Thursday, June 24, 2021


Rudy Giuliani

Former Trump administration lawyer and adviser Rudy Giuliani lost his law license yesterday when a New York State Appellate Court  found that his conduct threatened "the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law."

The court's 33 page report also stated:

  "We conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020.”

So, Giuliani essentially lost his license to practice law for lying, the predominant trait of the Trump administration and modus operandi of Donald himself.

It was Trump operative, Public Information Officer Kellyanne Conway, who came up with the rationalization for untruths, "alternative facts."

Trump, if ever questioned publicly about Giuliani, will likely say he "barely knew the man" or that he was just the "coffee guy."

A sizeable minority of this country will continue to believe "the Big Lie", many of them my closest friends.  

They cannot be reached, not with facts or reasoning.  Having been raised in a high control religious cult with nonsensical beliefs, I know that nothing will penetrate your belief system until you see the bull shit yourself for what it is.

WAB, what about Biden?  That will always be the defensive response by Trumpites.

Actually, Biden is what Eugene McCarthy said he would be in 1968, "an adequate President," someone who fulfills the office, but with the occasional guffaw or misspeak.  

Vice President Kamala Harris

Even Vice President Kamela Harris, who some view as Biden's possible successor, keeps squandering her opportunities to look Presidential.  Once assigned to assess the immigration crisis on the border, Harris dillydallied for days before finally scheduling a visit in El Paso, over 900 miles from Brownsville, where the problem actually exists.  Why not San Diego, Kamala?  Geez!

Of course, Harris may impress with what she says and does on the border.  We will wait and see.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg

The 2020 presidential candidate many found most articulate and skilled, current Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, our country's first openly gay candidate, seems to be standing head and shoulders above all current Democrats and Republicans, potentially being considered for 2024 and beyond.  

Had Pete been the one sent to the border, the narrative would have been much different.  Buttigieg has already demonstrated he can go into a hostile environment and perform as his appearances on Fox News demonstrated. 


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                         From the editor: Check out the prices at this general store in Cantril, Iowa: 2lb. sausage $3.99, ham .99lb., etc. ...