Friday, September 22, 2023



Jim you and Jerry are a pair of liars and dumb asses. Worthy of wearing pampers and nothing else. 

I personally verified the false accusations from both of you wannabe bloggers. 

Both of you have pee brains who verify anonymous posts as truth. The TSC instructor Matt Richards is a certified AWS instructor who can take the coupons and test them. If the student passes he/she will be certified as a AWS welder. It doesn't mean much in terms of an expert welder, it just means they passed the school and now have to actually get a job and keep it. 

Welding requires being out in the sun, rain, surrounded by noise and smoke, heavy equipment and not so nice enviroment. 

Not everyone out of school will be able to handle the pressure of actually being a welder. Both you and Jerry as young men only jacked off to girly cosmopolitan magazines. 

Neither one of you have any man experience, only because you were born a man, doesn't make you a real man. Both of you have softer hands than JJ. 

Still doesn't excuse the fact that both of you are liars and do not do the research before posting your nonsense. 

Trust me, Adela Garza is a theif and Dr. Jesus Rodriguez and his staff are a bunch of puppets who take credit for everything they have nothing to do with. They are over paid worthless people. 

But, the school does have a REAL AWS INSTRUCTOR. Sorry Jimmy, you and Jerry sucked to many balls your brain doesn't function correctly anymore without the help of bottle long tube enima.

A Proud TSC Welding Student

1 comment:

  1. Let’s take the opportunity to break it down for this pee brain. Maybe he wasn’t paying attention while he was in welding class at TSC.

    Matt Richard is an AWS CWI (American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector) NOT INSTRUCTOR. Matt Richard was tasked with CERTIFYING a couple of the welding instructors for AWS at TSC. Instead he did the same thing he did to the students, and issued the instructors a WPQ. Welding Procedure Qualification. NOT an AWS certificate. But please, by all means, present AWS card numbers for any instructor at TSC for verification purposes.



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