Friday, March 2, 2012

Citizen's Group Declares War on Voter Fraud in Cameron County

by Jim Barton on Friday, March 2, 2012 at 10:55am ·

"We are non-partisan volunteers focused on ending corruption in the electoral process of Cameron County."   

     The above is the brief mission statement of CAVA or Citizens Against Voter Abuse of Cameron County, Texas. Recently the group added some teeth to their efforts by offering a $5,000 reward for "information leading to the conviction of persons committing voter fraud".  

     In the past the voters of Cameron County have been victimized by unscrupulous politicans unethically harvesting votes.  In several recent elections an inordinate number of mail-in votes have made the difference.  Historically, those are the very votes most vulnerable to voter fraud as they can be harvested in the nursing homes, adult dair care centers or procurred individually by politiqueras.  

Below is a reprint of an article first appearing in the  Mean Mister Brownsville  blog August 24, 2011:

Something I Totally Missed


     The lady on the left in the above picture is Herminia Becerra, perhaps the most notorious and effective politiquera in the city of Brownsville, Cameron County.  The picture was taken at a political rally for Erin H. Garcia, a candidate for Justice of the Peace, District 2-2 and the daughter of County Commissioner Ernie L. Hernandez, Jr.

       What escaped my notice until now was the wording on the red neckband holding the two plasticized, laminated I.D. cards:  "VOTE ERNIE 2010".  I cropped the original picture and enlarged it just enough to make that readable.  Of course, this should not be a surprise to those who have followed the escapades and statements of Mr. Hernandez.  In 2003 he told the Brownsville Herald:  "There is nothing illegal about paying people to solicit votes."  As for Ms. Becerra, she was one of a select few wearing the official badge of the Erin H. Garcia campaign at the meet and greet.  It should be noted that she also wears the I.D. tag for the "Honorable" Linda Salazar, currently Justice of the Peace, District 2-1.

       Brownsville voters will have to decide if they want to continue to support candidates who use politiqueras.  It helps to understand how politiqueras operate, how their influence taints an election.  A two-time candidate for city office enlightened me:  "They have friends throughout the city that they have used for many years.  The politiquera performs simple acts of kindness, like bringing some sweet bread or making a social call from time to time.  At election time the "friends" know what's expected and vote as directed.  The politiquera knows roughly how much the votes are worth.  They will not deliver more votes than they get paid for."      

     A local businessman  understands the problem, but states:  " Jim, I am 110% against the use of politiqueras to illegally collect votes for a candidate! However, just to play the devil's advocate, what should an honest candidate do to have a chance in a close race when going against a candidate who c...hooses to use politiqueras to harvest votes?     Should they do like John Villarreal did and just hope for the best? Should they use their funds to hire private investigators to follow the opposition, or the opposition's contracted politiqueras? Should they file a complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission? Should they file a suit alleging wrongdoing? Candidates have been on the losing end of close races for decades because of the use of politiqueras! All of the above as been tried and been proven futile."

     The businessman is right.  Dishonesty has frequently been rewarded in our community.  In the 2003 mayoral election during which Ernie Hernandez gave the quote above, there were three candidates.  Henry Gonzalez and Hernandez openly used politiqueras.  Robert Uresti did not, stating his opposition to the practice.  Uresti finished third.  Curiously though, the last runoff city commission election bucked this trend.  If a disproportionate amount of mail-in votes indicate the use of politiqueras, winners John Villarreal and Estela Chavez prevailed despite not using them.    

     One thing the election office can do was mentioned by Kimberly Dale:  "What the election office should do is have a signature expert match the signatures of the mail in votes."  This sounds like a great idea, but Election Administrator Roger Ortiz has great difficulty simply counting the votes, let alone matching signatures on mail-ins.       Let's state the obvious:  If a candidate uses nefarious means to get elected, will they serve us honestly?


  1. The Dumbokratic Party controls the Elections Office, the politiqueras and local government. They have the public fooled...that voting for a Dumbokratic candidate is a vote to protect the poor. In fact, a vote for a Dumbokratic candidate is a vote for continued corruption in Cameron County.

  2. CAVA is only the umpteenth anti-voter abuse gang to sprout from those weeds in the state's backyard, aka Brownsville. Going nowhere. Politiqueras, as well, are part of the local culture, which is Mexico's culture. You can't put the jism back in the pipe once it's jetted into the belly. Best advice: have the city commission apply for secession, so that Browntown can get back where it belongs - MEXICO!

    Boog Zamora

  3. I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell if to anyone who actually believes that CAVA has $5,000

  4. @Boog Zamora

    Again with the racism? Get it through your head, Brownsville's population is 93 percent Hispanic. The tail cannot wag the dog.

    Moros Boy

  5. Politiqueras=Brownsville Cheezmeh

  6. Is Moros Boy above telling us that because the local population is 93% Hispanic, that voter fraud is O.K.; part of the culture? He must believe that corruption is part of the culture and cannot be changed. WOW!!!

  7. Moros Boy:...Boy, is right. You arrive here bearing no brains, shorn of new thinking, devoid of life. Of course, Brownsville is largely Hispanic! That's why it is seen as being too-Mexican. Let's see, how many Mexicans on the city commission? How many Mexicans on the county commissioner's court? How many Mexicans at the Port of Brownsville? How many Mexicans in the unemployment and food stamps lines? Yeah, of course I'm right. It's not racism; it's fact. Moros Boy, may I suggest a course in public discourse. You come here as nothing more than skin & seven holes...

    - Him

  8. Mr. Barton,

    I share the concern regarding the abuse of mail-in votes. The last suggestion, about the examination of signatures, is actually already in place as part of our election process in Texas. Mail-in ballots are reviewed by the mail-in ballot board, which is comprised of appointees from both parties.

    The signatures on the carrier envelope are compared with the signatures on the voter's application for a mail-in ballot. Over the years, I have seen many ballots thrown out by that board because the signatures did not match, or even in some cases, where several appeared to be in the same handwriting, ink, etc.

    Each candidate has the opportunity to appoint a poll watcher to the mail-in ballot board, and the poll watchers can also view the carrier envelopes and applications, and can object if they feel they are questionable.

    1. Jared, you degrade yourself in posting for these pathetic attempts at journalism. You just went down two notches in my book Jared.

    2. ...and never once when they are in the same handwriting/ink/ect. is a criminal investigaion pursued. So what you are saying is....doody.

  9. The greatest problem is not at the polling places and review of mail-in ballots....the politiquera's graze around public housing and retired facilities to "entice" potential voters to sign the ballot...sign it where the politiquera tells them. The politiqueras go to visit invalid and other's who are shut in..and probably have few visitors. The visit gives a show of friendship and support, but in reality it is to get the older person (regardless of mental state or infirmaties) to sign a mail in ballot, and to mark the ballot as directed by the supposed friend, the politiquera. Then too, the politiqueras shuttle, in some cases, people to the polling place and either pay them to vote or provide some other "bribe" to the person to vote as the politiquera tells them. If the politiquera was responsible for registering a person, then how does Mr. Ortiz know that the signature on the registration card is actually the person whose name is on the card???? Mr. Ortiz doesn't care...he's a Democrat.

  10. Never heard of this "citizen's group" until I read this blog. For CAVA to be successful, they need to get the word out beyond this blog. They are pushing the rock uphill. It seems that corruption and the politiqueras are embedded in Cameron County politics. As long as we have Ernie Hernandez, Sofia Benavides and the Sanchez Brothers around....nothing is likely to change. They control the county commission, which means they control the Elections Officer, and they achieved office through this corrupt process. They will never vote for change. Change will not take place until they are removed (voted out of) from office and power. Then there is Aurora de la Garza....another official who needs to go.

    1. Don't leave out Linda Salazar.

  11. "I have seen many ballots thown out because the signatures don't match" So...what's your point? Instead of "throwing out the ballots", an investigation should be conducted, and both, the politiquera and the candidate should be thrown in jail.....

  12. Just one Reason? Then take your pick.
    Ernie Hernandez
    Pat Ahumada
    Slomon Ortiz
    Aramndo Villalobos
    Pat Lehman
    Enrique Escobedo
    Catalina Presas-Garcia
    Lucy Longoria
    Abel LImas
    Charlie Atkinson
    Conrado Cantu
    Gilberto Hinojosa
    Herminia Becerra and her ilk
    Carlos Quintanilla
    et al.........

    1. Don't forget to include Linda Salazar.

    2. JUST LIST ALL POLITICIANS..Bet u lose..not all 100% crooks..why don't u run for office and feel some heat...list ur name, website, e mail, phone not in ur best interest huh? How aggravating..problematico y sin estar abusado del la communidad...:) :) buenas noches mi amigo/amiga :)

  13. Here we go loop-dee loop. I have been hearing about this for years. Politiquera's don't rule. Crooked Politicians do and will continue do so, that is, until they are caught. If CAVA wants to take down the Politiqueras, have them start off by taking of the real problem, the Politicians. It seems to me that the Politicians are the root of this evil. Another thing, Mr. Barton, I am very interested in knowing who your "two-time candidate for city office" is, and further where he got his knowledge of how the Politiquera's work. Hmmmm....Sweet bread and social visits for votes in Cameron County. The Panederia business must be booming in Cameron County. Very interesting.

  14. JUST GET OUT THERE AND BE A WATCH DOG MAYBE U CAN LEARN FROM THE REAL SITUATION AT HAND..WHO VOTES AND WHAT INK IS USED AND MATCH UP THE SIGNATURES..PLZ.....the pure implication that ALL POLITICIANS ARE CROOKED is ABSURD...a % (percentage) perhaps..but, get real...100% complete crooks..Yes on ur list there have been indictments w sentencing...but watch..for there is more to come...(fallen officials) time is of essence but it shall arrive...the FBI knows just what the whole picture(s) are about...LET'S JUS REVIEW THE MOTTOS FOR EACH POLITICIAN FOR 2012..CAST UR VOTE AND BE HONEST W UR SELF...but, do not be surprised of who the real WATCH DOGS ARE! He who laughs first and casts the stones may the last one to laugh LAST....:) :) :( :( BE HAPPY and look at ur self in the mirror each day and count ur blessings..wishing someone else ill-will is improper to say the least...
