Saturday, July 20, 2024


Donald J. Trump/Richard M. Nixon

From the editor:  The article below this note, written 3-1/2 years ago, just after my triple bypass surgery, has not aged well.

Trump, contrary to my prediction below, has not gone away, and the prosecution of the criminal charges he's legitimately faced has been hindered by corrupt judges and a very "paid for"Supreme Court.

I certainly underestimated the level of the con played to perfection with flag-kissing and Bible waving and now an ear patch to remind his base of how close they were to losing their messiah.

To say I don't look forward to a second round of Trump presidency is grossly understating it, but it should have tested two branches of our government to provide checks and balances to a rogue executive, but with one of those branches, the judicial, bought and paid for, I'm looking elsewhere to oppose the wannabe dictator.

My generation brought down another rogue president, Richard Nixon, affectionately called "Trickie Dickie" by John Lennon.  Of course, back then, we had Republicans who were men and women of principle and honor, like Barry Goldwater and Howard Baker. (Few of such ilk are on today's scene.)

With our Supreme Court limping along morally and ethically and the legislative branch always deadlocked on partisan terms, it will be up to the citizenry to apply the light and heat to block efforts to destroy our democratic republic.  

Don't count on the peaceniks, hippies and flower children of the sixties to do it as Father Time remains undefeated and most who've survived are operating at Biden's energy level:  

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Donald Trump, as prominently as he now looms over our collective psyche, will fade away, become obscure, irrelevant.  That ugly personification of braggadocio,  hatred, phoniness and flimflam, who insulted, cajoled and bullied his way through 16 Republican candidates, then played the Electoral College to perfection in 2016, will be gone.

His latest crybaby attempt to stir up the fiercest of his base, resulting in 5 deaths and desecration of the Senate chambers, will be the end of him as a national political player.  He may not go away quietly, but, it seems, he will go away, possibly facing criminal charges.

Richard Barnett of Gravette, Arkansas, Jan. 6

I'm more afraid of the direction and influence of Trumpites, the 74 million, who backed Trump, many rabidly.  While I may have been born and raised on the southeastern outskirts of Seattle, I spent 30 impressionable years in Arkansas, then another 10 just outside Fort Worth, Texas.

I know these people at their most assertive, worked and drank beer with them.  While they may resent the so-called elite, didn't go to Harvard or Yale, in no way do they feel inferior.  They know in their hearts that "a country boy will survive," each with a thousand stories of how they've outwitted, outmaneuvered, outthought or outworked a Yankee, northerner, Californian or "furener."

Unfortunately, the bulk of them have been fooled, hoodwinked, misled and been bamboozled by so-called "alternate facts," those propagated by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax and Rush Limbaugh.  A toxic mental diet is not conducive to recovery.  I know, having been raised in a high control religious cult, with absolute knowledge "we're right and you're wrong," I still have to check myself to make certain I'm not unconsciously steering in that old direction.

The demeanor and, more obviously, the shirts worn by the Trumpites invading congressional offices and chambers, reveal what we've known all along, the firm connection between Trump, racism and White supremacy.  "Camp Auschwitz" and "6,000,000 Was Not Enough" are obvious references to Hitler's death camp at Auschwitz were 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated.  All of this at the firm core of Trump's camp.

Yet, I've friends, in the Trump orbit.  These are gentle, reasoned people.  We all know where we stand, but don't confront each other.  Others, more rabidly partisan, unfriended us on social media some time ago, all over words about Trump.  Obviously, there are Trumpites and then there are Trumpites.

Twelve years ago, it felt validating, almost exhilarating to elect a Black president.  Some pontificate that the Trump thing was inevitable, a sort of course correction to acknowledge that the country that built itself significantly on the back of the Black man for 400 years hadn't really come that far.

I didn't mention that included in my 30 years in Arkansas were 10 years immersed in the Black community in Little Rock.  That experience gave me SOME insight into racism, but no feeling of what it is really like to be Black in America.  Occasionally, in that environment, I did experience racism, but always knew that, as a white man, I could go anywhere in this country and be accepted as human.

Now, contemplating our country's next direction of travel, I simply hope we're capable of learning from history.      


  1. Did you ever get your $100 from Tad? He lost the bet!

    1. No, Tad has not paid up. Actually, despite being friends many years, he's blocked me from all his social media sites and been sort of invisible since the election. I wouldn't worry the least about him welching on the bet if I hadn't promised the money to my grandson for his b'day March 18.

  2. These blogs are just deep regressive opinions ...its pathetic that you think that the other half of America should follow your narrow mindset ... the thing about conservatives is we respect others opinions through debate.. on the other hand ( left) , they want to push n force their (stupid) opinion down our throats! Guess what!!?? Go shove it up where the sun don't shine!!

    1. The intelligence, graciousness and respect you claim to see in the conservative community does not exist, certainly not among the likes of Trump, Trump Jr. and Ted Cruz. Have you forgotten how Trump berated 17 Republican challengers in 2016 with juvenile insults and lies, even referring to Cruz' wife as ugly and claiming his dad participated in the Kennedy assassination? That was classless and ugly, not representative of the intelligence and respect you claim your movement reflects. Actually, your suggestion to me to "shove it" is more representative of your party's mindset and level of maturity.

    2. We agree with Jim!

    3. Way to go Jim! Great way to shut his or her mouth. Wow “respectful conservative” lol.


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