Monday, August 12, 2019


County Judge Eddie Trevino
Eddie Trevino was not in his office today.  I paid him a visit after my 9:02 AM call message that I submitted as urgent was not returned.

I'm told by someone long in county government that Eddie is seldom in his office, that the job of Cameron County Judge is actually a part-time one with few daily responsibilities.

That makes even more obscene an item to be placed on the August 20 agenda for the Cameron County Commissioners Court giving Trevino a whopping $48,657 raise to $119,400, putting egomaniac Trevino's salary about a grand higher than the Hildalgo County Judge.  Hidalgo County has roughly twice the population and revenue of Cameron County.

As reported in the Brownsville Herald, reposted in Juan Montoya's El Rrun Rrun and vociferously blasted in Jerry McHale's McHale Report, 22 county officials want huge raises with the County Commissioners unethically voting huge increases for themselves.

County Treasurer David Betancourt
One request that stands out even among the other greedy opportunists, besides Eddie Trevino, is County Treasurer David Betancourt, who is presumptuously requesting  a $39,968 to push his salary in a job where he essentially does nothing.  He is "in charge" of payroll with three assistants!

Several large counties in Texas, such as Bexar(San Antonio) and Tarrant(Fort Worth), do not even have County Treasurers as the role is unnecessary.

If you agree these huge raises for County Judge, County Treasurer, all of the County Commissioners, Justices of the Peace, the District Clerk, County Clerk, Tax Assessor and the constables is obscene, unethical and excessive you MUST show up at the Commissioners Court, Room 241 of the Dancy Building at 8:30 AM Tuesday August 20 to sign up for Public Comment.  The meeting begins at 9:00 AM.  


  1. How much do you pay in taxes, Jim? smh

    1. More relevant, is how much does the troll blogger who calls out everyone on taxes actually pay in Hidalgo County where he's resided for several years now? NOTHING?????????? Just what we all thought!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa. . .

  2. A fact lost on the troll. It is lost on the sap troll because he is a troll disinterested in any facts. In Dallas my ex married with a JP. Cameron county is one of the few counties who charge a waiver fee to get married on the same day. My ex paid the JP $75.00 for the waiver and marriage. When you consider what the JP's earn in weddings for what is a part time job as is, it is disgusting they would ask for a raise. Just exactly how much is a part time JP worth while some work second jobs. Jonathan Gracia works his law firm in addition to having a marriage facility at his home. Mary Sorola works with her husband in addition to making money on weddings, and earning her county wage. Linda Salazar as the senior JP gets the most marriage referals. Some JP's make more than district judges, for a part time job. It is time all marriage fees earned during working hours go to the county.

    I will tell you in Dallas county the Commissioners work long hours, while in Cameron county they work part time while earning another salary. How about the troll actually do some research and find out how many hours the commissioners work elsewhere before he does a comparision. Asking for a raise which is greater than what so many people in Cameron county earn the entire year is vile. They day the Commissioners pass an ordinance for a living wage for everyone is the day they can ask for a raise

    1. Why don't you do it, Bobby?

    2. Booby why don't you just tell us how great Trey Mendez is. You suck up so much to him that your head is gonna get stuck in his ass.

  3. Jim,

    The salary increase discussion was set for today! You have failed us as a blogger!

  4. I apologize for my previous comment. I thought the hearing was today. Please forgive my desperation and improper use of language. Keep on doing the people’s work, Jim!
