Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sylvia Atkinson May Avoid Superintendent "Hot Seat" But Retain Power


by Jim Barton on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 12:11pm

     Although Sylvia Atkinson, not Carlos Montoya, was apparently Catalina Presas-Garcia's first choice for superintendent, she may be content to manipulate from behind the scenes. You may remember from Mary S. Rey's deposition and associated preserved texts and phone conversations that Presas-Garcia initially wanted Atkinson as superintendent. At least one trustee was opposed to the idea, Lucy Longoria, who stated at the time that she found Atkinson "too difficult" to work with.

     A BISD insider told me: "Atkinson would be foolish to take the superintendent's job and get run off in a couple of years when she can effectively control moves from Human Resources." So, Montoya gets the salary and nameplate, Cata, Sylvia and Quintanilla retain control.    To make this all work, of course, Carlos Montoya has to continue following orders.

     Another tidbit gleaned from Mary S. Rey's records and testimony: Chief Financial Officer Tony Fuller may have sealed his fate when, in a meeting, he felt that trustee Luci Longoria had asked him the same question twice. "I've already answered your question, Ma'am." was Fuller's response. An embarassed Longoria walked out of that meeting saying Fuller was "an idiot" and "had to go."

     Much of Ms. Rey's recorded conversation and preserved texts reveals the board trustees as vindictive and many of their decisions based on personal slights.


  1. Mr Barton, why is it that the Robert Rules apply to all of us, but not to Cata Preses Garcia??? She did not allowed the floor to Ms Pena...She blatlantly denied Ms Pana her Constitutional right!!!
    This woman has to go!!

  2. Mr Barton..which governmental agency would and should be opening an investigation as to all the alleged corruption. The citizens are just on the proverbial hamster wheel at this point. The citizens need to sit Down and just start writing letter after letter to the authorities ....I guess the FBI? And demand that an investigation be opened.

  3. Is this wishful thinking?....




From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...