Thursday, March 23, 2023


Gilbert Velasquez
Laura Cisneros
William Garza




  1. First let me say Caty made the right decision to go grey. I personally see most woman with grey hair as more genuine. My issue, so my brother just called me and a lot of the clan is coming to SPI. Jet Blue to San Antonio is $104. each way. RT to Brownsville on AA or United is $600.00 +. Every month I send the person for new service for Jet Blue a package as to why Brownsville is a money maker. The flight can originate in Monterrey, Mexico, stop in Brownsville and then continue to San Antonio. We need a non-stop to San Antonio. I send them all the research on medical tourism between Monterrey and San Antonio. I send them the numbers on how many people travel to Monterrey and from Monterrey in many cases on charter jets coming into Brownsville. So I have nearly 20 family members flying to San Antonio, and then will drive to SPI. Those with kids will come to the zoo. This is a natural expansion of service at our airport. Plus it gets us direct flights into Mexico, instead of first having to fly north to Houston. Brownsville's history is amazing. But before jets Brownsville was a must holdover to get to Latin America. There is a famous Bettye Davis film where she calls Pan Am for a nonstop from DC to Brownsville and then on to Mexico City. The original film the Saint at the end he is given his ticket with a hold over in Brownsville b4 Rio. Why does no one see the importance and opportunity of our airport. I am not sure if they still do, but not long ago AA and United were landing in Brownsville to clear customs before going to Houston or DFW, where they could then use a regular gate. Customs at DFW and Houston can take hours.

    I see Jet Blue as the logical choice because there is a market and it gets us direct flights to San Antonio and Monterrey. Jet Blue uses a lot of commuter jets, so this is very doable.

    This is district 2 and would be good for not just us, but all of Brownsville.

    I hope Avelo Airlines succeeds, but I do not see them succeeding using the 737-800. It is too many seats the people of Brownsville will have to pay for. When I tried to book and did the add ons I get with AA and United as part of my price. AA was only $40.00 more expensive.

    It is incredible to me our city cannot find anyone to provide us non-stop to San Antonio. There is just no proper marketing of our airport.

    Bobby WC

  2. I want Brownsville to Mexico City. To get to Mexico City you have to cross the bridge, get into a taxi, arrive at the airport in Matamoros. Then the return flight is the same: get into a taxi, cross the bridge and get home.



                                                                       submitted by Rene Torres