Friday, May 5, 2023



California Mountains Outside San Francisco

No I am going. 

I would be gone if it were not for the permitting department with the city. 

It is a mess. 

I have held my lawsuit against the city for fear of being accused of trying to influence the city elections. I cannot go any cheaper in settlement than to compel them to do their job and fine the AC company for which their own inspectors found endless code violations and no permit. The state has their own investigation. 

No one will fix the code violations for fear of being brought into the mess. 

I cannot sell the house until they are fixed. 

All I am asking of the city is to enforce the law. 

They will not. 

Omar Ochoa, Brownsville Permit Officer

After I demanded in writing Omar Ochoa in permitting be reviewed for continued employment and copied the demand to him, the office manager of the AC company called me and said Omar called her and said they would clear the company if they fixed two of the many code violation.

 That is § 1983 retaliation for my speech to the city commission. 

Now as to that southwest property, it is in California in the mountains. 

It is surrounded by boulders so no one can build anywhere near me. 

It has a trailer. 

Well I got an offer I cannot refuse. There is a quarter acre of buildable property. 

Someone wants it for a house. 

With the profit from that and my house, I can buy a new construction house in a Purple state, [cash] about 30 miles from a major city and in an area very friendly to the LGBTQ+ community. 

If the city is smart they will finish the inspection, pay for the repairs and then sue the AC company or just simply enforce the law. 

He claims to work for the city. 

The city told me they can find no records of him ever doing work except a note from a contractor who hired him at BUS for a project wherein they assured the city the poor welding job would be redone. 

The FAA person in charge of permits for state and local projects is investigating if he in fact has done work for SpaceX and if he did demand to see all the permits. 

As far as I know every candidate running agrees the permitting department needs to be fixed. 

So no, I am gone as soon as I sort out this mess. 

As to my syntax, I am sorry the damage done to my brain by the hydrocephalus bothers you. 

In every writing course in law school I got an A for my precision and style of primary sources only. 

My masters thesis in juridical methodology won me accolades and admission to law schools I did not even apply to. 

I cannot control the damage done to certain parts of my brain.

Bobby WC


  1. Omar Ochoa is human garbage. He uses a lot of foul language on the job and gets away with it. Show some professionalism.

    1. You have a serious issue with reading comprehension. Mr. Wightman is not promoting Ochoa, just dealing with him as a permit officer.
