Friday, February 14, 2020



  1. Blogger Juan Montoya is apparently not going to apologize to candidate Adobatti for libeling him with that fake blackface story. Not a good day for local blogging. Call him on it, Jim.

  2. Blogger Juan Montoya shit on the stick and ran. LOL

  3. Whether or not the immigrants become reliable Democratic voters is within the Republican Party’s ability to help decide; “open borders” as they existed for White people for most of United States history are not on the table, and deferring the deportation of undocumented immigrants does not make them eligible to cast a ballot in federal elections. Democrats can be held accountable by the electorate for taking unpopular positions on immigration. By disenfranchising rival constituencies, the Republican Party eliminates the ability of the electorate to hold the GOP similarly responsible for its actions...

  4. Blogger Juan Montoya blew it on Adobatti and is still running from his fuck-up! ja ja ja ja ja
    He made Bobby look like Walter Cronkite!

  5. The government of Mexico announced that it was tightening its border with the United States “effective immediately” after Donald Trump pardoned a host of white-collar criminals on Tuesday.

    Speaking to reporters, the President of Mexico, AndrΓ©s Manuel LΓ³pez Obrador, said that Mexican border agents were on alert to prevent any recipients of Trump’s pardons from crossing into their country.

    “They’re bringing bribery, they’re bringing tax evasion, they’re bringing racketeering,” Obrador said. “I wish I could say that some of them were good people, but that does not appear to be the case.”

    Obrador said that border agents had been given “special instructions” to block the entry of Rod Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois, whom he called “El Blago.”

    “If El Blago enters our country, he will head straight to Mexico City and start trying to sell Senate seats,” Obrador said. “He is a dangerous man.” Concluding his remarks, Obrador said that he had contacted Trump directly to warn him against sending the criminals to Mexico. “I told him to find places for them in his Cabinet,” he said.

  6. Longtime Trump associate Roger Stone was sentenced Thursday to 4o months in prison for crimes that include obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering. Stone is the seventh person to be convicted and sentenced for crimes unearthed by former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. His case has been at the heart of ongoing tensions between President Trump and his Justice Department.

  7. Large group ? 50 people out of the hundreds of thousands that live in the lower valley ?

  8. Blogger Juan Montoya is NOT posting the many, many comments submitted by supporters of Ricardo Adobatti! What a coward!

    1. Montoya has not written another word about Ricardo Adobatti, so that tells you something. He is a coward, a typical Mexican unable to own up to his cagada. Vote for Adobatti!!!!
