Friday, February 7, 2020


The Brownsville Public Library's Director of
Public Information, Jerry Hedgecock
While City Manager Noel Bernal continues to preach about city administration's new "culture," employees at the Brownsville Public Library are not feeling it.

We met with several library employees Wednesday, hearing their grievances.

They describe the work environment under Jerry Hedgecock as "toxic and discriminatory."

In our two 2019 articles on the BPL, we described Hedgecock as a compadrismo appointment from the past, indicating that since he did not possess the educational qualifications to escape State of Texas scrutiny as a Library Director appointee, a new position was created for him; Director of Public Information and the BPL was placed under that umbrella.

One employee claims that Hedgecock is continuing to use the city's expensive 3D printers in a side business; selling plastic Star Wars models online.  The employee shared the picture at the left from an internet website, Modelers, Miniatures and Magic, which they said  was being offered for sale by someone named "Jerry Hedgecock."

"If anyone asks to use they 3D printers, they are being told that no one is working who know how to operate the machines."

We also heard the claim that the library's café was being run by workers without health department certification and that food handling was "very unsafe."

One library worker told us that "an inventory should be performed," making the claim that an expensive electronic equipment may be missing.


  1. I guess they don’t go to the library often because those 3D printers haven’t been used for anything other than demonstrations and to print items to be used as prizes for some library events. Nothing else to be sold has been printed on there.

    1. Oh, shove it your ass, bro! You guess too much, puto!!!

    2. Mmhmmmm!! OK then, let's just IGNORE the fact that the 3D printers were #1: purchased at taxpayer expense, to be used by taxpayers upon request AND specifically promoted as such #2: WHY is it perfectly OK for the 3D printers to be reserved ONLY for the uses that you mention (internal affairs)? Your remark, @Some guy sounds suspiciously as though it was written by a member of #TeamHedgecock. I have PERSONALLY been told, on SEVERAL occasions that "nobody here has the skills necessary to operate these machines". I was further told (translation: I was LIED to): "We are currently in the process of an exhaustive search for individuals with the required level of technical skill and have a full-time position available for such a potential employee." Again, that is a LIE as I happen to know that NO ONE is granted the 'honor' of full-time status at the BPL, regardless both of their tenure and of their qualifications (unless, of course, your name is Hedgecock). As a matter of fact, I am acquainted with MORE than one BPL employee who has both lengthy tenure and educational levels befitting a library employee and who have been rejected on VARIOUS occasions for full-time status at BPL. @Some guy here's a question for you: Did you actually take a look at the above-mentioned website? Or are you just so enamored with (or afraid of) Mr. Hedgehog, ooops, Mr. Hedgecock that you are ready at all times to spring to his defense? Is Hedgecock really that powerful? Is Hedgecock THAT intimidating? #HedgecockMustGO

  2. ^ Sounds like the man himself has responded above! Lol

  3. You fucking blogger. Why don't you get a goddammed job instead of criticizing from your fucking couch? FUCK OFF!!!!

    1. Hedgecock is an uneducated bully.

    2. You should confront the people you attack face-up, you cocksucker! Goddammed coward!

    3. Awwwww poor little hedgehog! You're digging your own hole you fool! Hey, Jerry, why don't YOU get a real job instead of engaging in all of your criminal activity? You have no clue who you're speaking to, do you?

    4. Hedgehog is a pudgy Calapa c***sucker with a one-inch weenie.

    5. Hi Jerry! Why don't you stop being a coward and use your real name instead of replying with "anonymous" to verbally attack Jim? Come on, use that higher education knowledge of library studies to find better words for "fucking"... Oh wait! That's right! You don't have one!
      (And if this ^ reply wasn't in fact from Jerry, then why are you defending him? What's he got on you? What's he doing for you that you felt the need to jump to his rescue on a blog?)

    6. FYI: Using the 'f' word really doesn't bother me Jer! Mainly due to the fact that I am educated and actually know from whence came one of the original acronyms. I'm guessing you don't. If you post something in your real name hedgehog I might actually be willing to teach you the original meaning of the acronym F.U.C.K. On the other hand, most uneducated bullies are singularly uninterested in anything having to do with educational pursuits. I'm thinking that applies to you...…..hedgehog.....the BPL weasel!

    7. Brownsville can do better than Jerry Hedgecock.

  4. In view of this dilemma, I suggest we re-name BPL to Brownsville Public Bribery. What say?

  5. GED Hedgecock currently has 2 Harlingen sisters he brought to continue his operations. No way would be hire qualified outsiders. Juan Guerra the other director continues to harass employees leading one girl to accuse him of sexual harassment.

  6. This was so easy to track down.....

    Copy/Paste or key in this link.......

    or this one ........

    Being sold for $75 plus $8 shipping cost.

    " Pictures and built model was provided by Jerry Hedgecock"


  7. Thank you Mr. Barton. Thank you for caring about our community!
    It’s time we ask our mayor and commissioners the hard questions. Was this job announced? How many people applied? Was there a selection process used? OR... was he “appointed”? If so, who “appointed” him?

    I believe most of us taxpayers would like to know if in fact, this man has been using city owned equipment as part of his personal business. Let’s see who is willing to investigate.

  8. Ewww! Kiss YOUR ass? No thanks! And by the way hedgehog, why do you keep insisting on the use of, not only ugly language but personal attacks as well? Defensive much? Feeling unable to speak in terms of facts, logic, and reality? OK, let's all bow down to the new dictator and sing the Ode to GED Jerry! "Jerry is a man who should be in the can! But he's not and must be caught!" #HedgecockMustGO

  9. Doesn't GED Hedgecock has YouTube videos? Search hdmodels or something like that I heard

    1. GED keeps you off food stamps, imbeciles!

    2. Now that is a 100% fallacious remark. A GED does not have anything whatsoever to do with public assistance. 'Job' may be the word you are looking for. And if I have anything to say in the matter, when we are through investigating you, you will be wishing you were in a position to look for a job outside the walls of an institution!


      @Anonymous Any of the above among the ones you're talking about?

    4. You ignorant fool! What if that's not Hedgecock posting???

    5. @Anonymous I believe I already addressed that in my comment above. It's not that hard to figure out: it's quite clear that if someone wrote a blog article about a particular person, the first thing that the hot-headed narcissist the article is about would do is comment defensively. And not just comment, but comment angrily with vulgar language. The smarter thing to do if he weren't guilty would have been to NOT comment... Not all that bright is he, then?
      And, again, as I asked in my previous comment: if it isn't Jerry at all then, why is that person defending him? What's information has he got on them? What favors did he do for them? What's he got on them that they felt the need to come on here and defend him so strongly?

    6. Say what? Who cares if it's not hedgehog? We're just talkin anyway right? So let the insults flow!!!

    7. Somebody's fucked.

    8. Correct hedgehog! That would be YOU, the one who is 'fucked'

    9. "Somebody's fucked."

      Indeed! And that someone is Jerry. He came on here, read this article, felt some sort of indignation, and thought he could leave a comment to burn and intimidate Jim... but the only thing accomplished was letting his anger (or fear) get the best of him, which did nothing but conspicuously give himself away...

  10. Hahahahahahaha!! And who might that 'somebody' be Mr. Purveyor of Doom? 'Somebody' apparently thinks they are omnipotent. Geez, wonder who would be so arrogant? Let me guess...….a local tyrant? A narcissist? 'Somebody' who is afraid of 'something'? For example, 'somebody' who KNOWS they're in a precarious position, a position which 'they' are very notably and quite obviously not qualified to hold....yes, that would be a person who would have very good reason to be afraid and thus extremely defensive regarding most anything that sheds the dimmest of all shadow of doubt upon them, especially in the area of qualifications. Hmmmmm, think I will consult with Pooh! Pooh doesn't like tyrants and actually thoroughly hates mean people! So Pooh on you if you fall in either category!

  11. Who is the director of the public bribery? GED hedgecock or pervert guerra? Bernal can't even decide. Didn't Bernal remove ged's sidekick mccoy? He was another director that caused problems

    1. Well, Guerra 'may' be a pervert, however at the very least Juan Guerra is an EDUCATED pervert which is more than can be said about hedgehog, the weasel criminal grifter! #HedgecockMustGO

      Hedgehog is a man who should be in the can
      But he's not
      So he must be caught!!!

    2. Indecisive (aka: Bernal)February 9, 2020 at 6:58 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. @Anonymous What do you mean by your statement/question 'didn't Bernal remove McCoy'? Mr. McCoy passed away in 2012. Are you suggesting Mr. Bernal was somehow responsible for Mr. McCoy's death, e.g.: homicide? If I were a criminal like hedgehog, I would refrain from accusing (or having surrogates accuse) other criminals of high-level crimes. Haven't you heard that 'there is no honor among thieves'? Probably not since your education stops at GED.

  13. Little-ass library employees are the worst of cockroaches. Get to work, peons!

    1. Do your employees know that you talk about them this way, Jerry? Does Bernal know? I know he'd LOVE to know. Like, what if I took this beautiful article and all these lovely comments down to his office this week? What do you think he'd say? Or to the next city commissioner's meeting?
      And if this isn't Jerry, why don't YOU go back to work. You think someone like him cares about them?

  14. Calvin Walker must know lots of info on GED hedgecock since there always together at the public bribery.

  15. "Little-ass" employees? Such a "big-ass" comment from, most likely, the Criminal In Charge, that is, GED Hedgecock. For your information, employees (that would be working people), make the world go round! And there are, unfortunately for you, many, many more working people than grifters like you! I would be cautious about making such derogatory statements about employees. Every time you make a statement such as the above one, you reveal your true opinion about people who work in the public bribery and in doing so, also reveal your probable illegal treatment of same. For you, that is quite incriminatory and will serve only to help those who would expropriate your position. #HedgehogMustGO

  16. Public bribery? You mean library! There goes your case, moron...

    1. What case? I believe in naming things according to what they actually are. We all know the ONLY way GED Hedgehog got any position whatsoever at the city level (and in a Library, where most administrators are educated at the Master's level) is due to absolute and total BRIBERY! 'case'. The question remains as to who the 'briber' is and who the 'bribee' is! The fact that such a question is difficult to answer is due to the corrupt, confusing, and 100% illegitimate nature of the political climate here in Brownsville....hmmm...perhaps that should be "Brown-nosing-ville", since obviously sycophants are elevated above their own heads here! Fortunately, the old adage might prevail: What goes UP, must come DOWN! Let's hope so! Meanwhile------#HedgecockMustGO #StopCompadrismo #NoJusticeNoPeace

  17. The bottom line, after the above discourse is: The work environment at BPB remains toxic and discriminatory. Thus we conclude: Our task is to extract ourselves from the dominant forces at work which can be accurately described as authoritarian and repressive. #HedgehogMustGO

    1. If you don't like your job or the people who work with you, then fucking leave!

    2. Agree! Are these library malcontents forced to work there? Get rid of the entire cockroach clan!

    3. So I replied to the comment above, made an attempt to save it to another location and I think it was inadvertently deleted. To repeat, I said: First of all, @Anonymous (Hedgehog surrogate or the man himself) what makes you think you know anything whatsoever about my 'job'? And precisely to whom are you referring when you speak of 'the people who work with me'? I would add that admonishing me to leave is bad advice. Why not advise me to stay for purposes of making the situation better for everybody? Oh....but that wouldn't be your style would it? It's quite obvious you much prefer an authoritarian, dictatorial 'management' approach! Unfortunately for you, this approach has been proven to be ineffective in 100% of cases. The end result is always much resentment, rebellion, and discontent, and always leads such 'leadership' types to crackdown further on workers----it's a circle of distress and failure for all involved. Thus, there is only one logical response from an employee perspective: either get with the program or YOU leave! #HedgehogThinksHeIsAKing
      #HedgehogMustGo #ExpropriateHedgehogsFakePosition

  18. Didn't the news show up at the library? City rumor that library management was bullying staff to stay away from reporters. Bernal must be feeling stupid for pushing his total alignment and seeing how GED hedgecock is laughing at him.

  19. Nah, that's not good advice. In the first place, let's clarify something here: what makes you think you know anything whatsoever about my 'job'? In the second place, to whom do you refer with the words 'the people who work with me'? Are you absolutely certain you even know who that is? And assuming you do (doubtful) why not advise me to stay and try to make things better for everybody? Oh wait...….that's not your style, is it? Seems you (and I assume 'you' to be a GEDHedgehog surrogate, or the man himself) prefer a much more authoritarian, dictatorial approach, correct? Well, FYI: That doesn't work and always engenders a great amount of rebellion and discontent. In other words, get with the program or YOU leave! You are not a King and nobody wants Kings anymore! Is this or is this not a 'public' entity we are speaking of? #ExpropriateHedgehogsFakePosition #HedgehogIsAFascist #HedgehogMustGO #DemocratizeOurWorkplace

  20. @anonymous "total alignment"?

    I don't think it would be wise to drag Mr. Bernal under the bus in this... He could be reading this right now... I'd be careful if I were anyone who thinks of themselves as high and mighty right now in the City of Brownsville... Mr. Bernal has made a reputation of himself "cleaning house" so far, let's see if he brings the dustpan around Jer and any other narcissist that thinks they can be dictators over C.O.B.

  21. Clock strikes thirteenFebruary 24, 2020 at 8:50 PM

    Hey GEDJerry are you messing with Southmost Bribery as badly as you are with the Central location? Apparently so. Seems people there are feeling discriminated against. At least that's what the front-page of The Herald indicates. And as far as the old 'Total Alignment' thing, to you it apparently means 'Total Dystopia'! All eyes are on you! Of course, you probably LIKE that being the narcissist that you are! So maybe I should say "You're under surveillance"!



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...