Thursday, September 14, 2023


At 75,
  it's easy to admit that so-called information technology has signicantly lightened burdensome tasks in life.

Perhaps, I can think of a few.

Driving Directions, GPS: As the father of a young family in the 70's and 80's, our trips all over the country were frequently interrupted with a pullover into a supermarket or strip mall while I pulled out the Texaco or Chevron road map and tried to figure out where the Hell we were.  Driving Directions, an app I use EVERY time I go somewhere new, gives me the route, total miles, estimated time of arrival, remaining miles left, etc.  It total frees the mind for more important items like "where are we going to eat?"

Online reviews:  I religiously use these feature for restaurants, hotels and retail products.  I've been burned a couple times, but, with experience, you learn to detect the fake reviews; similar language or phrasing on several reviews, overhyping, etc.

Bill paying:  I write only one or two checks per month.  Most bills are paid effortlessly online.  For example, Ana is still paying our PUB bill for our apartment online even though we've been out of state since April.  

Clothes shopping:  Ana, like many women, does most of her clothes shopping online.  Nothing is easier than ordering online and getting the items delivered to your door.  

Message boards:  I wrote over 100 autobiographical articles for a couple websites last year that were well received with hundreds of comments and questions.  It was cathartic and I learned a lot about myself while connecting with others who shared a similar upbringing.  I've written critique and fanboy comments on a sports site for over two decades.  The recognition received by a message board comment compares well with the support given to blog articles.

Travel vlogs: There's no way that I would have traveled to Asia in 2018 without extensive viewing of travel vlogs beforehand.  A "vlog" differs from a blog in that it provides video in a addition to commentary.  I still watch a number of such vlogs including Bald and Bankrupt's trek across Russia, Sabbatical's mastery of languages demonstrated with trips all over the world, and umpteen Philippines vloggers detailing the scenic beauty. culture and friendliness of those scattered 700 islands.

Ordering food:  We occassionally order pizza or chicken wings online, but Ana also orders whole hogs(lechon) delivered to parties and gatherings in the Philippines.

Writing a blog:  Oh, I almost forgot.  Technology makes it possible to communicate daily with the people of Brownsville, sharing viewpoints, pictures, video.  The blog gives an instant connection with the audience not available to those practicing their craft in newspapers, magazines, hard and softcover books.  Blogging also provides, not only name recognition, but open doors to cover events, political or artistic.

Here's a few more items I remember.robotic vacuuming, free Income Tax apps, asking Google anything, checking on the location and lives of former classmates, neighbors, relatives. . . learning more about ancestors, seeing the house you lived in when you were 5 still online, although perhaps not for sale.


  1. We had a 50th high school reunion in 2020. My assignment was to find some students we hadn't heard from in years. The internet was instrumental in finding about 5 or 6 nobody knew about.

  2. Welcome to the 21st century

  3. this post went up and one second layer there were comments. LOL

    1. Where's the "second layer" Duardo? You desperately need Grammarly. Words are not your thing! LOL!

  4. Brownsville Observer, how do you get access to the Brownsville Herald and the old pictures of Brownsville? Do you have them saved in your files? It is interesting to know but if you do not want to share this information, that is ok.

    1. Anything published that indicates that it's been "submitted by Rene Torres" comes from him. Other older photos were personally taken by me or my first wife Nena. If you want Brownsville Herald archives, you have to approach them.



"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth." Joseph  Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda for the Third Reich   Joseph Goebbe...