Thursday, December 5, 2024


 From the editor:  We just received the message published below from Cameron County Democratic Chair Jared Hockema.

Mr. Hockema shares his observations about the current mindset, goals and methods of the local party.

Jared Hockema

Mr. Barton,

I wanted to reach out to you regarding some of your recent posts.

I am not involved in any way in streaming any meetings of DSCC or any club. I believe you are confusing my response to concerns you had about the streaming of a debate that that group held. I responded based on information that had been annoucned at the meeting, not because I was operating the livestream. I also do not regularly attend DSCC meetings (I think I have gone twice in the past year).

Secondly, and more imporantly, DSCC and NCCD, along with our women's groups, Cameron County Young Democrats, etc, do not represent a division in the party. The Democratic Party is a coalition, and these clubs reflect our strength. I would like to see more clubs established, so that we provide as many possible opportunities for people to participate in the party as possible. These clubs have also led to increased recruitment of volunteers, and that was reflected in the 97 volunteer events that CCDP held during the past election. I have shared with the leadership of these clubs my feeling that they should be judicious in making endorsements of candidates. There is sometimes a place for doing so, and in fact I have also endorsed non-partisan candidates when appropriate (Tino Villarreal, Alejandro Garcia-Moreno and Phil Cowen, for example, when they were running against people who openly stated they were Republicans).

NCCD does not endorse candidates, but again, there is a place for that in some situations. In many parts of the state, there are multiple neighborhood and interst group based Democratic clubs and it is not uncommon for candidates to seek their endorsement. I think that's a good thing because it connects candidates with the grassroots of the party and helps create accountability. I would also note that in Cameron County we have multiple Republican Clubs, and Republicans have plainly also recrutied and helped candidates for non-partisan races. It's ridiculosu to suggest that Democrats would not do the same.

Finally, I would like to say that my role as the county chair is not to control the activities of any person, candidate or group, but to faciliate their role in the party and to try to provide guidance. When there are concerns, I address them directly with the individuals involved.

Overall, I am proud of the work that our many dedidated volunteers perform. Thanks to them we knocked on a record number of doors this past cycle (onver 97,000 between paid and volunteer), send 8,000 postcars, made over 20,000 voter calls, etc. While we did not escape the national trends of the election, we were able elect all of our countywide candidate, re-elect our constable in San Benito and our Commissioner in Brownsville and re-elect our Congressman. I know that these volunteers will be ready for 2026!

In the meantime, I invite anyone who would like to participate to be involved. We will be resuming our volunteer activies in the New Year, focused on advocating for issues that affect our resident's daily lives

Jared Hockema

Cameron County Democratic Chair


  1. Resign. Party needs a new direction… you are out of touch with the issues. Do you even speak or care to speak Spanish?

  2. You’re missing the point, you protect and only cater to people of your favoring. You’ll get a request to share data with someone affiliated with the party but if you don’t get a nod from Gilberto & Cyndi Hinojosa, Sylvia Garza, and several others you won’t share. The divisiveness you create is being questioned here not the division between the party. The party wants to grow out of this favoritism/bias you hold and is tired of your snobbiness and unapproachable demeanor. Cameron County Dems time to elect someone new!

    1. It is hard to guide so many talented people. People have their own agendas, their own goals and to motivate them to work as a team for a common goal is pretty hard. It is easier to blame the person that heads the Democratic Party than to understand the dynamics of a group of people that want everything for them and sometimes they forget the voters.

  3. I think you did a good job but people do not understand that voters are changing. We have young people that want to be Republican, that favor men instead of women, that admire Trump because he is a rich guy that speaks loudly and uses foul language. The truth is that most incumbents all over the world, lost the elections because of inflation. Voters wanted to believe that new presidents will figure out how to increase salaries, lower prices and make buying a home affordable. All this is impossible, but hope made them vote for Trump. France just collapsed, Syria got rid of Assad etc Let us hope Trump can do good things for Americans. So this Jared Hockema put a good fight and will survive this moment of crisis for the Democrats. Time to work and attend all meetings and speak up and demand good change and find good candidates.
