Sunday, June 23, 2024


Articles about Donald Trump are the least viewed with the fewest pageviews of anything posted on this blog, but I'm forging ahead anyway, likely committing something tantamount to blog suicide.

I'm actually curious about how our country would respond to another Trump presidency, if democracy would even survive, particularly one where he's even more Trumpian than the last go round, surrounded totally by loyalists and yes-men and women without some of the nagging "you can't do this" or "that's illegal" advisors of his first administration.

Now, I don't expect the man in his second term to attempt a trade of Puerto Rico for Greenland, advise bleach injection to cure viruses or get anywhere near a hurricane map with a Sharpie, but, with his propensity for dumb shit, he'll come up with other numbskull notions, especially surrounded by head-nodders.

While the nearly two dozen former members of the Trump Administration who've been quoted in the press saying he was "incompetent," "should never hold that office again" or a "danger," will not be back, brilliant criminal minds like Michael Flynn, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon, along with racist/white supremacist Stephen Miller, will likely play prominent roles in Trump's Round 2.

One of the first moves of a 2nd Trump tenure will be to reinstall Schedule F, that is removal of civil service protection for 50,000 federal workers involved in "confidential, policy-determining, policy-making or policy-advocating" jobs, opening up the possibility of termination and replacement by Trump loyalists. (Trump initiated this in his first term of office, but set it in motion too late to remove any workers before Biden was installed as President January 2021.)

"It takes five minutes to reissue it," a former Trump administrator has stated, describing it as a "flip the switch" mechanism for any new administration.

How would this gutting of governmental agencies, replacing workers with folks considered to be "on board" with Trump policies, affect the efficiency and performance of governmental services?  Who the Ha.des knows?

has already suggested he would curtail U.S. support of Ukraine's effort to block Vladimir Putin's attempt to have Russia assimilate their country, suggesting that all he has to do is ask Vlad as a friend.  (Some fear that under a Trump presidency, Putin might not even stop at Ukraine in his drive to reastablish something resembling the old U.S.S.R.  Don't expect Trump, though, to hold back military supplies from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in exchange for "dirt" on political rivals. Trump's already been impeached once for that "perfect" phone call.)

Trump has talked about eliminating or compartmentalizing certain governmental departments like the Department of Education, the F.B.I, the Department of Justice, etc. I'm not certain a president has that authority unless he's able to make himself a dictator.

Trump's promise of a mass deportation of 11,000,000 migrants from our country, setting up migrant camps, deploying the U.S. military, might have immediate effects, not only for Brownsville, Cameron County, but for the rest of the country. (The effect on agriculture, food prices, inflation, etc. could be catastrophic unless non-migrant Americans can be convinced to pick lettuce, cherries, apples, etc.  I'll ask my two grandsons if they'd be willing to do that type of work.)

On my travels around the country I've noticed that Mexican Nationals are doing much of the home and business construction in the U.S. as well as labor in other industries.

If you know a local shrimp boat owner, ask if any American citizens respond to ads for jobs working on a shrimp boat.

Trump also promises to pardon those convicted for their violent, murderous attack on the U.S. Capitol January 6, 2021, calling those convicted criminals "patriots" for supporting his call for insurrection with a hang noose ready for Mike Pence

Should any of these Trump policies result in organized protests or demonstrations, Trump has promised to deploy the National Guard to U.S. cities to quell such.  

Should Trump be successful in doing all the shit he's promising, we do have safeguards: a free press, the courts, government whistle-blowers and the other two branches of government.

Will that be enough to stop this lunatic?


  1. A key fact never published. Undocumented workers pay into Social Security, while having no right to collect their contributions. "According to New American Economy, undocumented immigrants contributed $13 billion into the Social Security funds in 2016 and $3 billion to Medicare. Three years prior, the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, Stephen Goss, wrote a report that estimated undocumented immigrants contributed $12 billion into Social Security." It will never happen.

  2. The only people that can stop Trump are the republicans.

  3. Dictators do crazy things. They kill a lot of people. They control the media. They have spies and do not trust anyone. They use titles "Trump president forever. Lord of Americans and always loved" They do crazy things. example of previous dictators actions: kill black dogs, lead troops naked, kills people that wear eyeglasses, names a horse a cabinet member, punishes the whole family, if a person doesn't work: cuts the hands and feet of baby etc So Trumps actions will have to grow and become worse for people to finally reject him, but when this happens the USA will not be the same USA of today. It will be a destroyed country that will continue to get worse.
