Sunday, March 17, 2024


 At Carlos Garcia's campaign event the other day I asked him to clearly state his vision for the Port of Brownsville. Garcia, candidate for commissioner Place 1, emailed the following:

Carlos Garcia


Sorry for the delay in responding to yesterday's evening request.

All Port Commissioners should have the common goal of promoting the Port and recruiting businesses that have a mari-time nexus to locate themselves at the Port of Brownsville. 

So I will not use this as part of my goals for the Port. It is a given for all commissioners to make this a priority. As they say "Build it and they will come". Well it has been built and now we have to maintain it or else they will leave.

Three statements about what I would focus on for the Port of Brownsville.

1. Future Infrastructure Needs: A master capital improvement plan is a must with constant review and updating as required.

A Master CIP encompasses all the areas of the Port to include the Fishing Harbor. The Port needs to provide adequate facilities so that our tenants can be successful. 

Numerous port facilities such as warehouses and sheds are leased by the stevedores to temporarily store their client's cargo/product.

Other areas of the port that need to be addressed are streets and unimproved areas. Funding these needs is a big undertaking. By not having a master capital improvement plan fails the Port in identifying the immediate and long term needs and the funding source(s).

2. Fishing Harbor: The fishing harbor serves our local shrimping industry. 

The local shrimping industry is not doing well due to the inflation in the costs of fuel and supplies. The importation of foreign shrimp has kept the prices down. 

It may be time to think about identifying how much of the fishing harbor should be dedicated to the shrimping industry and the rest of the mari-time industry.  

The master capital improvement plan would include addressing the needs and funding sources. In the future it should serve multiple functions in the mari-time industry. 

Port of Brownsville

The Port of Brownsville needs to seriously consider in identifying the long term appropriate use of the fishing harbor. 

3. Port Future Financial Investments: The Port has done well in producing revenues over expenses in the past several years. 

Future revenues will continue to grow as new tenants arrive with major projects that serve the mari-time industry. We need to be good stewards in how that money is spent/invested to meet the needs of the Port and its tenants. With the continued growth of inflation the time is now to repair or build the Port infrastructure.

Jim, this is a little more than what I stated last night. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.


Carlos L. Garcia
Candidate for Port of Brownsville Commissioner Place 1


  1. Carlos Garcia will make a great commissioner for the Port of Brownsville. You have my full support and that of my family.

  2. So let’s get this straight… Carlos Garcia wants to “re-devaluate” the best use of the shrimp basin? Sounds to me like he is ready to kick the shrimpers out of the port and give the land to a Musk like entity! I wonder how your uncle the shrimper thinks about this Carlos. Something voters need to ponder…. Why does Carlos Garcia, ex port police chief… and Eddie Campirano, ex port director… both retired not by choice I might add… now running for the board of the port of Brownsville?! Sniff sniff… how does personal vendettas against the board that forced you to retire benefit the tax-payers? What is Eddie Campirano’s reason for running? Does he want to steer the port in a new direction? He was steering the ship for 12 years!! You would think that after retiring the port would be right where he steered it!! Carlos Garcia and Eddie Campirano are looking to stick it to the commissioners that forced them out…. And now they want 🩸 blood 🩸 from those that forced them out. I for one do not see how that benefits the tax payers. Retire and go off into the sunset already. You have collected milllions in salaries from the tax payers already. Enough already!

  3. Hey Barton… why don’t you ask Ernie Gutierrez where his kids go to school. Where does his wife live….where does he live?! I’ll let you in on a little secret…. Monterrey N.L. Mexico. He lives in Monterrey and works in Brownsville.

    While you are at it, ask him how much his father collected being a consultant on the proposed port bridge when Raul Besteiro was port director. That’s right… one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the tax payers of Brownsville and Ernie Gutierrez dad took some of those millions. ….. is Ernie coming back for scraps? … do you die diligence Barton

  4. Thx 6:22 … another Mexican citizen trying to take advantage of our system. His father was rat… Carlos you have my family vote



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