Monday, November 25, 2024


From the editor: A reader objected to my description of Stephen Miller, the Trump advisor behind the proposed mass deportation of 11M immigrants as a Nazi.  To be clear, both Miller and Trump have Nazi and white supremacist values.  Published below is a letter signed by civil and human rights groups, including several representing the Jewish community, that agree with that assessment: 

November 18, 2019

The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition charged by its diverse membership of more than 220 national organizations to promote and protect the rights of all persons in the United States, and the undersigned entities, we write to demand the removal of Stephen Miller from his position as your senior advisor.

Supporters of white supremacists and neo-Nazis should not be allowed to serve at any level of government, let alone in the White House. Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate, and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career. The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.

In his role as your senior advisor, Stephen Miller has promoted hate speech spewed from neo-Nazis, bigots, and white supremacists. His advancement of white nationalist ideology has resulted in policies — and violent acts — that actively harm immigrants, people of color, and marginalized communities. These policies include the devastating Muslim ban, efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a ban on transgender people serving in the military, and the family separation policy that has led to the cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrant families in detention centers throughout our nation. The heightened anti-immigrant and anti-minority sentiments driving the policies of this administration are undoubtedly linked to the alarming rise of hate crimes and the highest number of hate-fueled murders in recent history. Stephen Miller’s racist, deadly agenda is contributing to this violence and must be stopped.

Stephen Miller represents white supremacy, violent extremism, and hate — all ideologies that are antithetical to the fundamental values that guide our democracy. Allowing him to remain a White House advisor is a betrayal of our national ideals of justice, inclusion, and fairness. We call on you to halt your own hateful actions and rhetoric and remove all hate enthusiasts from the administration.

Unless and until you fire Stephen Miller — and all who promulgate bigotry — and abandon your administration’s anti-civil rights agenda, you will continue to be responsible for the violence fueled by that hate.


The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Advocates for Youth
African American Ministers In Action
American Atheists
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Anti-Defamation League
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
Center for Community Self-Help
Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Center for Popular Democracy
Center for Responsible Lending
CHIRLA – Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights
Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues
Coalition on Human Needs
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
Equal Rights Advocates
Equality California
Faith in Public Life
Families Belong Together
Farmworker Justice
Hindu American Foundation
Human Rights Campaign
Jews United for Democracy and Justice
Lambda Legal
Matthew Shepard Foundation
Muslim Public Affairs Council
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
National Action Network
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council on Independent Living
National Education Association
National Fair Housing Alliance
National Hispanic Media Coalition
National Housing Law Project
National Immigration Law Center
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
National LGBTQ Task Force
National Organization for Women
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates
One Fair Wage
People for the American Way
Population Connection Action Fund
Public Citizen
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Shriver Center on Poverty Law
Silver State Equality-Nevada
Southern Poverty Law Center
Take on Hate (A Project of ACCESS)
Texas Progressive Action Network
The League of United Latin American Citizens
Transformative Justice Coalition
Union for Reform Judaism
United We Dream
Win Without War



  1. Poor Jim, you still misrepresent the issue because you have no defense. Nothing your reader posted questions whether Miller is a racist. Nothing Jim. No matter how much you pretend your reader does, it does not make it so. This is so simple Jim. You cannot liken a Jewish man to those how devised the plan which led to the extermination of 6 million Jews. You can paint Miller as a racist without the extreme absurdity of likening him to a Nazi. In fact, there are great differences. Germany deported Jews within its occupied lands. Trump and Miller are proposing to deport them back to their home countries. For Trump and Miller to succeed, Mexico as an example must agree to accept that bus load of harden criminals. That will not happen. Biden after years just got China to take back some undocumented Chinese.

    1. Mexico is ready to accept all the Mexicans. The country is ready for them. Mexico is also trying to stay with the Canada, USA, Mexico trade agreement and started to get rid of all the Chinese dealings. The only thing is that Mexico will not let the USA send other nationalities back to Mexico. However, the USA has the money and the logistics to send all the other illegal aliens back to their respective countries. The other countries will not refuse entry to their own people.

  2. Of course he is a Nazi. He is so Nazi he is the stereotype of a Nazi. Look at old photos of WW II era German Nazis, he even loos like them. So, despite previously posted, poorly written comments which seem, in part to be trying to explain away Miller''s Nazism by minimizing the degree of evil (we only want to deport, not exterminate) we gotta stick with it. He is a Nazi and a threat to America as we knew it. And those that support him and his ilk are a threat, too.
