Monday, September 14, 2020


Masked, but dangerous
This blog's monthslong hiatus was not pandemic-connected, but rather in response to Ana's discovery that the USCIS had used so-called social media or online statements to reject some immigration applicants.    

Since Trump's unsuitability for office is foremost in my thinking and typically part of my blog content daily, I chose to forego blogging at least until Ana received a green card in the mail.  In this case, pragmatism "trumped" the First Amendment.

Our interview appointment at the Harlingen USCIS Field Office, scheduled for 3:15 PM August 27, went seamlessly, without a hitch, with the inspector's only concern that Ana's medical examination, performed at St. Luke's Hospital in Manila, had expired.

When Ana explained that the sealed medical report had been submitted in January, well before the deadline, the inspector promised to "look into it."

On the drive back home from Harlingen, Ana received a text that her green card "had been approved."

Now, we awaited the physical delivery of the so-called green card before venturing once again into the blogosphere.  Ana received her Permanent Resident Status (green card) in the mail 9/11/2020.

For better or worse, please consider the Brownsville Observer reactivated.



  1. Let "Freedom of Speech" reign supreme !!

  2. Congratulations to two of my very favorite people! And a very special and HUGE welcome to my good friend and recently turned citizen, Ana! I wondered what had happened to the two of you and in fact I was recently asked by a local, very talented teacher, whom you' ve both met "Is the blog still happening? I need to talk to the blogmeister again!" Hmmm, apparently some news about bribery again! Remember #hedgehogmustgo!
    Welcome back!

    1. Thanks. My new phone number is 956 525-9173(My old phone died in the swimming pool.)

  3. Well welcome back. You did the smart thing. Hopefully she can find a job which allows her to use her skills. Anyone can put their resume on the Texas Workforce page and receive emails about possible job openings. It seems to me a lot of people are hiring. The problem is no benefits. Well welcome back. i am for sure done at the end of the year. I am going back to Balancing the Issues. If everything goes as expected I will be living far far away from Brownsville and really then have no business commenting on the cesspool which is it politicos. Sad because the people are awesome.

    Anyway you played it very smart. I have a long list of people who are married trying to do as you did, but are waiting until after the election. They are truly afraid of being deported after 20+ years of being here, being married and having kids.

    It is sad Ana's first lesson was in fear of retaliation.

    best wishes to her in finding a good job which makes use of her skills.

    I am about to post about this.

    You have better contacts on the island and the pro environment groups. Maybe you can provide us some insight.

    Bobby WC

    1. Thanks. Ana actually did get a job with benefits in June after receiving her EAD(work permit).

    2. Good for her on the benefits.

  4. Awesome. That way you can start writing regarding these crazy local politics. Along with BV and El Run are the only ones that matter and write about true events. Jerry writes pure lies.
