Tuesday, July 13, 2021



Jesus Christ, Locked and Loaded

Organized or even disorganized religion has failed historically to mold better humans with Christianity having the ugliest record.

World Wars I and II, initiated and fought primarily in professed Christian countries, claimed 125,000,000 lives.  

The Crusades, a violent attempt to impose Christianity on non-Christians, killed an estimated one to three million.  

Just this past year, the predominantly Christian United States had eleven times the murders per 100,000 as Buddhist-Shinto Japan.

Murder is not the only negative impact from religions advocating the teachings of Jesus.

Catholic priests have notoriously molested young boys for centuries, in recent years merely being wrist-slapped and transferred to another parish to continue molesting.

The tiny sect of Jehovah's Witnesses has also become notorious for protecting child molesters identified among their ranks, dealing with such predators in house, rather than reporting them to the police.

Mormons fight to overcome a history of racism and the unfortunate phrasing of the Book of Mormon that God's chosen ones would be "a white and delightsome people."  

Mormon leaders now say "white" simply meant "pure."

Many small towns throughout the southern U.S. have two Baptist churches; one white, one black, a practical demonstration that followers of Jesus practice racism.

As for all the rest of the so-called Protestant churches in this and other countries, my maternal grandfather, a farmer wordsmith, referred to them simply as "Catholics in protest," apples that didn't fall too far from the tree.

It's hard to argue that the teachings of Jesus have had a positive effect on humanity, but, more likely, a negative one.  

Actually, history reveals Christianity to have been a horrible influence.


  1. You are going to Hell pendejo

    1. I'm not in fear of hell or excited about heaven. Both are make believe concepts.

  2. Religion, cause making shit up is easier than reality.
