Wednesday, November 15, 2023

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The MAGA faithful are not deplorables

That was simply an unfortunate putdown by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill's wife, who has the social skills of Ron DeSantis.

I've just driven back with Ana from a shopping trip in Ottumwa, IA, back through obvious Trump country.

It's hard to think of MAGA folk as "deplorables" when their farms are pristine with not a single thing out of place, from the perfectly even rows of the now-harvested crops to the large hangar for farm equipment, the barn and, finally, the home.

One high-end farm I remember distinctly had all of the above, but also a very modern looking office in a metal building where I clearly saw on one of the windows a simple sign: "Make America Great Again."

Those folk are not "deplorables," making a very good living from hard work, paying off mortgages, farm and equipment loans, putting their kids through college.

Certainly, these upstanding people have not read the Trump quotes where he promises, if re-elected, to house "millions" in internment camps, prosecute former members of his administration who've since criticized him of treason with penalties including death.

Or, maybe, they think that's just "Trump being Trump," that his "bark is worse than his bite," that he's taking serious hits from the "deep state" and "fake media" for them.

I'm no mind reader but I do have eyes and can see people supporting Trump who are not deplorable.


  1. Those fat, Dairy Neck fucks are DEPLORABLE because of their racist beliefs and political actions, you twit. Look up the definition of the word. Reprehensible ring a bell? Of course not. You're not a college graduate. LOL!!!!

    1. Your comment, cowardly sent anonymously, was posted for its not-so-rare combination of ignorance and arrogance. If you had half my vocabulary your "writing" would improve substantially. All you have to offer is vitriol, nothing else., thus, no readership.

    2. And, quit pining for the former city commissioner. She was a couple, three tiers above your lowly station and is now married. You, simply, had nothing to offer her.

  2. You clearly never heard of the adage, to never judge a book by its cover. You can be a very successful businessperson and still be deplorable. I do believe many MAGA supporters are good people. But they just may not like Biden and are not the hateful MAGA people. But you have no idea what is being said behind closed doors. And for the record who does not want to Make America Great Again. I hate Trump and would love to make American Great Again. The Democrats are stupid for not making this point. We all want to Make American Great Again.

    1. Justifiable point. You really believe I've not heard that saying in 75 years of life? LOL!

    2. America has always been great, no need for Trumpo or MAGA to make it so "again"!
