Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Bobby Wightman-Cervantes

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. .. "What's the matter with you boy?"

Who in the Brownsville blogosphere does not feel some form of love for bumbling, petulant, off-centered, bloviating Bobby Wightman-Cervantes?

Certainly not eros, that is erotic love with sexual passion.  

Not even philia, love among equals.  Bobby falls short of that.

Storge-familial love?  No

Philautia, self-love?  Hell, no!

Our feelings for the Bobster are based on agape, that is unconditional love.  We love him unconditionally, despite his rants, charges and countercharges, informational deficits and profound lack of logical thinking.

Agape, love based on principle, not romantic feelings, is sometimes demonstrated with correction, just as a parent deals with a child.  

The parent knows that failing to correct, guide and mold a child is not love as it is not in that child's best interests to be undisciplined, unruly.

It's in the spirit of love that we gently point out where Bobby's loose, thoughtless, misguided words need adjustment, tweaking, sometimes even pruning or uprooting.

Here's what Bobby wrote about the unfortunate intention for our mayor to apply for grants totaling $280,000 to refurbish his downtown properties:

"Barton and Montoya in their latest posts will not tell you Trey refused the original $80,000 grant and withdrew the $200,000 grant application.  If you read the posts now you are left with the impression Trey got $280,000."

Mayor Trey Mendez

That's simply not true, Bobby.  I was at the September 30, 2021 BCIC meeting.  

Item #d was Trey's request for $200,000.

Since the sound was not that good, I double-checked with Neece as they broke into Executive Session.

Ben said the $200,000 request had been "removed from the agenda" and that's exactly what I reported in more than one story.

It was at that same meeting that I was told that Trey had received an $80,000 award at the previous BCIC meeting, August 26, 2021.

If that request has now been retracted, that's great.

But, back to the September 30 meeting.  I could barely hear, but Michael Limas mumbled something which I later learned was withdrawal of his $160,000 request which would have followed a $122,000 request already received.

My point is to focus on the intentions.

BCIC Chair Michael Limas

Both boys wanted to double down on huge requests for funding, but only backed off when their little hands were caught in the proverbial cookie jar.

If Bobby doesn't understand that, I really can't help him.

All I can say is:  "It goes to motive Bobby, intentions."

Did Mayor Trey Mendez and BCIC Chair Michael Limas intend to pull $562,000 in grants between them from Elon Musk's contribution to Brownsville, being handled and dispersed by the BCIC?

Yes, they did.  But, when their intentions were exposed to public scrutiny by two Brownsville bloggers, they backed off.


  1. The intentions behind the request for a quarter of a million dollars speaks volumes. It also makes you wonder why the board is playing the dumbfounded card when they had already approved gigantic amounts of money. Didn’t they review the applications before they gave away tens of thousands of dollars? Didn’t they wonder why millionaires were getting in line for handouts? The Texas Rangers and FBI need to look into the web of connections and money being distributed by BCIC members. The average household in Brownsville doesn’t even make $80,000!!!!

  2. Pinche enano culero!

  3. TRUMP & his Rethuglian enablers are using the same lame excuse for Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

    They claim that it was not an insurrection because TRUMP failed in his attempt to "overthrow the election" by claiming voter fraud.

    It's like the bank robber claiming he is innocent of bank robbery because he was caught without any money after he ran.

    Bottom line, they were exposed by Montoya & Barton as grifters of taxpayer dollars !!


    1. Stay on subject. There is no known cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Stick to the content of the article. Concentrate. Your hate is blinding your judgement.

    2. You must be the Internet Police.

      The cure for TDS is BIDEN WON, TRUMP LOST, GET OVER IT!

      I admit I hate TRUMP as much as You hate OBAMA.

    3. Obama is long gone. He's irrelevant now. So is Trump. Our President is now Biden. Stay on subject. Instead talk about all the great things Biden is doing for our country. Go ahead. I'll wait. Lol!
