Sunday, September 24, 2023



Juan Montoya (courtesy of Diego Lee Rot)

The nattily dressed gentleman above needs no introduction to Brownsville's blogosphere.  He's, of course, Juan Montoya, renowned publisher of our city's foremost blog, El Rrun Rrun.

Juan runs in different circles than we do, having contacts and willing informants among the city's elite political leaders as well as financial support from the same.

Back row: L-R, City Staffer, Mayor John Cowen, Erasmo Castro, Jerry McHale Front row: L-R, Jim Barton, Juan Montoya, Ben Neece

Yet, with the Brownsville Herald reduced to the size of a paper towel, no longer Brownsville-centric in terms of coverage, El Rrun Rrun, along with Jerry McHale's McHale Report, fill in the sizeable gaps in 
local reporting, giving readers the latest with respect to the City Commission, Port of Brownsville and BISD.

It came as no great shock when Montoya recently posted his viewership numbers on consecutive days; 7913, 8246.

Putting those figures in numerical perspective, we recall that Brownsville's registered voters number around 70,000, but only 10% typically vote, usually around 7,000, give or take.(Cameron County numbers will be somewhat higher.)

That means that all of those in the city of Brownsville who normally vote equals Juan's readership.(Please note that we stopped short of saying that everyone who votes in Brownsville reads El Rrun Rrun.)

I wish I was half as internet savvy as Jerry McHale.  Every time I open Facebook I'm greeted with 1/4 page devoted to Jerry's McHale Report.

A few years ago, Brownsville's resident nerd, Tad Hasse, was on the verge of sharing with me some tips on expanding my readership, but thought better of it when he discerned I was not a Trump supporter.

Anyway, seeing Juan's numbers got us curious about our own, especially with the Brownsville Observer recently emerging from relative dormancy.

5326, 5155, added to Friday's 5405, are not embarrassing daily viewership numbers, especially typing currently from the remote, small town of Keosauqua, Iowa.

The 3,702,889 total pageviews dates from re-starting our blog as the Brownsville Observer after laying to rest Mean Mister Brownsville.


  1. I usually read your blog and the others but take everything with a grain of salt.

  2. Jim truth be told, how many of his 8k readers visit that site multiple times a day, maybe 8-10x a day… I know, I do, to follow up with comments and see what he was willing to publish, so let’s be real that number is elevated, extremely! I would argue 3-4K read that blog on repeat making it the 8k he’s claiming. Remember this is Montoya, usually full of BS, easily bought, and always twisting the truth to whoever it is that paid him! This most recent city election told us directly, you don’t need the blogs to win, you don’t need to be extorted for votes, and the better days of the strength of a blog are far behind us now.
