Sunday, July 14, 2024


From the editor:  Donald Trump has earned the sympathy he'll receive as an assassin's bullet grazed his right ear and the Secret Service did their job in protecting him from further harm.

As noted in a recent "Brownsville Observer" article; assassination attempts are part of the job of being a president in gun-mad America.  Hell, the benign Gerald Ford experienced two such attempts.

While I've been toying all day with writing something on the Trump-infused "Project 2025," a 900 page hateful declaration of intentions by the Republican Party that destroys women's rights, Social Security, while making the president an emperor, Jerry McHale's article below skillfully hits on some of the points I would have made.

Trump, a psychological twin as both a pathological and compulsive liar, has tried to distance himself from Project 2025 as if it doesn't reflect his views and plans for the U.S.

Please don't buy Trump's shit as 140 of his aides worked on that document and his name is mentioned in it 312 times.  Consider it the political form of the Trump Bible.

Anyway, here's Jerry:  

by Jerry McHale, the McHale Report

I suppose I should comment on the failed assassination attempt of ex-President Donald Trump. Milquetoast Senator Marco "El Culero Cubano" Rubio remarked that God had saved Trump's life. Did God also save Adolf Hitler when assassination attempts on the dictator's life failed?

I don't doubt that Trump heard God whispering into his ear as the bullets buzzed past and spoiled his hairdo: "I'm not pleased with you, Donald. Hate breeds hate. Karma is a bitch. You reap what you sow. Since I'm a superior God, I've emphatically told Zeus to hold his thunder bolts."

Everyone is against violence. Let me rephrase that statement. Everyone is against violence except Trump and Putin. Trump calls the storming of the Capitol that left several dead in its wake a patriotic act. We know where Putin, Trump's international mentor, stands on violence. He kills dissidents in his own country and has killed thousands of Ukrainians the last two years.

There is something in those shots that evokes the image of the Confederates firing on Fort Sumter. There is no doubt that Trump wants a Civil War. He has fostered so much odium among Americans that brother against brother has become the norm rather than the exception. 

In my opinion Trump is pure evil. His existence is nothing but a concatenation of dastardly deeds. He is the devil himself. He will destroy democracy if he's elected as well as depriving us of the many other freedoms we currently enjoy.

Should anyone be surprised by Saturday's events? Trump has been taunting millions of Americans with threats and retribution should a sufficient number of his fanatical followers crown him king. Will he turn the weapon that was pointed at him on others? 

Can this war against Trump be won peacefully? I certainly hope so, but with Trump promising to be a dictator on Day One should be capture the presidency as well as advising his supporters to remain "locked and loaded" as a part of his religious nationalism crusade, we have reached an explosive point in our history. 

And with Trump playing with matches while his zealots pour gasoline on our institutions, it is imperative that the Democrats capture all three branches of government or we won't have a government anymore. It will be one huge conflagration in which everyone gets burned with Trump dancing among the flames and fully committed to self-destruction.

If Donald Trump struggled somewhat in his first administration to move the country dramatically to the right, he’ll be ready to go in a second term.

That’s the aim behind Project 2025, a comprehensive plan by former and likely future leaders of a Trump administration to remake America in a conservative mold while dramatically expanding presidential power and allowing Trump to use it to go after his critics.

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The plan is gaining attention just as Trump is trying to moderate his stated positions to win the election, so he’s criticized some of what’s in it as “absolutely ridiculous and abysmal” and insisted that neither he nor his campaign had anything to do with Project 2025.

Still, what’s in this document is a pretty good indicator of what a second Trump presidency could look like. Here’s what Project 2025 is and how it could reshape America.

It’s a blueprint for a second Trump administration

The centerpiece is a 900-page plan that calls for extreme policies on nearly every aspect of Americans’ lives, from mass deportations, to politicizing the federal government in a way that would give Trump control over the Justice Department, to cutting entire federal agencies, to infusing Christian nationalism into every facet of government policy by calling for a ban on pornography and promoting policies that encourage “marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.”

This isn’t coming directly from the Trump campaign. But it should be taken seriously because of the people who wrote it, analysts say. The main organization behind the plan, the Heritage Foundation, is a revolving door for Trump officials (and Heritage is a sponsor of the Republican National Convention, which will hand him the nomination next week).


  1. Your hatred is what is causing the division in our country Jimbo. You are no different of what you accuse Trump of on January 6th. Put that in your pipe and smoke it…. Jerk.

    1. Please don't confuse chronicling Trump's incompetence as President with hatred. Bill Barr, James Mattis, Rex Tillerson, Mark Milley, Ty Cobb, John Kelly and at least a couple dozen who served in the Trump administration have said the same. Even Mike Pence said Trump should never be in the oval office again. A second Trump term would be disastrous for our country and democracy as he's Hell bent on seeking retribution and vengeance as well as consolidating the reigns of power in the executive branch. Knowing the threat Trump poses to our country and not publishing that information is cowardly and a disservice to the public.

  2. A veritable windbag



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