Wednesday, October 13, 2021



Our country won't heal in my lifetime.

The divide is not information-based, but emotional.

A brilliant con was played on the populace, a con embracing two sacred symbols for hardcore, working class Americans, the Bible and the Flag.

Spit on the flag in rural Arkansas, Oklahoma or north Texas and you're in for an ass whipping.

Hold up a Bible, even upside down, in those territories, and you'll be invited inside out of the cold, to stand by the wood stove.

The magnificently beautiful Yell County in Arkansas, the valley of the Petit Jean River, stretching from Mount Nebo on the West to Petit Jean Mountain on the East, voted 80% for the con artist in 2016 and 2020.

Many of their sons, now full grown, tattooed and angry, showed their strength at the January 6 insurrection.

But, isn't the Ku Klux Klan, neo Nazism and the Confederacy incongruent with the Southern Baptist, Pentecostal, Assembly of God and Church of Christ religions?

No, they coexist, if not actually blend.

Elvis sang about it, laying down your life for the cause.

"Hush little baby, don't you cry.  You know you daddy's bound to die.  All my trials, Lord, will soon be over."

Jimmy Swaggart, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker made millions clutching the same flag, holding up the same Bible.

They were con artists too, but don't tell that to a Bible-believing Arkie, Okie or north Texan unless you want to be looking down the barrel of a shotgun.


  1. How does it feel to be brainwashed into hatred for four years, unfriend people, vote for Biden, then realize you were completely fucking wrong in just eight months?

    1. You should be familiar with the feeling, Trumpian.

      How quickly you forget.

    2. How can I forget something that doesn't apply to me. I didn't hate Trump for four years. I didn't unfriend people. Liberals unfriended me. I didn't vote for Biden. So how do I forget something that doesn't apply to me. But you are welcome to post all the good things Biden has done for America. After all he is the President now.

    3. Crocodile tears

    4. Good answer. Good way to avoid posting all the good things that Biden has done for America. Can't you at least name one thing or is "crocodile tears" your only response?

    5. Biden is not part of the story. He didn't make Trump a con man or dupe millions into believing Trump had what it takes to be President.

    6. Why is Joe Biden living in your head? He's simply an adequate president who saved us from a horrible one.

    7. It's not that Biden is living in our head. IT'S THAT BIDEN IS NOW PRESIDENT. TRUMP ISN'T. Just like Obama, Bush, Hillary, etc. aren't President. So talking about our current President is him living in our head? Is that why you don't want to talk about ANYTHING good that Biden has done for our country in the last 10 months since elected. Or are you not allowed to talk about Biden and only about Trump?

  2. Biden did it!
    He united the country and they're chanting his name everywhere!

  3. Americans have no idea what authoritarian means. The rednecks think Trump's evilness will not hurt them. Time will tell, but Trump is not a leader, a visionary or a savior - other than for White Trash whites who think he'll rid them of Blacks and Browns.

    All that energy going backwards.

    1. Trump is not President anymore. He still lives in your head and torments you. Why don't you talk about all the good things Biden is doing. He is the President after all. Go ahead. I'll wait for you to list all the good things he's done for America. Go ahead. Do it. Lol!

    2. You obviously think you're making a point trying to force commenters to defend or promote Biden, a so-so President who took over from a disastrous one. Biden, if he does nothing, is light years above the former guy, who used his public platform traitorously to incite insurrection.


  5. So how do you like the high gas prices? How about all the people still dying from Covid (Trump's fault. Not Biden's of course.)? How do you like this high inflation ( Highest in 20 years)? Anything on Hunter Biden getting money from China, Ukraine and Russia and giving 10% to the "Big guy"? How about leaving Americans in Afghanistan and leaving $80 Billion in weapons with the Taliban (our enemies and terrorists)? How do you like 200,000+ illegals coming in in one month (these are the ones that turned themselves in so we could feed, clothe, house, give medical services etc. All for free. It doesn't count the ones that snuck in)?
    I can continue but I'll wait for you to tell me what Biden has done THAT'S GOOD FOR OUR COUNTRY. Key word being good. Go ahead. I'll wait.
