Friday, August 13, 2021



The picture above just appeared on Facebook as a "memory" from 9 years ago.

The photo was taken during my only intentional visit to a gay bar in Brownsville on a side street off Pablo Kisel. (I did once use the restroom at a place in New Orleans that was likely a similar type venue.) 

We were greeted at the door by a chatty drag queen who placed the feather boa around my neck.

Former City Commissioner John Villarreal

We were there to observe City Commissioner candidate John Villarreal and City Commissioner running for re-election Melissa Zamora court the support and endorsement of a local LGBTQ group, not sure if that acronym was even used back then.

Villarreal and Zamora were guided to sit on the club's stage and introduced by the drag queen mistress of ceremonies.

Former City Commissioner Melissa Zamora

My recollection is that devout young Catholic boy John Villarreal, realizing he was in a "den of iniquity," completely froze on stage, simply mumbling a few terse answers to the MC's questions, with Zamora, who was much more comfortable in the setting, simply taking over for him.

For me, it was a night of great conversation with numerous characters and funny banter with the drag queen host, likely the most enjoyable time I ever spent in a bar.

On my way to the rest room I passed two guys at a table offering a free AIDs test which I politely declined.



  1. I always suspected you were gay. Glad you're finally coming out of the closet.

    1. Not gay. Probably bisexual.

    2. "The most enjoyable time I ever spent in a bar"
      Sounds like you're a latent homosexual Jim. Knock yourself out. Maricones have more fun.

    3. The above comments were sort of anticipated given the subject matter, likely from my number one reader in McAllen. While I'm not gay, I'm not at all uncomfortable around gay people.

  2. Of course you're not. Otherwise you'd be labeled a racist and a homophobe and we know only conservatives are racists and homophobes.

    1. You're trying to make a slick point and failing. If you feel you're being stereotyped unfairly, you simply live your life in a way that silences the haters.

    2. But what I stated is fact Jim.
