Monday, July 23, 2012

Early Voting July 23-27~Democratic Polling Places and Times


BROWNSVILLE - Main Elections Office (8 AM to 8 PM)

BROWNSVILLE - Christ the King Catholic Church (from 10 AM to 7 PM)

BROWNSVILLE - Brownsville Public Library (from 10 AM to 7 PM)

BROWNSVILLE - Cameron Park Community Center (10 AM to 7 PM)

HARLINGEN - Cameron County Annex Building (10 AM to 7 PM)

SAN BENITO - San Benito Community Building (10 AM to 7 PM)

PORT ISABEL - Hon. Bennie Ochoa III County Annex Building (10 AM to 7 PM)

LA FERIA - La Feria Fire Station (10 AM to 7 PM)

LOS FRESNOS - Los Fresnos Community Building (10 AM to 7 PM)


  1. These three appear to be good people, if outward appearances are an indicator. Vela looks non-threatening, the lady looks like one of those ever-helpful waitresses and the old guy looks like he would be cast as grandpa Walton's understudy. But if we're looking for public service leadership, their looks work against them. Mexicans have had their day these past decades and not one has kicked the cab down the road. Are there no willing and capable Anglos left in Browntown? It would seem to me that the problem is bad candidates. Yes, this trio likely wouldn't do great harm to local society. Still, what about any of them strikes a winning chord? Ms. Begum would not be a candidate elsewhere, is my feeling - except for the possible exception of Starr County. Residents need to raise the bar and they need to be able to say "No" to some of these candidates. That is hard for the Mexican culture, a peoples forever willing to bend-over, to accept, to wait for tomorrow.

    Noah Dietrich

    1. You are gay, huh Noah? Very obvious.


    2. I work hard and I play hard. In fact, I'm hard right now. I've known some women in Browntown. You're not one of those kids who's looking to find his biological father, are you? BTW, Wensley is a rather Gay-sounding moniker.


    3. No chingues. Ya se que eres joto. Te gusta por el chiqui_snaker,buey.


    4. Wences, eres un prisionero o eres un pendejo. pero mas que nada, creo que eres un cagapalo. No sabes ni una chingada, desgraciado! Y cuidate. Tus palabras son las palabras de un bracero. Obrero!

      Rey Guevara

    5. The people they are running against are real bottom feeders. Vote for them and Avila also

  2. This is not a racial race. It is about people who want to make a difference in our community. As much mud that these three have endured I would vote for them on the fact that their candidates could not run on their own merits but on lies and half truth. It is sad that all ethnic people are getting more and more scarce because of the negative campaign.

    Carlos Masso, Erin Hernandez, Denise Blanchard, and Abel Gomez have ALL hired thugs and evil people to run their campaign to steal votes by any means possible. What that tell you about their character. They are nothing more than hoodlums, thugs and bullies.

    Please vote for the right people. Vote for Filemon Vela, Yolanda Begum, Luis Saenz and Pete Avila.


    1. Race has everything to do with Brownsville being Browntown. How can it not? Are you blind? My theory says this: as a rathole, Brownsville does its damndest to protect the nest, however soiled it may be. You've heard the refrain: They may be crooks, but they are our crooks. Ha! Corruption is the lifeblood of our little town. Sometime back, the Mexicans got the edge on the Anglos and they've held it ever since. Not that it's meant a better Brownsvile, however. What, pray tell, can you point to as the group's grand accomplishment? What?!?!? I thought so. It is about race in town. It always has been and it always will be. Well, at least until the skies open and a rain of Blacks and Asians fall on our dusty, little, under-achieving town. To not see it is to either (1.) be blind, or (2.) want things just as they are.

      La Cama De Piedra

  3. [That is hard for the Mexican culture, a peoples forever willing to bend-over, to accept, to wait for tomorrow.]

    So true.

  4. Masso is a career criminal, plain and simple.

    The man organizes and facilitates and outright OWNS AND OPERATES the vast majority of the 8 LINERS in Cameron County and even more up in Willacy County where he claims to be an Assistant District Atty. more like assisting in setting up more 8 LINER GAME ROOMS and ensuring their protection, through his working with the DA's office. Kind of like how he attempted to COVER HIS ASS AND ALL HIS ILLEGAL WORKINGS IN THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE CASE when DA VILLALOBOS his old best friend and boss put him charge of the 'white collar crime unit' sure leave the wolves to tend to the hen house, it'll be ok, what's the worst that can happen.....ohh I don't know how about the loss of 23 million dollars of Cameron County's dollars YOUR MONEY...YOUR TAX MONEY.

    Masso with EVERY POSITION held has turned it into a way to continue to run his CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE whether it's his doling out OF MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 23 MILLION to be exact to his people in Mexico in the bridge to nowhere fiasco, or in Willacy County where he has set up a structure to open and protect his favorite ILLEGAL ACTIVITY of choice in 8 LINER GAME ROOMS.

    His time will come as all that money, ALL THAT ILLEGAL MONEY IS NOT TAXED, UNTAXED and what happens to UNTAXED monies...well they attract the attention of UNCLE SAM and his nice little ARMY of TAX-MEN, and those guys well those guys DON'T LOOK TO FONDLY ON MONEY LAUNDERING.

    Sleep well Masso....sleep well....and when you get that knock on your door in the wee hours of the morning don't be too-too surprised as we all know the FEDS COME KNOCKING PRETTY EARLY IN THE MORNING.

  5. I've always wondered why racist "anglos" choose to live in Brownsville and then do nothing but spew hatred and ignorance. La Cama De Piedra and Noah, hit the road on outta here. Go to the heart of KKK country and drown in your poison. You're losers no matter where you live.

    1. That's lame. It makes you sound like some unemployed comadre. Buck up, dude! As Jerry McHale says: Mexicans have no greater enemy than another Mexican. Chew on that one. Or as your pals like to write: "knaw" on it. ja ja ja ja A point was made and it unarmed you. Poor, poor, pitiful you.

    2. Vote For Raul Lopez in November 2012 Justice of the Peace 2-2


    1. I already did. Voted early on the first day.
      Viva Vela!
      Buena suerte Begum!
      Saenz, Avila, and Celeste Zepeda Sanchez also got some votes from us today, good luck all, don't forget to vote

  7. You should spend less time worrying about other people and start worrying about yourself..

    The only reason you do any of this is for a paycheck. Heck if people paid me to put bullshit all day I would gladly take that offer.

  8. That is called a "Journalist"



Paid-for-political writer Juan Montoya of El Rrun, Rrun , starts his umpteenth article promoting Adela Garza puppets Edward Camarillo and ...