Saturday, January 27, 2024



From the editor:  Below is a rant from former Mayor Pat Ahumada (He now prefers "Patricio").

Ahumada basically regurgitates the QAnon, Newsmax, Fox News talking points.

While not disagreeing with every point Ahumada makes, we'll try to limit ourselves to facts, not the propaganda spewed by Rupert Murdoch et al, who, after all, as the principal at Fox News, settled in 2023 for $787.5M for a batch of lies told.

Hilariously, Ahumada thinks it in the best interest of our country that Donald Trump be elected as President in 2024. 

Patricio, seventeen, yes, SEVENTEEN who served in the Trump administration have come forward to declare Trump incompetent, unqualified to serve as President.  Do you think these men and women are liars, Patricio, or that you know better?

Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary James Mattis, Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, National Security Advisers John Bolton and H.R. McMaster, Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert, Special Assistant Cliff Sims, Communications Directors Omarosa Manigault Newman and Anthony Scaramucci, National Economics Director Gary Cohn, White House Counsel Ty Cobb and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have all stated that Trump did not understand the duties and responsibilities of the Office of President.

All of the above, who actually SERVED in the Trump administration, have said Trump was incompetent, unqualified for the office and yet, you, Patricio, know better?

Just a few more facts for Patricio. . . .

While Trump promised to "eliminate the national debt in two years" as president, he actually added more debt in one term than any president in history~$8Trillion!

Trump also promised to "drain the swamp," but ended up filling the swamp with all sorts of criminal types, swamp rats he then pardoned despite their misdeeds; Michael Ashley, bank fraud, Stephen Bannon, wire fraud, money laundering, Elliot Broidy, lobbyist, Randall Cunningham, bribery, Paul Erickson, wire fraud, money laundering, Rick Renzi, extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering, racketeering and of course, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Charles Kushner and many others.

Anyway, it would take all day to factually refute the many false claims Ahumada makes, but, please remember, he's merely repeating the pablum he's been fed by Fox News.

Like so many in our country, Patricio Ahumada has been totally duped, tricked and fooled by the purveyors of falsehood in the sick, right-wing media.

Patricio Ahumada

The radical Marxist, socialist and Communist who has taken over our Democrat Party starting with Biden and Obama cannot stand on the merits of their polices, as they have been exposed and proven to be to destroy America.

They and the main stream media blow smoke to avoid the fact that Biden is the most corrupt President treasonous President who could care less about our America, our constitution and our bill of rights.

Biden and Obama are racist and evil who hates America. It is because of them their is so much chaos and instability in our country and abroad.

It is because of them and their appeasement policies that has embolen our enemies, resulting in three wars today and potentially World War III.

Their policies and actions has destroyed our economy, destroyed our national security with an open border allowing 10 million illegals to invade our country in 3 years.

Because of these disastrous policies designed to do away with our democracy to maintain power, approximately 300 youths die daily due to fentanyl, many children are raped and sex trafficked, many gang members and terrorist are allowed by Biden to come in and some have killed or committed crimes in our cities and our tax dollars are used to support the illegals instead of helping our veterans and our poor.

This Biden invasion is to destroy America and if you support these radicals, you are part of the problem.

This is not about Party, it is about our country and our freedoms. Biden and the complicit media has done so much damage, but it is you and me that must push back by putting God, Country and family values before Party.

I am a proud Democrat with conservative principals and will not support an Evil President or any one who does not stand for our country and freedom.

My consolation is that Biden and Obama have been exposed for who they truly are, even though some who conveniently ignore the facts and the truth by denying, lying and attacking those who stand with Trump against the Swamp, the complicit media and corruption.

Some go willingly like sheep with the Evil Biden represents against God, Country and Family, which says a lot about them when we should know and stand up for truth and righteousness.

However, you are entitled to believe and follow the devil himself, you can go along with the gender neutral indoctrination, the racist policies and actions by Biden, the two tier system of law, the censorship and persecution of those who oppose Biden.

You are entitled, but your KARMA will come, it always does. I stand with God, Country and Family and will push back on those who stand with Biden to destroy our country.

I spit on the black national anthem, we have one anthem and that is it. I spit on the gender free policies and indoctrination.

I love my gay friends and do not judge and ask that they respect that God defined what a man and a woman is.

We do not need Biden and Obama to tell us we must accept men as women competing in women’s sports. I stand with our military and law enforcement and they should not be used to be weaponized for political reasons costing lives like in Afghanistan for politics.

Biden’s chaotic and disastrous withdrawal, the Ukraine war, the Iran/Hamass cowardly and Barberis attacks are owned by Biden and Obama and the possibility of Taiwan being attacked by Ciña is their doing. We are on the verge of WW III.

Please put country first when you vote next November. Otherwise we will not have a country



  1. Pat is just an old shrimper.

    1. It's not Pat you moron! He wants to be called Paticio! At age 70 he's finally embraced being Mexican!

  2. Pat allegedly stole from the city. Patricio has a clean record.

    1. Others stole much more from the city. Pat just got caught.

  3. When you drink the Maga kool aid and damn near drown in it as Patricio has done, no amount of facts can change him now. He is in a cult now and I fear only death can free these poor souls.

  4. some repeat what fox says and others repeat what msnbc says, fox is maga and msnbc is lgbt, pick your poison, still have that right in the USA



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