Friday, March 22, 2024

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Jerry McHale

A few years ago I designated Jerry McHale of the McHale Report the "blogfather" as the longest active member of the local blogosphere, starting with El Rocinante in 1990.

Jerry, along with Juan Montoya of El Rrun Rrun are "bloggers-for-hire," writing articles for advertisers or, sometimes, in Jerry's case, simply posting a photo accompanied by a clever headline.

For the last 14 years, I've written the Brownsville Observer, initially Mean Mister Brownsville, without payment from advertisers or third parties, giving me incredible freedom to simply write what I know to be true without being second-guessed by a customer.

For example, my facility to speak freely allowed me to post the above photo from Board Chair Adela Garza's Facebook page openly promoting a candidate to run against Adela's friend of 40 years, Eva Alejandro, the incumbent.

That posting may not have set well with one of Jerry's customers, either Norma Lopez-Harris or Adela Garza, so Jerry countered with the headline "DR. NORMA INSISTS SHE WILL BE AN INDEPENDENT VOICE" and a picture of Norma.

Of course, a candidate, a prospective board member, is not "independent" when they're being promoted openly by the board chair, an action that's unethical if not illegal. 

If Norma Lopez-Harris wants to be seen as "independent," she can request that Board Chair Adela Garza not so openly push her candidacy. 

This blog also objected to McHale's characterization of the TSC election as a "civil war" with the headline "DO NORMA & EVA FEAR HILDA IN TSC CIVIL WAR?"

A civil war implies "infighting," that is a battle raging within a group that could result in a permanent split, but Dr. Norma Lopez-Harris and Dr. Hilda Silva are not part of the TSC board, but simply contenders to be part of that body, so they do not currently add or subtract to any turmoil within the board.

The same could be said for Mirla Veronica Deaton, Edward C. Camarillo and Alan Moreno Salazar, all candidates for the board, but not participants in a "civil war."

There's also been no reporting of warfare being waged by TSC Trustees not up for re-election like Alejandra Aldrete, Tony Zavaleta or Delia Saenz.

Adela Garza

If there is skirmishing within the TSC Board it originates with Board Chair Adela Garza, who is hellbent on maintaining control of the board via board majority, thus the influx of candidates to oppose incumbents Eva Alejandro and J.J. De Leon.

Alejandro, with 52 years in education, De Leon with 36, are not seeking a fight with Adela, but simply making the case that Adela Garza is fighting for their defeat and ouster from the board because they are not simply "kids who will do what they're told," but long-tenured trustees who want to continue to promote the interests of Texas Southmost College.

It's a ruthless power grab, folks, but certainly no "civil war."


  1. McHale was just protecting Adela Garza. A quien le importa?

  2. Why is no one reporting that one of the TSC trustees has dementia?

    1. It is part of the job description. Ask them about Lily Tercero and they say "Who?" Ask them about the Nursing program issues and they say "What"? etc They have no memory about anything.

  3. McHale... a very handsome man. He gave his best to the kids at Porter High School: taught them English and to win soccer games. Good fellow.

  4. De quen Chon Adelita…. Cotitas de papi dirindindin!!!

  5. 1:05… yes, Zavaletta is very ill and Adela stays away from him . He doesn’t take any shit from her or anybody else.

  6. Where are your Ana stories?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
