs to SNITCH on me "how that Mexican kicked your nalgas galore", all the while sobbing and whimpering with your tails between YA'LL'S hind legs; "Boo Hoo Hoo! Sniff! Sniff! Wauuuugh! Wauuuuuugh!"

It's obvious that YA'LL right wingers members of the RepublicsKKKumbag Party will attack the nationally much respected state legislator, Ms. Wendy Davis, because she stood to YA'LL Neanderthal fascists, especially against the # 1 fascist, Governor Perry himself! ..And she did a very good job at that too! She kicked butt galore!

I know that my days are numbered here, but as long as I can fight bigots of your ilk here. I will stand my ground against those naysayers who seek OUR demise as RAZA to the last consequences! This is what I live for! YA'LL can consider me without question as your own front, center and in your face..., personal Chicano literary JIHADIST! Hellooooo...?!

Hmmmm...., let me see if I can bypass the CENSORS for the second time here, but I realize that I am the ONLY one who is right in the middle of the Belly of the Beast enemy camp here! For four decades I have dedicated my life fighting American fascism such as your ilk without abatement! I have no qualms in taking on OUR racist right wing enemies, because this is what I have ALWAYS focused on as a print/radio journalist/writer all these years!

No, I DO NOT hate ALL white people! What I deplore with my body and soul are ignorant bigots like yourselves here and of other colors as well and without apologies to no one! ...And as long as there are knuckle walking Neanderthals like yourselves..., I will ALWAYS be doing INTELLECTUAL combat on the front lines whether here or anywhere I can find your kind! So please YA'LL David Duke adherents..., BRING IT ON! Now YA'LL can go shed your tears to the webmaster hea that this Mexican hoit yer itty bitty little bigoted feelings! Ok?! 

Wendy Davis For Governor! 


E.F. Mohammed Martinez - An Anti-Fascist Freedom Fighter!

Jim Barton, I'm just replying on equal par to the two above no name adversaries whom I see they are NOT being reprimanded either. Thank you. . 

Hey no name "Anonymous" in the closet! You and your kind of right wingers will ALWAYS continue to live as cave dwellers who refuse to see the rality of things that are overwhelming YA'LL, i.e., THE BROWNING OF AMERICA! 

Anonymous January 1, 2014 at 9:43 AM Said:

"Where did I leave that "Back to the '60's spray"?"

My Reply: 
Yep! NOSOTROS are already part of La Reconqusita de Aztlan, and the beauty of it all is that WE do not have to fire one single shot in anger and there is absolutely NOTHING to stop your INEVITABLE miserable fate that awaits YA'LL Euro-Americans! 

E.F. Mohammed Martinez - An Anti-Fascist Freedom Fighter 


  1. Thank you Jim Barton for opening a link for others to reach out to me through your "Mean Mister Brownsville" Blog. I take this as a compliment.

    Just for the record, at no time have I ever mentioned on your blog that I am related to a former Brownsville mayor. Not once. Also, I do not "claim" to be a Brownsville resident at this point in time, but I was born in Brownsville at the colonia "El Ramireno" area and attended Skinner Elem School 55 or so years ago.
    Thank you kindly.

    E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer-Community Activist

    1. This is none other than Ramon DeLeon. The excitable, over-written style & vocabulary gives him away. He lives in Brownsville, not California and has been published my two blogs I know of - McHale's and DP-M's. Ramon is a wannabe.

    2. AnonymousJanuary 2, 2014 at 1:34 PM Wrote:

      "This is none other than Ramon DeLeon. The excitable, over-written style & vocabulary gives him away. He lives in Brownsville, not California and has been published my two blogs I know of - McHale's and DP-M's. Ramon is a wannabe."

      My Reply:

      Hey "Anonymous"! You better leave that Moonshine alone boy! I don't know who this "Ramon De Leon" dude is and what "two blogs" you are incoherently ranting and raving about! If I have an advanced "vocabulary", its because I have an advanced college degree, something that you probably lack by your own obvious demeanor here. Clitus, aren't you ashamed that this Mexican here has a much better command of your own gutter English language that you do Bubba? Did you at least "graduate" from Hee Haw U., hmmmm....?! I not only read, write and speak English and Espanol, but I also speak Arabic as well. So how many languages can YOU speak? ...And no Billy Bob, biscuit sopping cracKKKah lingo don't count hea boy! Hellooooo....?!

      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer/Community Activist

  2. That sounds a lot like Pat Ahumada's brother who surfaced during the last election defending Quintanilla. I forget his name.

  3. (My question to these backwoods "Anonymous" types of ILLITERATE KKKlowns is..., can YA'LL do better than I? Can any of YA'LL forum Maggots take me on an INTELLECTUAL level, one on one instead of demonstrating your laughable temper tantrums hea, eh boys, hmmmmmm....?!)

    You're giving too much credit. Blow him off and severely limit the posting of his comments. Believe me, your readers are already supremely tired of him. JMHO.

    1. Anonymous January 2, 2014 at 7:05 AM Wrote:

      "(My question to these backwoods "Anonymous" types of ILLITERATE KKKlowns is..., can YA'LL do better than I? Can any of YA'LL forum Maggots take me on an INTELLECTUAL level, one on one instead of demonstrating your laughable temper tantrums hea, eh boys, hmmmmmm....?!)

      You're giving too much credit. Blow him off and severely limit the posting of his comments. Believe me, your readers are already supremely tired of him. JMHO.

      My Reply:

      You are just jealous and green with envy that you do not merit my literary endeavors here boy! I have been a published bi-lingual journalist and writer in my own right for the past 35 years. What do YOU have to "impress" me hea Clitus? ...NADA! Hellooooo...?!

      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer/Community Activist

    2. E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer/Community Activist

  4. This is one disturbed mind. Another example of the failed mental health system in the United States.

    1. Mr. Martinez sounds very racist himself through his insufferable harangues. I am Hispanic-German-French ( Very much a product of Brownsville's rich history of the melting pot phenomenon.)
      Not all white people are Mexican hating, slave owners. When this bitch insults white people, he is insulting a good deal of my mixed ancestry. And Mr. Martinez: How well is Mexico faring now?

    2. AnonymousJanuary 2, 2014 at 8:53 AM Wrote:

      "Mr. Martinez sounds very racist himself through his insufferable harangues. I am Hispanic-German-French ( Very much a product of Brownsville's rich history of the melting pot phenomenon.)
      Not all white people are Mexican hating, slave owners. When this bitch insults white people, he is insulting a good deal of my mixed ancestry. And Mr. Martinez: How well is Mexico faring now?"

      My Reply:

      Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Wow! I finally found a self-admitted HI-spanic VENDIDO "Anonymous" who actually thinks he's a gringo himself! Boy, as I have said previously on this blog here, I DO NOT hate ALL white people, estupido! I have family members, including several grandkids who are half white Chicanos and Chicanas themselves!

      What I really hate are white racist rednecks, white supremacists, etc., including those white washed HI-spanic RACE TRAITORS who "claim" to be "French/German" when probably you actually look like Juan Diego "light" y con el mendigo Nopal en la frente pa acabala de joder! I have ALWAYS said that our Black brethren do not have a monopoly on "Stepnfetchits", because in Texas, NOSOTROS also have our own HI-spanic Clarence Thomases and "brown" Stepnfetchits too! Hellooooo....?!

      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer/Community Activist

    3. Totally agree, " disturbed mind..."
      You might want to read Michael Savage's book, "LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER." Mohammed ( a terrorist name) clearly fits what Dr. Savage describes the mental state of the extreme left.

  5. You are the one we love to hate
    Because you are a no-takent ass clown asshat.
    You are the one we love to hate
    Because you waste a ton of interspace on extra K's when you type.
    You are the one we love to hate
    Because you claimed to work im the mental health industry but being a ward of the state is not a job.

    1. AnonymousJanuary 2, 2014 at 11:20 AM Wrote:

      "You are the one we love to hate
      Because you are a no-takent ass clown asshat.
      You are the one we love to hate
      Because you waste a ton of interspace on extra K's when you type.
      You are the one we love to hate
      Because you claimed to work im the mental health industry but being a ward of the state is not a job."

      My Reply:

      You could NEVER attain my academic and literary achievements in your entire worthless trailer park trash lifetime, even if your own miserable life depended on it! I bet you and your COWARDLY no name "Anonymous" ilk here in real life would NEVER dare express YA'LL'S bigotry to your Brown next door neighbors or to any other RAZA, because no sooner you be scrapped off the pavement like shoveled manure, right boy?! Hellooooo...?!

      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer/Community Activist

    2. (You could NEVER attain my academic and literary achievements in your entire worthless trailer park trash lifetime,)

      I predict that this imbecile will probably die of a heart attack or stroke due to his comment submissions. Please post, Jim, if this does indeed occur. Because I believe that is the type of news we'd all appreciate very much.

    3. AnonymousJanuary 2, 2014 at 9:44 PM Wrote:

      "(You could NEVER attain my academic and literary achievements in your entire worthless trailer park trash lifetime,)

      I predict that this imbecile will probably die of a heart attack or stroke due to his comment submissions. Please post, Jim, if this does indeed occur. Because I believe that is the type of news we'd all appreciate very much.

      My Reply:

      Wow! I really got to ya no name COWARDLY "Anonymous", eh boy?! Ok Clitus, let's have some fun hea..., shant we..., hmmmm...? Most of YA'LL sodbusters sho don't cotton to being told what time it is to your Billy Bob mugs alright! Well boys! Thars a new sheriff in town! ...Me! ...And they call me "Mr. Tibbs".... Oppppps! ...Wrong script! "...And they call me tu peor pesadilla Senor Martinez!" Ya hea?! Daaaaamn...! Did I just say that?! LMAOFF!

      But really, I have NOT seen not one of YA'LL tobacca chawing spitoon Neanderthals take me on seriously hea, because all I get from YA'LL Turnip eaters is "Blah! Blah! Blah....!" Nice try boy, but no cigar this time either! Try something more innovative that can interest our readers hea! In the meantime keep it coming so YA'LL can "entertain" me! Ya hea boy?! Ah rest mah cotton picking case YA'LL! Are we having fun hea or not? Hellooooo....?!

      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer/Community Activist

    4. You give yourself much importance,you must be bored!

    5. Hey no name "Anonymous" the no cojones COWARD! Can YOU do better than I? Have YOU ever accomplished had anything or published anything in your entire miserable life, eh boy, hmmmmm....?! I think nauuuught! So kick back enjoy being what YOU have ALWAYS been! ...A BORN LOSER!


      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Journalist/Writer/Community Activist

  6. Thank you E.F. Mohammed (a TERRORIST NAME) Martinez, from crawling out of the sewer you live in and show your ugly hateful self. People and especially local Democrats, this guy is representative of the EXTREME LEFT that so many of you have voted in office and are trying to destroy this wonderful country of ours. This POS is of the same ilk like b HUSSEIN (a terrorist name) obammie, Tonia Martinez, and the newest member elected to office NYC Mayor De Blasio. Their mission is the "Transformation (destruction)" of this country. Since most of you all Dems have not been too aware of these EVIL DOERS pay attention and see how they are destroying our great country and cities. It's really up to the remaining good Dems to correct this error. As an Independent Conservative I am doing my part to purge evil in BOTH parties.
