Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Our Visit With Donald Clupper, Candidate for BISD Position 5

Candidate Donald Clupper
Donald Clupper is not Cata Presas-Garcia, has no ties to Carlos Quintanilla and favors reinstating the $14,300,000 lawsuit against Healthsmart, money he feels should go to providing education for the kids, not back into the pocket of Ted Parker.

Clupper does have ties to Erasmo Castro Dragustinovis, the armchair guru of Brownsville Cheezmeh, objecting to my description of him as a con artist.

"Erasmo has been good to me.  Lately, he has been leaving the stuff I put on Brownsville Cheezmeh for a longer duration."

The 67 year old Nashville, Tennessee native, running for BISD Place 5,  initially used his proficiency in math in his work as a stock broker for E.F. Hutton and later Merrill Lynch.  When the office of Merrill Lynch closed in Brownsville, he found work as a BISD math teacher for 22 years.  He retired June 1 from Porter High School.  On his campaign site, he made this comment about the current state of Porter:

"Many of the students schedules are tentative and will require numerous changes in the future. I had 20 years of
this stuff and was the least liked teacher on campus by the administrators for constantly fighting for the rights of the teachers & the students. I feel like going back long enough to be the old pain in the butt I was to them again. How dare the school’s administrators and area superintendent allow this to go on!!!"

Clupper is critical of unwise, unplanned construction, cost overruns, constant shifting of administrators without regard to their area of expertise.  He describes BISD as "unbelievably corrupt", with terrific vendor abuse.  He says one of his opponents for Place 5, Cata Presas-Garcia has wreaked havoc at BISD.  "It's hard to find anyone in the district who likes her or what she has done to the school district.  Her removal from the board can't come too soon."  Clupper describes his other opponent, Butch Barbosa, as unqualified, a "career politician with no educational background."
Brownsville Cheezmeh site~9/17/2012
He does support the candidacy of Linda Gill for Place 7.  Interestingly, the snippet on the left shows that Brownsville Cheezmeh supports both Donald Clupper and Linda Gill.  Cheezmeh supported 4 candidates in recent elections, losing 3 of the races.  The only race won by a Cheez candidate was greatly enhanced by extraordinary voter fraud.

Clupper praises fellow Cheezer Gill:  "Jim, she's not tied to Quintanilla in any way like you think.  She will be a good trustee."

He's not so gracious with respect to Gill's opponent for place 7, Jose Chirinos:  "Chirinos has some very, very bad friends, people like Conrado Cantu.  I remember him rounding up BISD students for a Cantu rally at Sam's Stadium.  They were all given Cantu printouts to take home to their parents."

Our discussion ended with some back and forth about a legal matter Nena and I are dealing with.  "I know of a very good lawyer who could be of some assistance, Erin H. Garcia," offered Clupper.    Nena and I scoffed at that.  It's ironic how someone, like Clupper, could be so motivated by the obvious corruption at BISD, but maintain  respect for the greatest perpetrators of massive voter fraud in Cameron County: Ernie, Norma and Erin Hernandez.  Go figure.


  1. Very enlightening article Jim. I had no intention of voting for him; however, it is interesting to note that he is lined up with Ms Gill and even more eye-opening his recommendation of Ms. Garcia. He didn't impress me as being strong or an independent thinker in the beginning and even less now. Thanks for keeping us informed!

    1. Now we all know this is another plant either by cheez, or the corrupt $4 Cata, Luci, Christina, and Enrique. Thanks Jim for your hard work, in the end God will bring all of these corrupt politicians to justice.

    2. I knew he was involved with chesme, but to recommend Gill and Erin????

  2. Does Clupper really fall for the Cheeze BS and the Hernandez or has he become another robot of Brownsville corruption. What an idiot he is, and from his interview all those years of Math he does not know how too equate himself away form those weirdos.

  3. Jim,
    Thanks for hearing this guy out. He states the obvious about BISD but is affiliated with people who do the exact same thing in the city and county. Once you get past his rhetoric, he's simply more of the same.

    1. I appreciate your giving me an interview but I am confused as to why you would think a reccmmendation of a family attorney for a private personal matter would be a political recommendation. I was only trying to help you asnd Nena. I wouldn't recommend Erin or Ernie politcally in any way, in fact they support my opponent Butch Barbosa. If you go to his fb campaign site you will see both of their pictures endorsing him. Ernie and Butch served on the city council together and are close friends. They were twoof the 3 amigos. Again I wish you and Nena the best of luck with your difficult situation. As to Linda Gil, she is my friend and is absolutely not involved with the corrupy 4. Guilt by association is a dangerous thing sometimes.

    2. Guilt by association is a dangerous thing sometimes.

      So why do you recommend a piece of shit Hernandez?? How dumb are you???

  4. Donald Clupper is not a pain in the ass he is an ASS. This guy is easily pursueaded. He so much wants to be accepted he will associate with the worst of the worst kind of people to win. This is a man who seeks and demands power to get his revenge. Why would anyone want to work with a person who is easily pursuaded and listens to cheezmeh for news and then waits to read the trends on Brownsville Cheezmeh and take those comments as truth?

    Anyone who wants to be praised is small minded and will not be able to think outside of the box and help the other areas of the school district. He will do what Erasmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh and Erin Hernandez tells him to do. The new generation of cons.

    1. What revenge? I seek no revenge only the best possible education for the students of BISD. I take orders from no one, unlike my opponents. I use cheezmeh to get my message out, no other reason.

    2. I won't vote for any candidate dumb enough to use cheezmeh.

    3. Ask "CheezMasso" the big loser in the DA race about them

  5. Not a very inspiring fellow. His words seem hollow and his looks say one thing: Old School. Brownsville, find better candidates! The future belongs to the young, not the road-weary stiffs. This old coot was born in - what? - 1945! Brownsville, a 67-year-old man-hag from Nashville is going to set policy for your children? Sounds like a bad country song, if you ask me. Say no to The Clupper! CLAP-CLAP.

    An Educator

    1. ha ha ha ha ha. Best comment of the day! HA HA HA HA HA THE CLUPPER? HA HA HA. Is this guy related to Ted Hasse. Looks like him. Ha ha ha ha ha

    2. There is nothing old school about the way I think. I am old but I approach things in a professional way, unlike what is taking place on the board now. I have lived in the valley 27 years and have become a solid part of the community. My opponents are professional politicians w/no educational experience. If you talk to anyone associated to Porter High School they will tell you I don't think old school or act that way.

    3. It's not how you feel; it's how you look. And, Clupper, you look wasted.

      An Educator

    4. As Jim knows I was recovering from an ear infection when that picture was taken. There is an old saying,"Don't judge a book by its cover." If you are actually an educator you should know that one.

    5. Clupper, you look like you're recovering after a long, long night at Boy's Town. ha ha ha

  6. Ernie norma erin and the cheeze are trying to manipulate bisd. The cheeze is helping clupper to take votes from cata so to help butch barbosa win the election. This is the master plan prepared by the hernandez because they feel cata helped yolanda begum.

    1. There is no plan that I am involved in. Again I reitrtate that the Hernandez's are supporting Barbosa, not me.

    2. [Again I reitrtate that the Hernandez's are supporting Barbosa, not me.]

      Horrible, horrible grammar from this BISD candidate. It's "reiterate" and it's "Hernandezes." This guy is not qualified. The people need a worthy representative, not some lout quick to fall to ear infections and bad grammar. Sorry, Clupper, but I'm passing on your candidacy.

      An Educator

    3. then why are you recommending their daughter's legal "experience" who has not to our knowledge ever won a single case in trial???? you look and sound like a DUMBASS Clupper A DUMBASS

  7. Before Clupper goes on about his former campus, the public needs to know that he was not a very good math teacher. In fact, he got moved out of there and was put into a special ed unit. He too would be going in to get revenge on the administration at Porter. So what is the difference between Clupper and Presas Garcia? Besides the college education Clupper has. Besides that they weren't very good at anything they did in life. Besides that they are both aligned with radical extremist. I guess not much difference! Mr. Clupper is a distraction that hopefully doesn't give Cata the win!

    1. I moved from math to sp ed voluntrily to fill a shortage in 1998. I moved back to math in 2006 when Porter had the lowest math Taks scores in Brownsville for the sole purpose of raising 10th grade math scores.I led a team consisting of myself, Elizabeth Martin, and Lauro Alvarez. Porter's 10th grade scores went up 12.2% the 1st year under my direction. I still have the official BISD document to prove it. No one has ever questioned my math skills before and to say I was a bad math teacher is an outright lie.

  8. Oh by the way! Looks like the early out program where you were individually approved to leave, turned out a total screw up. The deal was $10,000 cash, but you were out for two years from coming back to BISD. Some of these teachers are now being contacted to come back as subs. They let too many teachers go and now they're having to eat crow. Great planning! My question is this. Are they only calling retiree's that are friends of the Rat Pack ?

    1. What are you talking about, dude? Elaborate! Typing is not writing. Incoherent crap helps no one. Try again. Are you a BISD teachers? Yes? Figures.

    2. The person referring to early out meant the bonus plan offered to teachers at BISD 2 years ago. Once the teacher retired or resigned they could not come back as a teacher for two years. It was offered again this year on a reduced 15% of annual pay instead of $10000. So many teachers took the offers that BISD is now short of teachers.

  9. The grammar here is atrocious! Enough! No more, Barton! My eyes and brain hurt. Noooooooooooooooooh........


    1. Liste here, mr. ex-Cameron (does not)Works, Inc. Spokesperson, we dont need to stinking grammar nazi here. We can all speako tex-mexican here.


  10. That's all we need Ernie's arm in BISD

  11. Donald Clupper will become another Jessica (Tyson) Tetrau an Air Head filled with helium from Brownsville Cheezmeh and the Hernandez. He has no chance of winnig because he is banking his WHOLE Campaign on Brownsville Cheezmeh to get the so called Kool Aid drinkers to vote how Erasmo tells them to vote. Brownsville Cheezmeh has become the new Online Politiqueras and he will take whatever money Clupper may have for his campaign to advertise on Brownsville Cheezmeh page. Donald Clupper is just another sucker for Erasmo administrator of Brownsville Cheezmeh. I also expect for Donald Clupper to say he has never given one cent to Brownsville Cheezmeh and of course Brownsville Cheezmeh will say the same.
    In the past elections Erasmo claimed that HE never received one red American cent for advertising or exclusive rights on his Cult Page and that may be true because he sends his Tranvestite Looking Sister to do the collecting and deposit the money collected into his account. Why is it done this way is because FAT BOY lives In Austin, TX and he won’t get his hands dirty and all along this dumb ass Clupper just retired from the BISD which we are paying for his retirement and now he wants to get revenge for not getting his way while he taught in Porter High School.

    Donal Clupper by his writing is an arrogant person who thinks he is better than everybody else. He reminds me of Romney when he said that the 47 percent will vote for Obama because they are dependent on the Government and he could do better in Math than all the other teachers in Porter or other schools because he says so.
    I have a question Mr. Clupper : Why is it you said you lead a team and then put yourself in front of the team. These are your words: I led a team consisting of myself, Elizabeth Martin, and Lauro Alvarez.

    You are just like Erasmo adminstrator of Brownsville Cheezmeh your favorite saying is, I did this I did that I I I.

    1. I saif I led the team because I did. Every team has to have a team leader. Someone that will guide the team in the right direction. Someone who is not blinded by hate like you obviously are. Furthermore, you are not paying for my retirement, I contributed from each check for 22 years to pay for my TRS benefits just like everyone else contributes to ss. I am sorry you are so angry at me when you don't even know me. It must be difficult to carry so much hate inside of you.

    2. I said what I said in respose to someone who posted an outright falsehood about me that I can prove is false. When people lie about you publicly and you can prove it is a lie you have to defend yourself. I wasn't trying to brag I was just offering evidence of a falsehood.

    3. Reading your comments is like reading Erasmo adminstrator of Brownsville Cheezmeh. The only thing left for you to do it tell people to F*** off like your buddy.

      This is the example that you are a puppet. You can't stay off facebook or the blogs. It is either your way or the highway. Who would want to work with you with your arrogance? There is no way you would listen to anyone because you think you are always right and better than everybody else.

  12. Clupper is so dum that h is the only client Erin has ever had, and he recomends her. And it talks volumes about him that he is assiiated with stupit cheezmeh, not worth voti g fo himl

    1. I am dumb when you don't even know how to spell the word. Take a good look at yourself.

    2. Name one case Erin Garcia has tried and won in court?

  13. What is wrong with this Clupper? Reads cheezmeh? Recomends Erin as an attorney? Is he mentally challenged?

    1. He's just an old guy out of touch. He probably doesn't read the blogs and know all the crap done by Erin and Cheezmeh.

    2. I don't know all of the crap done by Wrin as you put it. I know she was accused of election fraud and it was dismissed and that is all I know.I know her to be a qualified atorney in family law, a member of the bar who I never used but was recommended to me in case I need a family lawyer by someone I respect.

    3. It is Erin Clupper not Wrin. You scared of your affiliation with the Queen of Voter Fraud. The case was dismissed not because there wasn't evidence of Voter Fraud (they are tons of it) it was because there wasn't enough TIME for it to reach the appeals and print out the new ballots for the Novemember Election. Begum could have appeled the ruling but at the cost of delaying the printing of the ballots.

      The fact that you are still in favor of Erin Hernandez and justifing her actions by not disclosing the whole truth only proves you are also corrupt and easily pursuaded. Erasmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh did the same thing when people questioned Erin character he went on the defense for her.

      My question why are you defending Erin if she is not the one running for the School Board you are? Donald Clupper you are not running to better our district but for you to become a puppet for the Hernandez and Brownsville Cheezmeh. If Erasmo was so into changing the city why doesn't he run for office? He critizes everyone about everything but why doesn't he put his money where his mouth is? I tell you why, he is a chicken and he gets dumb ass like you to run.

      Your name will be destroyed for your association with the Hernandez and Erasmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh

    4. The above comment is true, you should take your own advice about "guilt by association" and think twice before associating with either Cheezmeh or the Hernandez.

  14. Wow mr clupper grammar yikes! I think he should have not answered back every single negative comment towards him because it just shows he doesn't have the cool head and neutrality needed for the job and yes by him being friends with such disputable characters well that also does not help his cause

    Rosita dengler

  15. Mr Clupper whether you are good or bad, capable or incapable the unfortunate thing is that you and Barbosa are going to split votes and the ABC plan will fail.

    ABC = Anybody but Cata!

    Please Mr. Clupper bow out this round so that la Rata does not sneak in. We will support you next time.

    signed concerned teachers.

    1. concerned teachers: Get the vote out to accomplish the "ABC" plan - you have the power so please use it!

    2. Real concerned teachers support another teacher such as Clupper. Only those dumbass Hernandez would encourage a real teacher to drop out of the race to help a loser like Barbosa get on BISD. Guess they smell the $500,000,000

    3. Clupper. Can you name ONE case Erin H. Garcia has tried and won?

  16. Poor Cupper!! Why is he here anyways??

  17. Why do these people in BISD get involved with people who even reside in this city like Quintanilla, and Cheezme. For one I am so glad my kids did not attend BISD for this reason the so called commisioners are there for themselves and could care less about the kids. This just goes to show the dumb hispancis in office listening to other dumb hispanic idiots who know nothing about managing a school district. This is why hispanics have a bad rap like blacks do because all they do is steal want in for themselves and could careless about the students within the BISD. This is the truth and I'm sure many won't agree but open your eyes people you all are a joke in the eyes of others.

  18. Mr. Clupper is without a doubt one of the dumbest individuals to have taught at Porter High School. On top of that he was argumentative, very disliked by staff and students. I would hope that he drops out of the race, but he is probably too dumb to do the honorble thing.

  19. Eramsmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh needs to quit Endorsing Candidates. Everybody he endorses is crooked and if they weren't crooked the moment he says vote for the candidates of his choice BAM they become Crooks and his Puppets.

    Any Candidate that seeks,posts or advertises on the Brownsville Cheezmeh page or website will lose. Their reputation will be ruined.

    1. Cheezmeh's endorsement is the kiss of death. Just ask "CheezMasso" LOL now there 's a guy who got taken for a ride

  20. You know Mr. Barton, it takes a special person to be a teacher and I have different levels of respect for all teachers. Those that gave their all and produced a high percentage of good students get my greatest respect. Now, even those that are on the opposite side of the spectrum deserve some respect also. Unfortunately, the teaching profession is very demanding and surviving year after year of self imposed mental abuse takes its toll. Just because Mr. Clupper is an educator coming straight out of the classroom, does not make him a qualified candidate. On the contrary, I feel that he would be ready to do this had he taken a few years off, to allow his retaliatory feelings simmer. As Mr. Clupper can see, sitting on the school board clueless and incapable of a logical thought process can be and has been a detriment to the district, employees, and especially the children. Now is not the time Mr. Clupper! You should get ready for Escobedo, Longoria, or Saavedra! We will support you then!

    An Educator in Recovery!

  21. Mr Clupper, if you really want to do something for the children, please remove yourself from this race. in less than two years Luci Christina and Enrique will be up for grabas. We will support you then.
    A fifth grade teacher

    1. It's the Hernandezes, "We will support you then" isn't that what they told Masso about puttin him in the next JP slot after he lost to Luis Saenz LOL what dumbasses

  22. Don, if you really care about the BISD children, remove yourself. You are spliting the vote thus giving Catalina Presas- the victory....is this what you want??? THINK ABOUT IT!!!

    1. NO! Ernie or Erin, THINK ABOUT getting Butch Barbosa to drop out of the race!

    2. Yes, I would like to see a Clupper vs Cata showdown

      Barbosa is dead in the water, now that the filth of the Hernandez are behind them

  23. Don, you are not going to get elected this time around, all you are going to do is to get Cata elected by splitting the vote.

    Drop out.

    1. Absolutely! We have to do everything we can to rid ourselves of this evil and self-serving witch. Do the right thing and show you really care about the kids - drop out now before it is too late. As another commenter stated, give it some time and we'll support you down the road against the three other criminals.

    2. ^ Written by the Hernandez

      Clupper recommends their daughter, and now they want him out of the race.... I say stay in the race Clupper! No one wants another Hernandez puppet in office, and Cata either. Clupper is an option that I will consider voting for

  24. Poor dumb ass, being manipulated by the hernandezes and don't even know it. Barbosa is Ernie's candidate, he is the one that is going to pay for Erin's politiqueras to steal yet another election, and this mr. Culppeper is just a peon, as bad as we think Cata has been, wIt until we have Ernie indirectly Deciding whom to award contracts. They eill be all dor hm like the vending machines , the wreckers, the signs and t shirts, etc.

  25. re-post the Cheezmeh is King writ!!!

  26. information is coming in about butch barbosa and the mastermind ernie hernandez. the three amigos past is going to make cata look real pretty. compare the three amigos thieves to cata and cata will come out smelling like a rose. yes mr. clupper please do not divide the votes in favor of the rats hernandezes,we do not need butch barbosa,the hernandezes puppet messing with bisd,as in the county. a vote for barbosa or clupper is like serving ernie norma erin and cheesme.

  27. To the 4:28 pm poster! And Cata is the lesser of two evils? What have you been smokin lately? You're full of shit! Or is it crack? Get a life loser! Even Ernie, Norma,and Erin have a heart!

    1. HA HA HA
      Cata is better than Butch BArbosa and Clupper is better than Cata

      those pathetic Hernandez pushing the toilet bowl floaters on us again

    2. Cata is a better option than any Hernandez

    3. Norma, Ernie and Erin have a heart? Where would that heart be? It is most likely in their ass because everytime it pumps blood somebody ends up cleaning it after it spills all over the county. They take the County,City, Employees and the beggers money and keep it for themselves. They don't pay taxes and change owner ship as often as their heart beats maybe once a year.

      I'd vote for Cata any day over any Hernandez family member. They are the most corrupt family in Cameron County and Brownsville TX.

  28. Cheezmeh sure got taken for a ride by ther Hernandez! All their candidates lost except for Erin, and Masso got stuck with the bill!

  29. Nosotros, los que solamente hablamos español, vamos a votar por Barbosa. Punto.

  30. Chirinos

    Look at the COMB letters at the begining of the names, COMB stands for cleaning up all of the current PIOJOS at BISD

    1. That's a good one! These candidates got my vote! They may not be perfect, but anything is better than what we got - especially the Queen of Mean, La Rata. Her ads make me want to vomit - she is sooooo full of herself. About the kids, my ass.



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