Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Brownsville's notorious blogfather, Jerry McHale, has tantalized the local blogosphere with a promise to open a new blog.

Jerry, noted for his outrageously successful El Rocinante, followed by the Brownsville Literary Review and, more recently, the McHale Report, is considering at least two options for naming his new blog; The Brownsville Sun or El Sol de Brownsville.

As always, we wish Jerry well in his new endeavor while posting his Facebook announcement below:

"With the temporary technical problems that are presently affecting us, we've decided to use this obstacle as a steppingstone," said Scott Steinbeck, The McHale Report's managing editor.
"We are going to put an end to The McHale Report and inaugurated a new blog entitled as this juncture The Brownsville Sun or El Sol de Brownsville. We are going to link the blog and Facebook although our three readers will still access FB via Jerry McHale.
"In terms of content, we are going to eliminate God's greatest artwork. There will no longer be any stunning women with beautiful breasts waiting to be plucked like succulent papayas. There are a significant number of individuals who find these photos disgusting. We want to expand our advertising.
"Even though we love the depictions of these stunning female creatures, we want to make money and don't want to frighten advertisers. In today's grievance stricken world, customers will complain about anything. Since they can't express their hate toward their spouses, they sublimate their anger through scapegoats like The McHale Report.
"One of the successes of Publisher Juan Montoya's El Rrun Rrun is the commentary section. At Facebook since the vast majority of the critics have to identify themselves, we have no problems with their opinions.
"The blog, however, is another matter. Contributors resort to anonymity. They may insult someone's ass, but it's one of The McHale Report's staff who finds himself face-to-face with an angry husband who didn't appreciate the cheap shots. Nevertheless, we are going to post comments after they are moderate.
"We haven't set a date for the change, but it will be soon. Without the ability to cut and past as a result of a mechanical breakdown, stories that appear on either the blog or FB can't be transferred an republished. Since it's the blog that is going to undergo the most dramatic change, we will not be posting much on The McHale Report. We hope to reward our public patience with a better product. We've been at it to surrender now."

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