Friday, June 28, 2024


I tuned in to last night's debate for the first two or three minutes, then clicked the remote back to YouTube as I'd seen enough. 

Watching Joe Biden walk stiffly to the lectern, then speak with such difficulty, let me know we were in for a long night.

The irony is that, although he can't articulate well enough to sell himself or his accomplishments, Biden has been a very good president, perhaps the best in my lifetime, and I've been aware of U.S. presidents since reading about Truman in My Weekly Reader.

Yet, public speaking skills are critical to the job.

Ronald Reagan, a very effective communicator, carved out a niche in history by dramatically calling out a Russian tyrant, telling him to tear down a wall and JFK sold us on his New Frontier, including the Peace Corps, increased Social Security benefits and a minimum wage.

Biden's accomplishments have been every bit as critical, if not more so: pulling the country out of the Trump recession he inherited into historical full employment at higher wages, not to mention Biden's skillful handling of the pandemic.  

He's initiated a rebuild of our infrastructure, something Trump promised, but never delivered, protected LGBTQ and interracial marriages, increased benefits for veterans and, for you fossil fuel enthusiasts, oil production under Biden far eclipses previous administrations, despite stopping drilling on public lands.

Biden even negotiated a bipartisan border solution that Trump undermined, asking Republicans to back out of the solution they'd agreed upon so Biden wouldn't "get credit" for solving the border issue.

So, if the choice is between Biden and Trump, that's an easy decision.  

Trump is a phony, a fake, a con artist, whose own Chief of Staff John Kelly described as "a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators, a person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law." 

Biden has been an effective President, but just can't articulate it.


  1. Republican operatives should find gainful employment in a movie theater, considering their skills as projectionists, now saying Biden is a "liar," while supporting most prolific liar in American political history, lying even unnecessarily, but persistently.

  2. The Republican followers of Trump and other followers want evil to do more evil deeds. They want to blame Biden for everything instead of accepting the truth: I am bad, mean, evil and I want Trump to do more evil things and get away with ti. That is the real truth. I want to create evil for others and not be punished. We need Trump as a president. The same situation of Hitler and the Germans that were unaware of the trains full to capacity that entered the concentration camps, the clothes in piles, the smell of burning flesh.... they never knew what was going on !!!! Trump followers do not lie to yourself.

  3. It will be interesting for our president to be running the country from jail.



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