Friday, September 3, 2021


Senator Lucio Positioning Himself in Front of Religious Images

Our recent article on the so-called "Right to Worship Law," that went into effect September 1, after being co-sponsored by  Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr., received an anonymous comment, likely from a local Catholic priest or Roman Perez.

Roman Perez, Awaiting Canonization as a Saint

I suspect the comment came from a priest because of it's kind-hearted nature.  

Roman Perez, who knows more about Catholicism than the Holy Father himself, would have torn me a new one.

Here is my comment that prompted a mild, Christian response, likely from someone other than Roman:

"Senator Lucio Jr. added that these closures infringed on the people’s freedom of religion and their “sacred right to prayer.” He said the most important part of life that the people have is their faith and it should not be stripped away.

Lucio, who makes a show of being religious, has likely never taken to heart Jesus' words at Matthew 6:6:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen."

As we try to get past this pandemic, people don't need to go into a building to pray, exposing themselves, the elderly and children to the coronavirus.

Whichever God you worship, he can "hear" you from anywhere."

Bishop Daniel Flores

The response came swiftly from a local priest or Bishop Daniel Flores himself, who, I'm told, reads the local blogs to keep himself informed.  Here is the priest's or Bishop Flores' response:

"I agree with your mention of Mathew(sic) 6:6

But what I think the spirit of the law is to be able to go to God’s house and be a part of the Consecration Of Eucharist. Jesus said to do this in remembrance of him. And where ever it is performed he will be there. So those of faith, those who believe in the word of Christ… that is why they attend… to be where Jesus is present. You are correct, you can close a door in your house and speak to him whenever you want, without anyone knowing… and many followers do this. But the Consecration of the Eucharist is something that followers strive to be a part of. You should try it Jim…. Jesus loves you, he has called out to you many times. I just pray that you hear him and have a conversation with him. God bless you."

I decided to take the comment to heart and listen to historical Jesus.

Just to impress the priest or bishop I will add another scripture I remember from my kiddie, church-going days:

"For wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20 Google tells me.)

That "gathering" could be in a home, park or bus station.  

An ornate, richly appointed cathedral would be OK too, but only if that opulent edifice was not built and funded by the poor buying dollar candles to burn to the saints.

The historical Jesus, whoever wrote the Sermon on the Mount, would not have tolerated opulent religious buildings in his name in impoverished countries.

Vomit would have come up in his throat to have witnessed parishioners approaching a building built in his name on their bleeding knees.  Historical Jesus would have stopped that shit.

Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. likely thought he was doing Jesus a favor with his "Right to Worship Law," but the Master remains unimpressed.

He would rather Lucio utilize use his million dollar political war chest to help feed, clothe and house the poor in this, one of the most impoverished communities in the United States.  

The historical Jesus would simply be aghast at the huge financial holdings of the Catholic Church, bleeding the poor all over the world, but doing so little for them in return.

The historical Jesus would tell Southern Baptists and Pentecostals to "get behind me Satan," once seeing their overt racism directed for over 400 years against people of color.

The historical Jesus would condemn Jehovah's Witnesses for their decades-long protection of pedophiles and practice of excommunicating victims who came forward to protest molestation.

The historical Jesus would laugh hysterically at silly Mormon beliefs, most so ridiculous, it's a waste of bandwidth to print them here.

The country's Christian religions bear no resemblance to the teachings and mindset of the historical Jesus and the new law promoted by Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. does zero to change that.

Historical Jesus would have harsh words for all these fake followers:

"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."


  1. Sounds like it was written by Lucio himself, not Roman.

    There's a relevant scene at the end of Schindler's List, where the actor realizes his gold pin could have bought 2 more lives, if he had sold his car, he could have saved 10 more lives, and becomes suddenly ashamed of the wealth he hoarded while people were dying all around him.

    The opulence of the Catholic church and these "Catholic" legislators is in disgusting contradiction to Christ's message. Christ tells followers and priests to be good shepherds to their followers, to clothe the unclothed, feed the hungry, guide followers safely through the valley of death. Yet opening the church doors to services in the middle of a deadly pandemic is the opposite of good shepherding. It is leading the sheep directly into the jaws of death, into hospital ICU intubators then into refrigerated trailers prior to burial.

    The Church could sell it's golden chandeliers, and pay for virtual schools to keep kids safe. It could melt down the golden candlesticks, and it's ruby- and emerald- encrusted crosses, and sell it's Nazi art collection, and buy food, masks, shelter for the homeless around the US and the world.

    But priests living in opulence while lecturing the poor about the merits of poverty is the point. Condemning women for having abortions even as they molest children and protect the molesters, is the point. They aren't "Islam-lite", the Catholic church is the same Church it was during the Inquisition, the same church that burned women at the stake, all they've done is try to pretend to be nice while enriching themselves. Deep down, they never changed.

  2. Eddie Lucio cares about opening Church doors, because NO ONE is donating to the filthy catholic PEDOPHILES online.

    NOTHING to do with Eucharist!

    It is ONLY because when the BASKET is passed around, people sitting there put DOLLARS and PESOS in the basket. If no one comes to mass, no one pays the basket! That is where these old pedos make their main money, passing the basket around before the eucharist, making people feel guilty as if they owe money to god. fill the church, fill the basket.

    Young women are, understandably, leaving, fleeing Catholicism like a burning stake. These old viejos would force young women to have babies and raise them Catholic. So they pay the lobbying fee to sucios the Lucio. Let's see Sucio win without politiqueras, without chicken plates, with only the "faithful" who are now mostly dead in their graves after he killed the with COVID.....
