Monday, August 16, 2021


Governor Orville Faubus of Arkansas

We've claimed that a perception existed that Southern Democrats of the 50's and 60's like George Wallace, Orville Faubus and Robert Byrd were racist, but that, in our era Donald Trump and his adviser White Supremacist Stephen Miller set a racist tone for the Republican Party.

In both eras, those who did not condemn the obvious racism of their party leaders became  tainted by it.

Just a quick history refresher course:

Governor George Wallace of Alabama is noted for his bold racist statement:   

"In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."

Orville Faubus, Governor of Arkansas fought vehemently in Little Rock against  the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that separate schools were inherently unequal.

Black teenager walking past National Guard and angry Whites 

Then, in 1957 when the so-called Little Rock Nine, nine black kids tried to enroll in Little Rock High School, Faubus called in the National Guard to prevent their entrance and personally stood in the school door to block them.

We also included Senator Robert Byrd in our list of Southern Democrats viewed as racists, but late in life he did express regret for some of his conduct and beliefs which included establishing a local chapter of the Klu Klux Klan is his native West Virginia.

Klu Klux Klan holds Trump victory rally in North Carolina

Today's perception of racism among Republicans centers around former President Donald Trump and his speech writer and the orchestrator of his immigration policy, Stephen Miller.

Trump announced his candidacy for the Presidency with a clearly racist description of Mexican Nationals, while Miller's 900 leaked emails to Breitbart writer Katie McHugh promoted racist fears of demographic replacement of white people by non-whites, disseminated conspiracy theories such as a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America.

80% of Miller's emails reportedly dealt with race and immigration.

In the emails, Miller also quoted from a book by James Simpson: The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America. The book posts as fact that refugee resettlement is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.

Trump and Miller definitely gave the current Republican Party a racist tone.

Yet, Trump did reach out to African-Americans, typically having some Blacks positioned behind him at rallies for the benefit of the camera.

Who can forget Trump's statement at such a rally, while visibly scanning the audience:

"Where's my African-American?"

Also, Trump's appeal to Black Americans:

"What have you got to lose by trying something new, like Trump?"

In 2020 Blacks did not take Trump up on that appeal, with 87% of African-Americans voting against him.


With these details in mind, still racism is perceived, not proven.  

It's like proving you're a good father.  People observe and get a perception.

Again, I can't prove my contention that Southern Democrats of the 50's and 60's were perceived as racist as well as former President Donald Trump, Stephen Miller and those who did not dissociate themselves from that perceived racism.

I can only provide a rationale for my perception.


  1. Perceptions are like opinions. I prefer facts. There's also reason that people avoid facts.

    1. That's so easy to say. This country sponsored 400 years of servitude, an actual slavery economy, money made on the backs of black men and women, from the cash crops of the south to New England furniture. Many still never recognized themselves as racists because they "were good to their niggers." The Supreme Court patted themselves on the back for their "Separate, but Equal" decision in 1894 which amounted to government-sanctioned segregation. Do you think George Wallace or David Duke viewed themselves as racists? Hell, no! Toss out all the facts you can and it seldom changes the perception.

  2. The whole world had slavery in the past. Continuing to fall back on that is just trying to promote it. You want to bring up the past as an excuse for the present and then you you want to get rid of the past by removing statues and monuments. If we're that racist NOW why do all these minorities want to come here? If you keep saying we're racists over and over the sheep will keep repeating it. Hell now these same people say all white people are born racist and inherently racist. What a crock of shit. Don't blame racism for you being a deadbeat. You being a deadbeat has nothing to do with slavery. Black athletes are complaining because they're oppressed. Give me a fucking break.

    1. The fact that you use the word "minorities" makes you a racist. Who is a minority in your eyes, brown and black people? Whites will soon be the minority.

    2. Anger and emotion, like calling me a "deadbeat," weakens your argument. Introducing statue removal and black athletes, both ad hominems, is simply an attempt to distract as they're irrelevant to the history of slavery. Perhaps, someone with a similar viewpoint can make the argument more effectively.

    3. "You being a deadbeat has nothing to do with slavery."
      Jim I was referring to people that are in this category not necessarily you. Anybody that's a deadbeat it's not because of slavery. But if the shoe fits. Te acomodaste solo.
      So do you agree with me that you, me or anybody that's a deadbeat it's not because of slavery? I clarified the question to make it easier for you to answer the question.

    4. I was hoping you could make your argument without a false premise, ad hominen. You've just undermined your entire argument by making it personal. Leave out your dumb "deadbeat" shit and make your argument with logic if you're able.

    5. I guess you refuse to answer. That's what I thought.

    6. I'm not wasting any more time with this. You're unable to frame an intelligent question without an insult.

  3. How can saying somebody is a minority be racist? I know that everything nowadays is racist but this is ridiculous. The Democrats say that minorities showing an ID to vote is racist. So using your logic the Democrats are racists for using the term "minorities". Your logic is beyond absurd.
