Friday, November 22, 2019


Matt Raszczak of Rio South Texas Economic Council
The new kids at GBIC seemed mesmerized at yesterday's meeting by snake oil saleman Matt Raszczak, an admitted "one man band" for something called the Rio South Texas Economic Council, an entity formed in 2014 to combat the image of "border violence in the RGV."(The company lists an address of 901 Laurel Avenue in McAllen.)

Raszczak's power point started with the slogan "Two Countries, One Region," but the next slide showed which counties from Europe contribute most heavily to the U.S. economy.  The speaker made no attempt to connect either concept to Brownsville.

But, it's a good gig for Raszczak, who claims membership of 20 municipal entities, said to each pay an annual membership stipend of $17,500.(He still lists Harlingen EDC as a member, although they pulled out in 2017.)

To show his good stewardship of the solicited funds, Raszczak told the GBIC Board that he had receipts last year for $199,847.26.

Raszczak stops short of saying he actually brings business to the RGV, only claiming to put out the good word for us.  His work takes him to trade shows all over the world where he claims to meet with prospective companies "where they actually operate." 

"I seldom go to Mexico," Raszcak states, "as I don't want to step on the toes of members who are already pursuing opportunities there."

Cleverly, local officials are given leadership positions.  City Commissioner Debbie Portillo, for example, was given a leadership role in 2014 about the same time that Eduardo Campirano, Director of the Port of Brownsville, was named Executive Director.

Year after year these operatives create a niche for themselves and then sell it to groups like our own GBIC, desperately eager for economic development.

GBIC  Board

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