Saturday, August 24, 2024



From the editor: Our children and grandchildren may not have many "Profiles in Courage" to emulate, but, if they aspire to be double-talking cowards with no moral standards or principles, flip-floppers with worm-eaten brains, there's no shortage of role models.

Below are politicos who initially identified the moral turpitude of Donald J. Trump, spoke out against it, before flipflopping like spineless, soulless hypocrites and endorsing him.  

This strange phenomenon, ongoing since 2015, includes the following gutless wonders with their initial descriptions of Trump beneath their photos:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"terrible human being," "probably a sociopath," "who filled his administration with swamp creatures," "unhinged," "barely coherent barrage of wild and inaccurate claims," "ran up the biggest debt in U.S. history," "under no circumstances would I serve in a Trump administration."

J.D. Vance

"America's Hitler," "cynical asshole like Nixon," "cultural heroin," "serial sexual assaulter," one of the U.S.A.'s most hated, villanous celebs."

Senator Lindsey Nelson

"If we nominate Trump we will get destroyed and deserve it." "The president's conduct is subject to the law of the land." "believed that martians came down and stole the election" "race-baiting xenophobic, religious bigot." "Tell Donald Trump to go to Hell."

Nikki Haley

"America is committing suicide to vote for Trump." "He is unhinged; he is more diminished than he was." "saying things that don't make sense." "not qualified," "We don't pick kings. We don't have coronations." "I know the American people are not going to vote for a convicted criminal." "insecure," "toxic," "4 years of chaos."

Senator Ted Cruz

"pathological liar," "sniveling coward," "bully," "a small and petty man who's intimidated by strong women," "nuts, kooky," "He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth." "utterly amoral," "serial philanderer." 

Senator Mitch McConnell

"January 6 was disgraceful to which he was morally responsible." "totally discredited himself," "wild falsehoods," "unfit."

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