Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tony's "Girls" Grow Up Fast~No Rubber Stamping at the 10/04/11 City Commission Meeting

     The stars of the 10/04/11 City Commission meeting were three female commissioners .   Rose Gowen was absent do to a serious health problem with her father.  Mayor Martinez took considerable criticism for his unfortunate condescending reference to these commissioners as "girls" at a commission meeting a month ago.
     Perhaps that politically incorrect, clumsy comment by the mayor energized the three commissioners to step up their game a bit.  But, in any event, the three commissioners on Mayor Martinez' right were fully engaged, questioning and probing contracts presented by City Purchasing Agent Robert C. Luna.  While contracts for herbicides and limestone passed easily, two others failed with the three voting as a block.
     This is such a good sign.


  1. Jim how can you criticize Tony Martinez for his sexist "girls" comment and you use such a SEXIST IMAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I agree. It's hypocritical of me. Honestly, I'm lost without my camera working. I tried to find other pics of the three female commissioners without success. I deserve the criticism.


  3. Never use "due to" when you intend to say "as a result of".

  4. @anon October 5, 2011 5:46 AM
    Christ on a Crutch! If you want to be a grammar nazi, write your own blog. If you have your own blog, don't post anon on other's.

  5. Nobody wrote "due to". What was written was "  do to". The wrong word was used, but even If the correct word would have been used, this glamour grammar girl would have agreed with the author's choice of words.

    Christ on a Crutch, grammar nazi, Hilarious!!
