Wednesday, September 1, 2021



Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.

Likely one of the dumbest, most ill-conceived laws ever concocted, the so-called Freedom to Worship Law, goes into effect in Texas September 1.

The law prevents cities and counties from closing churches even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A co-sponsor of this law, Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. said at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, cities were scrambling to control the spread of the virus which led to the closure of religious institutions.

Senator Lucio Jr. added that these closures infringed on the people’s freedom of religion and their “sacred right to prayer.” He said the most important part of life that the people have is their faith and it should not be stripped away

Lucio, who makes a show of being religious, has likely never taken to heart Jesus' words at Matthew 6:6:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen."

As we try to get past this pandemic, people don't need to go into a building to pray, exposing themselves, the elderly and children to the coronavirus.

Whichever God you worship, he can "hear" you from anywhere.


  1. Thank you Senator Lucio. We have freedom of religion. One of the many things that make this country great. Somebody needs to tell people that if you don't want to go to church YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO. Nobody is making you go. It's like complaining about not being forced to wear a mask. Nobody is forcing you to take off the mask. You can wear as many masks for as long as you want. It's called freedom of choice. You can also stay at home and not go out. Not even to work. Just apply for food stamps and housing and never go out. IT'S CALLED FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
    So quit whining and complaining. YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Just don't take my choices away from me.

    1. Anti-science, anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers will attend, infecting each other and spiking COVID-19 throughout the state. I guess you can't fix stupid.

    2. Isn't there still a Christian Broadcasting Network where you can watch TV preachers do the Lord's work from the privacy of your own home? Most of them are Trump supporters and know how to hold the Bible up and embrace the flag. That's better than spreading COVID to your Christian brothers and sisters. You can watch on the couch in your underwear while you overcome your hangover.

    3. What part of you can keep your masks on don't you understand? NOBODY IS MAKING YOU TAKE YOUR MASKS OFF. It's okay to keep your masks on if you're afraid. If you're afraid to show an ID when you vote that's also okay. Stay scared my friend.

    4. I still marvel at peoples strong sense of their right to hurt others. You now have a legal right to gather in crowds, exposing yourself and others to a potentially deadly infection, regardless of any mandates, and then take that infection into the community. Congratulations and I hope your freedom kills few people. But it got me thinking about freedom from local mandates. I guess I while begin ignoring city regulations because, well, I want to be free, too. I hope my driving, parking, lawn length, trash accumulation, loud music, public intoxication perhaps even on the street in front of your church, littering, etc. don't effect you but they might. But I am sure you will respect my freedom, my right to act as I wish regardless of the impact on the community.

    5. Like i said, what part of you can keep you're mask on don't you understand. Get vaccinated. Wear a double mask and a face shield. Wear gloves. And if you're still afraid stay home.

  2. I agree with your mention of Mathew 6:6

    But what I think the spirit of the law is to be able to go to God’s house and be a part of the Consecration Of Eucharist. Jesus said to do this in remembrance of him. And where ever it is performed he will be there. So those of faith, those who believe in the word of Christ… that is why they attend… to be where Jesus is present. You are correct, you can close a door in your house and speak to him whenever you want, without anyone knowing… and many followers do this. But the Consecration of the Eucharist is something that followers strive to be a part of. You should try it Jim…. Jesus loves you, he has called out to you many times. I just pray that you hear him and have a conversation with him. God bless you.

  3. Yes, "keep doing this in remembrance of me." That sticks from my childhood. I've not spoken with Jesus directly, but I've had some two hour conversations with his representatives at my door, some with bags full of literature, others on bicycles, two by two. I do respect active religions out seeking members more than those who know little, but simply kneel in ornate temples. BTW, there's a gruesome pic of Jesus I saw in a Matamoros church near the square. BTW, I will be on the lookout for Jesus or his Father. Whoever wrote the Sermon on the Mount is a freakin' genius.

  4. Please wear condoms. There is no condom mandate but safety first.

    1. I agree. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers would do this country a great service if they do not reproduce.

    2. Can you reproduce while wearing two face masks and a face shield?

    3. How about the deadbeats that just want government handouts? Can they still reproduce.
