This video, that I originally discovered on Clem Hernandez' Facebook page, resonates with me.
Like the man speaking on this tape, I do not understand people I know to be of good moral character, decent, even intelligent folk, supporting and voting for someone like Trump.
It's not that Trump is simply a clown, a reality TV star or someone who takes a shit on golden toilet seats. None of that bothers me.
It's that we've elected someone to our nation's highest office who has no compassion, no empathy, no genuine love for our country, no moral values and nothing even approaching the necessary skills to hold that office.
How unsettling it is to have a blatant racist, obvious fascist, adjudicated rapist soon again holding our nation's highest office!
While, in my view, 52.4% of the Cameron County electorate voted against their own interests, do moral values, integrity and honesty mean nothing?
Other countries see the USA in decay, with no moral compass and with lots of money. The world is changing in front of us.