In Cameron County we do not throw out our self-serving politicians at the first sign of rot or mold, but instead wait for obvious signs of rancidity, maggot infestation and unbearable stench. Our super-tolerant community initially brushes off all criticisms with "Ah, that's just Ernie being Ernie, Conrado being Conrado or Armando being Armando", until that proverbial tipping point is reached with the realization that those are OUR tax dollars being squandered by calabaza and nepotism, OUR judicial system ruined by bribery or OUR law enforcement being compromised by sheriff-assisted drug dealing.
Sorry Charlie |
Occasionally, a bum gets tossed before being hit with and indictment or arrest. In 2011, Charlie Atkinson, the brutish city commissioner of District 2, finally reached unelectability with his identification with the huge sports park overruns, his bully approach to city government and his late night bombast at local watering holes. As a citizen living a block away from Atkinson at the time stated: "I would vote for a mesquite tree living in District 2 before I would vote for Atkinson."
Pat Ahumada |
Former Mayor Pat Ahumada also wore out his welcome in the city, although do-nothing Tony Martinez has made some long for the charismatic shrimper. Ahumada has seemingly disappeared, which might be appropriate for an incumbent mayor garnering only 9% of the vote. When fewer than 1 in 10 vote for a two term incumbent, the image is beyond tarnished. In Pat's case, it wasn't just the $26,000 check from a vendor made out to the city that he deposited in his personal account. Also contributing to his political demise, were his long-winded arguments waged far into the night on Facebook where he showed the flexibility of the Great Wall and his poorly staged town hall meeting about the Fly Frontera "airline" where he came off as a total buffoon.
Presas-Garcia |
Quickly plunging into Atkinson-Ahumada style oblivion may be Cadillac Cata Presas-Garcia, the bull-in-a-china-closet BISD trustee, former board president, who seems joined at the hip with convicted RICO felon, con artist/philanthropist Carlos Quintanilla. Although trustees Christina Saavedra and Lucy Longoria are obviously Quintanilla "girls", it was Presas-Garcia, along with fake doctor Escobedo who implemented the dictates of the Dallas con man at BISD. The crowning achievement for the majority 4 is still the dismissal of the $14,300,000 lawsuit against Healthsmart, orchestrated by Quintanilla, much to the delight and enrichment of his boss man and benefactor Ted Parker and much to the harm of the children of BISD who could use an extra 14 mil for art supplies, hand sanitizer, paper towels and book replacement.
Brownsville seems to be catching up to all this con artistry and skullduggery, judging by the persistently negative comments about Cata on the blogs this week. Among the 60 comments in the previous article on MMB was this harsh statement referring to Cata as "La Rata": "Did you see the campaign ad for La Rata in the Brownsville Herald? What an ugly, self righteous, egostical shrew she is, not to mention delusional. Anyone who has anything on her, get it out there; make it public! She needs a tar and feathering or to be burned at the stake."
I don't fully understand this comment, but it also seems aimed at Presas-Garcia:
"So what else is new? Tell what honest person in Brownsville Likes Catalina Presas-Garcia? NONE? Even the Bad people HATE Catalina Presas-Garcia. How Bad does that tell us Catalina Presas-Garcia is! She appears to be as bad as Satan himself. She will sell out her own MOTHER to get what she wants. Now that IS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOKEY!"
Here's another cut of Cata from an anonymous poster:
"How can the voters of Brownsville elect a Board member like Cata to manage a half billion dollars when she can not even manage her own household money and has to file for Bankruptcy? How sad is that?"
As noted from the other examples, a negative perception is slow in coming sometimes in Brownsville, Cameron County. Once the negatives hit, though, things tend to snowball. Cata Presas-Garcia artfully dodged facing Mary S. Rey in the BISD trustee elections, but will she be able to dodge the growing negativity in the community about her performance as a BISD trustee?
Nice work, Jim..very impressive article. The problem lies with clupper....he's taking votes away from barbosa. Take his jargon with a grain of salt and don't be too quick to jump on his bandwagon. Approach with caution.
ReplyDeleteExcuses, Excuses, Excuses! Cadillac Caty Presas-Garcia. You can not explain the 1.5 million dollars to Gonzalez nor Juarez settlement. Dropping the over 14 million dollars lawsuit against Health Smart. Enough Said! You will be voted out of office. Have fun driving your Cadillac.
ReplyDeleteThe 14 million dollar lawsuit is astounding! Isn't there a law firm willing to represent BISD on a contingency basis? Royston Law firm?
ReplyDeleteYes, there were actually 2 law firms willing to represent BISD, but since the "payment from Dallas" wwas floating prior to the Majority Board's decision to dismiss the lawsuit, they had to.....
DeleteAnd let's not concentrate on Cata, she's just a puppet who moves to the threads above. Remember, ALL $4 got "equal parts" and then some.
DeleteCata La Rata si es una Garrapata!
ReplyDeleteCharlie Atkinson.........GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!
ReplyDelete-Pancho La Neta
What you're dealing with now is rotten DNA all-around. one candidate is just like the other one - soiled to the bone. The faces remain as dour-looking as ever, only the names change. It is the Mexican culture to blame here, Jimbo. No question about it.
ReplyDeleteRacism likely factors in, but not as simplistically as your comments imply. I'm not certain I would want to live in your skinhead universe, however "pure" the genetics. And Anonymo, there are always questions.
"Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything." - Ephesians, 5:22
ReplyDeleteLet's focus on what's important, and that is to get rid of scum Presas, not elect Gill, not elect Bowman, not elect Miller.l
ReplyDeleteAre you racist Jim Barton Mean Mister Brownsville? We think so. Are you fight against anti-immigration, anti-Mexican legislation? What have you done to protect the children Barton? Carlos Quintanilla is busy serving the people. What have you done?
ReplyDeleteBarton is not racist; he's simply at odds with fairness. Like most bloggers, he takes sides. And what that does for the community is anybody's guess. One thing is true: You get one side of the issue here, which is like, say, getting to see one nalga of a semi-attractive woman.
DeleteBoth viewpoints miss the mark. I'm not racist or political. My focus here is the corruption and Presas-Garcia seems to be the head of the dragon with Quintanilla whispering in her ear. I don't support any candidate not willing to reinstitute the #14.3 Healthsmart owes the children.
Who are "we" carlos? You, Hector Gonzalez, Pat Lehman, Enrique Escobedo, Cata Presas, Luci Longoria, and Christina Saavedra?? Are those your "we"??
DeleteJim Barton can and has done more with one article, things you can only dream of doing...
DeleteJim Barton has done more in just a few weeks. Things you would never be able to accomplish although you are as old as he is (or Carlito older IDK)
DeleteWay to go Jim Barton!!!
Thank you Mary Rey!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs usual in Brownsville, when a non-Hispanic comments, it must be racist. The Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton use of "the race card" is an easy way for Hispanics to avoid explanation and to not have to address the issue intelligently. In reality, Brownsville voters don't just accept corruption, the demand it and defend it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Sept. 8, 2012 12:52pm. Ya basta con tu "Brownsville voters demand corruption" Eres un Estupido!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o Estupida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are correct Jim! This election has alot to do wth collected the 14.3 million for BISD. The people will not fall for the distractions of blaming Zayas and Cortez this time.
ReplyDeleteNo, not this time will not fool us again Catita. Paying and reinstating Rendon, Gonzalez and Juarez, PLUS dismissing the 14.3 million dollars lawsuit DID YOU ALL!!!
DeleteYour getting your just reward Cata, for all the good people you've tried to ruin. Well here is your Karma. Hope it was worth it. Your friend Bowman will not win. You were all blinded with the Power you had for a short time. Trust me, all those you harmed are in much better places thanks to you and the Bowman Sisters, Dean of Discipline Julie Arellano, and Garcia MS principal Terry Nunez. Your dirty dealings have come to an end. You let your hatred control you and those around you, and in the end the only one lying in ruin is YOU and your friends.
ReplyDeleteMy my! Carlitos playing the race card. It makes me sick when pricks play the race card. What does it matter if a guero prints the truth for all to read. It is public information what all these rats have done. Would it be different if Juan Pan wrote it? It's still the truth no matter who writes it. The problem is the people who committed these acts, not the people who report it.
ReplyDeleteNow as far as the "DNA" comment, this is right on! The Spaniards that conqered Mexico left their legacy and to this day, nothing has changed! Spaniards are the biggest crooks in the world. Whay would you expect anything different on the American/Mexican border from the spaniard way of life?
Bobby Wightman Cervantes called you out so did Erasmo Castro and many others as being a racist. What is your true agenda get the Rednexks back at BISD.
DeleteMy "true agenda" is simply to expose your criminality, self-serving greed and manipulation of the BISD board. You're better served by not commenting at all, but your ego gets the best of you.
Jim Barton from Kent Washington
DeleteYes, the quesadila guy is sooo stupid! And so are his 4 comadres cata, lucy christina and enrique.....
ReplyDeleteCatatita la Ratita que es una Garapatita! Yeah, Yeah I know the real blood sucking little tick name is spelled "Garrapatita" in spanish. But even the Garrapata has more Class than Catalina Presas-Garcia. Tell me something CATA; was it worth it? You ruined BISD and your name is now MUD in Brownsville. What a EVIL person! Again I ask you, WAS IT WORTH IT? YOU CRAZY FOOL........Triste! Bien TRISTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCata's greed destroyed BISD, along with Luci Enrique, n Christina. Now they want the Bowman Gill and Miller women inside to continue their criminal enterprise????? We, the teachers, don't think so!!!
ReplyDeleteWe the teachers WIL NOT vote for these ROACHES!!!
DeleteThis woman is so full of herself, she writes her own campaign ads.
ReplyDelete"And we did it without raising your taxes or firing any of our 7,000 employees." You mean the over 400 employee's that took the early out over two years were all ready to retire. There were many first class second and third year teachers that took the money and ran! How about all the people you have moved around to departments they don't know shit about in your "Shake the Apple Tree" technique to see how many jump out? You're pathetic!
You didn't raise taxes because the appraisel district did it for you!
"Even with tight budgets, we chose not to skimp on academics and funded additional high-tech and professional career opportunities to our 50,000 students." You talking about STAMP where you couldn't get enough children to sign up, so you had your conselors convince children to change their original pathway to justify your program. Where you spent a million dollars to knock down walls between classrooms to give administrators lavish office space but through teachers into a floater situation. Where you have the elitist teachers in the STAMP program with a 10 & 15 to 1 teacher to student ratio! Where you now have the regular children and teachers at Veterans with a 50 to 65 to 1 student to teacher ratio and sitting on the floors! Where you have the best "Foot Ball" program in the district and you are already redrawing district lines to get the undesirables out of Veterans and away from the STAMP elitist administrators!
Really Cata, is this the best you got? I would hang my head in shame and go gently into the night. What a legacy! Do you know the definition of legacy?
I don't think she knows the definition of legacy, , or anything else for tbat .matter !!
DeleteNone of quonranilla's group knows the definition of legacy nor integrity.
DeleteIt is very difficult to express the disgust that I am feeling about the goings on at BISD right now. I have given the majority of my adult life (27 years) to the BISD and in general it has been a great place to work; this has not been the case for the last couple of years.
ReplyDeleteBISD has really no loyalty to its employees any longer, I find it disgusting that the BISD would actually be try to buy off its employees to quit. It was interesting to note that the first year that that BISD had the "buy-out" program in place over 50 % of the teachers that left were teachers that had less than 5 years of experience. This is not what the HR Dept wanted.
BISD treats its employees as well at its students like they are just pieces of paper that can be shuffled around as the powers that be may desire. BISD used to be the best school district in the Valley, IMHO BISD has seen much better days.
I understand Rene Oliveira is supporting Cata la Rata and Facebook has his picture with Linda Gill. Why would he align himself with this pack of thieves? I realize Rene has fallen in popularity, but I thought he had more class than to lower himself to the level of these viejas. Very very ashamed of you Rene.
ReplyDeleteWhy you ask? Because he too is a thief....where have you been? This ma! lowered himself to their level A LONG TIME AGO.
DeleteRene "The Plump Partridge" is irrelevant. Pinche vato panson. He's no model for anything good. Ask melissa Z. about that night of the car wreck. Vato mugroso!!!
donde esta willy gonzalez why the brownsville hearld stop writing .
ReplyDeleteWhat do you care?
DeleteInstead of posting all this garbage why not send it to the authorities so that something can be done about all these illegal activities that continue to prosper within BISD. Make no sense to post your disgust on these people when it means nothing to them if not it enlightens them as people are talking about them. There is a saying that " you know your doing something good if people are talking about you".
ReplyDeleteMany many facts and evidence have been laid at the feet of the authorities, including the FBI - have they done anything????? No. So exposing them to the public in any forum available is the only way to get the word out.
ReplyDeleteCata can not help herself. She has said that Montoya and Quintanilla lie, and that they do not have support for what they say.
ReplyDeleteThe feds will come...just have faith
ReplyDeleteLucy, Cata and Argelia, where is your friend, the one making three times more $$$ than any teacher?? Do you still have her on that "created position"????
ReplyDelete"advising parents of special ed children" without a degree??
You kknow what guys, the funny thing is the no one on this corrupt group denies the wrongdoings ????