From the editor: The comments below are from Duardo Paz-Martinez, a self-proclaimed "journalist," and were not initially approved on our blog, but we've decided to publish them en masse for the reader's perusal.
While I'm not a mental health professional and our observations do not constitute a psychological profile in any sense, these comments scream insecurity, excitability, even anger.
Duardo has been blogsquatting or stalking our blog for the last 13 years, sending comments like these and many much more vile, initially containing sexual innuendo aimed at my late wife.
More recently, the comments take the form of insults about physical appearance and other traits; "fatboy, dairy neck, dirty, uneducated, pussy, physically-eccentric, dumbass, moron, lard ass, etc."
This vitriol started some 13 years ago, immediately after we politely declined his invitation to visit the home he shared with a nurse in Kyle, Texas and the animosity has been relentless since.
It's difficult to understand the motivation since we've never even met, but we'll leave that assessment to professionals in the field.
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Duardo Paz-Martinez, 75, McAllen, TX |
You'll die a Pussy, Barton. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fatboy, you keep kissing his ass but he's not using your stories! Que pasa? And Jerry "blasting" Capt. Bob as a Non-journalist made me laugh. Neither is the elderly-about -town blogger, nor YOU!!! Fuckin' losers all the way around. Thanks for the material. Will file it for use next Taco Tuesday. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
You attack him with two losers and an unknown? LOL!!!!! Fatboy, get off the couch and out of the fridge. Physically-eccentric clown!!!! LMAO!!!!!
Then came his defense of the indefensible. Slothy Barton is not a veteran, as we have noted, and he likes to equate veterans with conscientious objectors, his ilk. We keep asking him why he did not serve his country and he never answers. We even labeled him a draft dodger and his reply was: "I dodged nothing..." Yeah, cowardly, isn't it?
Clara Barton, Jim?
Give it up, Dairy Neck! Quit blogging and hit the gym before it's too late, Fatboy. Nenny's watching you.......LMAO!!!!!!
And even after this, you still have that unsightly Dairy Neck, so now what, Little Hands? It never ends................LOL!!!!!.............
Oh, don't be the party pooper, FATBOY. You know you like it. Why else would you post this if not because you are the one who "craves" attention.
Jim Barton is the lying, grifting George Santos of Brownsville. Gimme a reply for next Taco Tuesday. LOL!!!!!!!!
Nice secretarial work there, Fatboy. Your specialty........ LOL!!!!!
You've COPIED my multi-topic headline style now! Be original, Fatboy! Plus, history loser, we were in Nam before JFK!!! May God damn you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liars? You claimed to be a descendant of Clara Barton, Dairy Neck! (Look for yourself on Taco Tuesday, lad). LMAO!!!!!!!
That would NOT include draft dodger fatboy Jimmy Barton! DAIRY NECK!!!!! LITTLE HANDS!!!!.....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The entire Reio Grande Valley has taken the liberty of funneling your thin resume to shrimpers based at the Port of Brownsville and to managers of every second-rate motel from Rio Grande City to SPI. Your experience cannot go wasted, Little Hands. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, blow me down. You made the correction I offered. As for turkey neck, no, I don't yet have one. Sorry, you insipid, insufferable fatboy. Ana likely has one, though. Post a photo of her gross overbite. Let's parteeeeeeeeeee!!!! LMAO!!!!........
What happened to the libelous turkey/alcohol story? You had no proof, you dumbass. That bulging, obscenely ugly Dairy Neck is weighing you down. And it's spelled tryptophan, Little Hands Moron........................LOL!!!!!!
Hey, thanks. Lots of great material there for next week's Taco Tuesday! You were NEVER invited to Kyle, and you know it! LMAO!!!....
You twit, that photo of DP-M is 5 years old, FYI. Get the 12-inch black dildo out of your fat ass, Fatboy! LOL!!!!!
Another "Pity Me" party by weepy Jimmy Boy Barton. LMAO!!!! You're a loser and will always be a loser. Look in the mirror, Dairy Neck!!! LOL!!!!
You were never invited to any of my homes, Dairy Neck. You're dirty and uneducated. Who'd want to be sociable with your lard ass? But thanks for the mention. Critics are a dime a dozen, Butterball. You're just the latest fatboy slob to come after me. Heard from your errant wife, Trailer trash? McHale is a loser, like you. I ride a state of grace. It pisses you off. LOL!!!!!!!
Ship the story over to Jerry and beg him to use it. LOL!!!! FYI: We denied him again earlier this week................................................
And this has what to do with Brownsville?
Dairy Neck??
Duardo Paz-Martinez is simply a vaginal douche, something doctors now say is completely unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Duardo. But he doesn't care about any of this shit. it's shit. If it's FATBOY BARTON, then it's shit. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteReferring to yourself in third person, Duardo, puts no distance between the human excrement that emanates, not just from your bowels, but your very soul. Like some of the sickest among us, that solid waste exits from both ends, mouth and anus, but also pores, putrifying stench and stink so repulsive that people flee in disgust, ahhorrence and, once safely distant, pity. While flies are drawn to you, thinking humans simply become nauseated, fearful of exposure to your diseased carcass in rigor mortis.
DeleteDuardo is scum...nothing but scum. An irrelevant wanna be. By criticizing Jim, Jerry, Montaya etc he stays relevant. But truth be told he is a nobody. Es y siempte sera mierda. Jim forget about this douche bag. He is jealous of you because you have a wife who loves you. Who the hell is he? Un don nadie. Please don't mention him again. He brings you down. He is a washed up slime bag.
ReplyDeleteThank you doctor. . . words of wisdom to be sure.
Deletehe's 75, colors his hair orange, and thinks mcallen is the best city in the rgv because it has a pf changs. dont give this wannabe journalist any thought. no one knows who he is and he has no contributions to journalism or society in general.
ReplyDeleteTrue!! Lady Clairol "Simply Red," was his brand of choice back in the day! Who knows what the MFer even looks like now at a scraggly, arthritic-jointed 75? All we have is that old photo from two decades ago in his fav J.C. Penney polo. Likely he's changed to a turtle neck to hide ugly turkey veins by now, but, no matter. Some monkeys just age more quickly.
DeleteI agree with those who say to ignore the guy. He's just a child crying for attention.
ReplyDeletelooks like an old hag