Thursday, August 17, 2023



When Donald Trump came down the escalator in 2015 to announce his run for the presidency while mouthing racial slurs against Mexicans, admittedly, I was somewhat amused.

"This fool will never be elected President," I told myself.

But, I was wrong, so very wrong.

Trump cleverly tapped into this country's unspoken racism and fears, focusing initially on Mexicans and Muslims with an already-established track record of housing discrimination against Blacks, not to mention his horrible, unrelenting call for five young New York City Black men to get the death penalty for a crime for which they were later found innocent.

My personal view is that much of this pent-up racism now surfacing was reactive to America's election of the first Black president in 2008.  

Correct me if I'm wrong.

At Charlottesville, Trump referred to White Nationalists as "good people" and, after January 6, he referred to the insurrectionists as "patriots."

Holding up a Bible, however awkwardly, and embracing the American flag, was enough to bring evangelicals and the Jerry Falwell sound-a-like tv preachers into his camp.

When Trump lost to Biden in 2020, he clung to the reins of power, using, as is now being laid bare in spades, unabashed criminality.

While Trump has not "killed someone" on "Fifth Avenue," as he once bragged he could without losing support, he's blatantly demonstrated racism and criminality beyond question.

Yet, his base sticks with him, locked in.

So, America is polarized into two obvious camps; those duped by Trump and those who hate everything he stands for.

How does America get past this?


  1. Time Conquers all. I say let Maga fester in defeat over, and over until Democrats straighten up this nation. Unless Tony Garza , William Hurd, or Mitt Romney are on the ballot, I won't consider voting Republican. OK Carlos Cascos too.

  2. As a Republican I must admit, I know he’s not good for this country, he’s too dividing, too poorly mannered, and too polarizing. True Republicans with good morals know this. However this cult following behind this man is astonishing, these so called free thinkers don’t realize how non-free (brainwashed) they are! The stigma, with us or against us needs to be corrected, we all need this country to flourish regardless of who is at the helm.

    1. After watching most of Trump's campaign stop in Erie, PA yesterday, I agree. He has MAGA in the palm of his hand, laughing at his jokes, the crazy stuff he says, loving every bit of it and loving him. In contrast, DeSantis and, of course, Biden, are beyond dull.

      Hell will break loose when and if this man goes to jail and many of the counts he's facing in Georgia have a mandatory 5 year prison term connected with them.
