Sunday, June 18, 2023



The peace of Brownsville's relatively docile downtown was marred recently by the vandalizm of a Rainbow crosswalk, the results depicted in the photo above.

While our city is not tainted by significant major crime, there are pockets of racism and anti-LGBTQ sentiment.  

Daily, in my perusal of social media, I read comments, many in meme form, mocking the struggles of those with sexual identity issues in our city.

Believe it or not, I do understand the Bible thumpers, being raised myself in a high control, fundamentalist religious cult, but my view of life and tolerance of others who live differently has evolved over the years to an easy live and let live.

Religiously-inspired intolerance is ugly and, if it comes from a "Christian" point of view, it doesn't reflect the life model of the historical Jesus.

Brownsville City Commissioner Roy De los Santos

Brownsville City Commissioner Roy De Los Santos says it is unknown when the crosswalk will be repainted. 

Below are some local tweets on the matter:

Roger Poling:

"Kinda telling you what the majority of the people are telling you eh?" 

Hillary Green

"I think the citizens of Brownsville are making their voice heard. Enough of the rainbows"

Gerardo Parada

"We The People property paid with tax payers money repaint it white (love them,but dislike their morels,believes, and principles) GOD FEAR MAN, REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF JHVH IS NEAR  REPENT"


  1. Brownsville is being taken over by homos, gays and trans people. Maybe it's time for me to move. Que lastima!

  2. 3:10 PM No one's stopping you. Ride that Greyhound bro!

  3. A lot of MAGA-ites in this town.

  4. The LGBTQers want society to embrace them. They want to be celebrated… for what! For them expressing themselves? Get over it! Live your life the way you want it but keep it away from our children. Drag all you want till your heels 👠 wear-out. And a lot of the LGBTQers say that they are Christian’s…. When you were born a male and now you say you identify as a female… guess what… you are saying God made a mistake. He does not make mistakes…

  5. I don't understand the insistance and desire to want to parade around crossdressed or insisting on displaying the fact you like to sleep with your own kind, don't want to sleep with anyone, want to sleep with everyone, question who you want to sleep with, how or what you call your genitals(maybe gloria and Steve? BIG DEAL) and use a rainbow to show how many colors of confused you and your group is. Soon there will be a color for the bestiality, furries, pedo's.... quote me on it.

  6. As usual Brownsville is showing it’s glaring ignorance. Go live in Afghanistan if you want a theocracy. Leave others alone and stop pretending to be Christians. Bunch of triggered homophobes.
