Monday, October 11, 2021



Carlos Cascos

I have commented in the past about Mexico's role in this migration. Mexico has the ability to stop these migrant treks before they reach our Southern border.

I recognize the relationship we have with Mexico, but it works both ways.

We need to use forceful dialogue with Mexico and threaten economic sanctions, like we do with other countries, if they do not do all they can to mitigate migrants traveling through their country towards ours, many of which cross their southern border.

I believe a border wall along Mexico's border with Guatemala will be much more efficient in many respects than us building & investing on a 2,200 mile border wall. along our Southern border.


  1. This kind of rhetoric by Carlos Cascos makes it clear that he is not running for County Judge. This issue is a National one…. Congress is what he is eying by this post.

  2. What is forceful dialogue, Carlos?

    The imagery of that is of America again dictating to sovereign countries. Why not invest in Central America and in Haiti, so that those people can have jobs and incomes to feed their families.

    The Haitians have been through Hell of late, what with earthquakes and the assassination of their president - these are the same people who labored to build the Panama Canal for the USA!

    Walls are answers only for Republicans.

    Dare to think things through!

    Cascos is sooooooo-oh yesteryear.

  3. Mexico has said the immigration problem facing the US with the migrant caravan is not its problem. Mexico will build no fences, it says here.

  4. It's Trump's fault. Everything is Trump's fault.

    1. We can only blame Trump for incompetence shown in his single term as president.

    2. So even after seeing the problem at the border you blame Trump's incompetence? Have you noticed that illegal immigration went up when Biden was elected? Do you ignore facts?

    3. Biden has to get a handle on this border issue, to be sure. But, that doesn't take away from the fact that Trump was a total disgrace to the Presidency, did not understand or care to fulfill the duties of the office, showed disdain for allies this country had spend seventy years forming necessary relationships. Trump is a con man and he conned you. He cares absolutely nothing about people like you. Goodness, he spent the last six months of his presidency on the golf course. You were duped, but you and millions of others will never see it. Never!

    4. Give facts Jim not opinions. There's a reason that you don't give facts.
      Trump closed the border. He had the lowest unemployment for minorities in history. He made our country energy independent for the first time in 60 years. He got rid of NAFTA. He sped up the development of the Covid vaccine. He lowered corporate and personal income tax. He opened the embassy in Jerusalem in 6 months. ALL THESE ARE FACTS.
      Saying he's a disgrace and a con man is an OPINION.
      Just like i can say he's not a disgrace and not a con man. This is also an opinion. WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE FACTS INSTEAD OF OPINIONS?

  5. Jim hates Trump because he's a liberal and Trump told liberals the truth (aka facts) and they didn't like it. It's like if you call a stupid person stupid that person will hate you especially if it's true.
