We hope and trust that the 52.5% of Cameron County voters who voted for Trump knew what they were doing and were not simply duped, tricked and fooled by a con artist.
As for Trump fixing the "border crisis," I'm not sure that the residents in our county see much of an actual crisis. Immigrants are not causing rampant crime here; raping and murdering the citizens of our region as Trump predicted they would when he first declared for the Presidency. Anyway, a comprehensive bi-partisan bill had been worked out to greatly enhance border security and Trump told his political henchmen to kill it, not wanting Biden to get credit for any problem-solving.
The City of Brownsville is actually 95% Hispanic and many of our leaders, in county and city government and the Port of Brownsville actually immigrated from Mexico, including the late Carlos Cascos.
The only actual "crisis" for our community relates to the presence and influence of the drug cartels south of the river, increasing the risk and danger of traveling to our beautiful sister city, Heroica Matamoros.
Anyway, even before the inauguration, Trump is already backing off his political promise to lower grocery prices as that's what liars do, and if that's why you voted for him, you wasted your vote.
The system of checks and balances school students learn about, with three separate branches of government making certain no one branch goes rogue, has also been negated with all three under Republican control.
Well, citizens could always protest, raising verbal Hell if Trump & Company get out of line constitutionally, but Trump's minions have that figured out too; planning to enlist the U.S. military to quell any public demonstrations.
While some ultra-rich folk, like Oprah Winfrey, have hinted they will leave the country before the January 20th inauguration, most of us don't have that option or will choose not to exercise it.
I checked that out myself a few years ago, finding that with my birth certificate showing my mother's birthplace to be Medicine Hat, Alberta, I could choose to become a Canadian citizen by establishing residence, even retaining Social Security and pension, but why would I want to miss out on all the fun of a Trump second term?
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