Monday, March 2, 2020


From the editor:  We are certainly not verifying this rumor as it may be completely bogus, but a Facebook account titled Brownsville Online circulated this rumor today:


  1. Why not confirm it - or prove it wrong - before posting?

    1. Shut up dumbass! The last thing we need is commentary from the McAllen Impotent!

    2. Trump admin totally dropped the ball here.

  2. Is coronavirus here, or not? That's all I want to know, not bullshit.

  3. Amateur candidate Myles Garza should end his campaign for sheriff. He has NO path to victory.

  4. Farmers Convicted Of Fraud Still Got Trump Bailout Funds

    The Trump agenda: tighter standards for food benefits, looser ones for farm programs.

  5. IF this proves to be a false report, in my opinion, the writer must be held to account and that means in a very serious way! This is not a joke and if it was meant to be such, it is certainly not funny! At a time such as now, spreading 'rumours' of this type is tantamount to screaming "FIRE!" in a crowded theatre with no escape routes clearly visible. Prosecution is most definitely in order.

    Yes, the Trump admin has most definitely 'dropped the ball' on this one and, frankly, in a criminal way. What SHOULD have happened is the following:

    1. At FIRST report of the extreme likelihood of a pandemic, the entire medical apparatus of this country should have been nationalized. That means hospitals, clinics, distributors and makers of pharmaceuticals, any and all medical personnel and adjunctive service providers.

    2. Random testing of EVERY person in the country and entering the country should have begun immediately at no cost to any individual regardless of insurance or lack thereof.

    3. The above means that the US should have been put on a 'war footing' meaning ALL available resources should have been made immediately and unconditionally available to every individual here or arriving here, at no cost, regardless of insurance or lack thereof.

    4. Any person exhibiting even slight symptoms should have been quarantined and placed under medical observation immediately and given any and all medical treatment appropriate at no cost, regardless of insurance or lack thereof.

    5. ALL of the above should have been put in place last December and at the latest the beginning of this past January.

    ALL funding of the CDC should have been immediately and fully re-instituted and more resources should have been dedicated to treatment and to research of vaccinations.

    Apparently the ruling class is under the very false impression this will not affect them. It will affect us ALL! In addition to the above, any and all information should have been supplied on an up-to-the-minute basis to the public and in every known language spoken in this country. NO WITHHOLDING OF OR DISTORTION OF INFORMATION SHOULD HAVE BEEN PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES AND BLAMING OF ENTITIES (i.e.: 'the media', 'the democrats', etc.) SHOULD HAVE BECOME AN IMMEDIATE AND PROSECUTABLE OFFENSE AS THIS IS AN OBVIOUS DISTRACTION FROM THE URGENCY OF THE SITUATION.

    Anyone interested in 'impeachment' should consider this situation among the very TOP reasons to oust this 'regime'! I will most definitely not dignify this group of criminals-in-charge as an 'administration'-----this is criminal negligence on a mass scale. This is a paramount example of the ways in which denial of science and focusing on profit above all is a path to death for a population.



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